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Messages - amberkraken

Prog / Re: Prog 1687 - The Old Man and the Sea
31 May, 2010, 09:42:12 AM
most things have been said already.
Cover - loved it. I said many times how much I like Davis' art, so...

Dredd - although the PJ story 'ended' last week, it continues this week! yey! but, just how is he gonna get out of that? (I hope he does)

Savage - again was a bit more of a story set up. but enjoyable none the less

Damnation Station - it ended this week and left me with the feeling of 'huh?'. but it's back in a couple of weeks so hopefully we'll get a bit more of a conclusion next time. This is one of those strips that I am enjoying, but couldn't really tell you that friend you have who watches 'Glee'.

um...damn, don't have my prog in front of me, the future shock that isn't a future shock (past imperfect?) Artwork was good, but did notice the girl was the vampire as the first two pages were next to each other. But was still a very good story that could've been so awful. One question though, (and maybe I'm just stupid) but what was she using him as bait for? I didn't quite get it.
Prog / Re: Prog 1686 - Borough Boys
25 May, 2010, 08:15:57 AM
Quote from: Darren Stephens on 24 May, 2010, 09:42:52 PM
You are. The characters in the background are painted in black and white, so it his hair colour wont show anyway! :D Seriously though, yeh, it really is a good cover, that.

but 'Roller Simpson' has brown hair! though yes it's muted....
(ok, I'll go get a life now.)
Prog / Re: Prog 1686 - Borough Boys
24 May, 2010, 07:24:28 PM
another great prog.
I really like that cover. Made me think that a savage computer game would be an exciting prospect. Unfortunately Paddy Hanrahan is described as having red hair, and on the cover it's white...(hmmm, maybe I'm being too picky)

Dredd is excellent, though it was a little anti-climatical, please, please don't be the end for PJ!

Savage is a strip I've been looking forward to. Just an introduction to characters, but done well enough that it didn't matter one bit.

Damnation Station went back to it's intreguing and weird way it was at the start. Plus Simon Davis is back on art duties! DM dipped a bit in the middle and I'm not sure if I was influenced by the art (not that there's anything wrong with Boo Cook's art, I just love Simon's work so much anything looks bad in comparison.)

Ichabod, agreed the new cradlegrave! very very good and don't have any idea where it'll go next.
Events / Re: Download
21 May, 2010, 09:53:06 PM
Can't afford it either. But if I could I'd rather go to Hellfest

Well you can almost see me in the reflection of the Dredd badge, but this is a bit clearer.

Hmmm, actually this pic looks a bit 'myspace'!
Games / Red Dead Redemption
18 May, 2010, 08:05:47 AM
Sorry if people have already been talking about this, but I couldn't find the thread.
So, who else is excited about this?
I loved the GTA games and Fable and this seems like a perfect blend of the two. Plus with the recent amazing 'Ichabod...' I'm really in the mood for some cowboy gameage!
Off Topic / Re: Black CD's
18 May, 2010, 08:00:40 AM
The only problem is, not all of my CD players will read the black discs! In the past few weeks both the new 'The Ocean' album 'Heliocentric' and the 'Triptykon' album 'Eparistera Daimones' were black (so looked cool as well as sounding amazing!)
I'm back online! yey! -and the first thing I did (well actually it was check e-mails) was come back to the 2000AD board!
Sorry I've been gone so long, but I had no computer, and moved house...anyway, I haven't stoped reading the progs and this weeks was excellent (as has the line up for quite a while).

Dredd continues to be amazing...and I never seem to guess where it's going next. I was really hoping PJ and Dredd would team up to get rid of Sinfield at first (no such luck)

Dante, I've never been a huge fan and although I've read it for quite a while crest (although sometimes talks to him) isn't really mentioned, so didn't really care (sorry fans).

Savage on the other hand is a strip I really love, with classic black and white artwork that takes me back to reading it as a kid. (along with the thatcher distopian world it's set in). I didn't know (or had forgotten) that it was due back so it was a pleasent surprise.! I'm really loving this strip. At times it's quite slow and ponderous and you feel that both nothing and everything happens each week, but I really like it. Possibly helped by the artwork which is ace, love the simple effect of it being in black and white and colour in the 'real' world and the sketchy-ness of the deamons. Top stuff.
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
17 January, 2010, 07:55:21 PM
I love the 'Songs of Fire and Ice' series. It's amazing I'll have to admit that my favourite character is [spoiler]Jamie[/spoiler] I wont say why, incase it spoils it for people who haven't read them.
Though Adie took all the George RR Martin's when she left, so I'll have to buy and read them all again for when the next book comes out (though it's been delayed 3 years already!)
Prog / Re: 2 progs in 2 days!!!!!!!
08 January, 2010, 12:41:51 PM
the same happened to me! I read 1666 last night, and this mornig the next arrived!
I better put it aside for a while though! Whoot!
Film & TV / Re: Avatar - Dec 17th...
02 January, 2010, 03:27:35 PM
um...maybe I shouldn't post as everyone here seems to love it...but,

this film was the most boring film I've ever seen. No cool kid told me to compare it to ferngully, it just was the same film. It was so obvious how every bit of the story would play out that there was no tension or excitement. I'll agree that it looked amazing. No film has looked so good. The graphics and 3D elements were breathtaking and you did forget it was animated, just assuming they found giant blue aliens and taught them to act. But I couldn't stay amazed at the picture for 3 hours! after 2 hours I had to call out "When will this FUCKING film end!?"
You may have caught the gist of how bored I was during this movie, just sobbing to myself 'just die, and leave the planet...we all know how this ends, please let me leave!' (in case you're wondering why I actually didn't leave, well I went with 5 friends, so a) would've had to wait around for them anyway, and b) the ticket price was £9!!!!!!
If you liked it fine. I've nothing against you. The only one of us that liked it liked 'Transformers 2' as well. (that's all I'm saying! lol!)
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
30 December, 2009, 08:39:03 AM
I have read 'Crooked Little Vein ', but don't remember it...I think it had something to do with dinosaur sex, but now that I've written that I'm not sure I've gone mad!
I may have liked it...
General / Re: Life Spugs because...
29 December, 2009, 09:31:16 AM
Thanks everyone for their kind words on here.
Things are weird here, she's moved back home (but into the spare room), and has told me there's no chance of us getting back together. We are trying to stay friends, but it's pretty painful (we've been together 8 1/2 years!)
but I'm taking each day as it comes.

p.s. almost wishing I didn't post on here as now I'm getting notifictions about everyone elses shit luck. My heart goes out to everyone too. (I'm much more a cat person, than a dog one) and well done...............(insert name here (sorry I forgot).) you've a stronger will than me, I'd have punched that old bag right in the chops the minute she would've touched your child. I don't have kids, but do occasionally take my niece and nephew to the park (or whatever) it gives me chills now thinking that people might think I'm a perv....what a world!
Off Topic / Re: Hands up, who likes me?
27 December, 2009, 06:08:40 PM
The Crow would've been "Caw, caw. BANG! Fuck, I'm Dead!"
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
27 December, 2009, 06:05:36 PM
I've read Bunny Monroe. I really enjoyed it, but it's clearly not foe everyone.
Warning: He does masterbate a LOT in the book. -and I couldn't help but picture Bunny as Nick Cave! (shudder!)