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Messages - nathan

General / Re: Why Scojo should put up or shu...
20 March, 2002, 11:20:02 PM
"To be fair , helter skelter could also have done with better art . I absolutely hate ezquerra's computery backgroundy shit.
I could draw better... "

Trouble with HelterSkelter is Ezquerra could draw better too...

General / Re: A curious colouring conundrum....
20 March, 2002, 09:32:28 PM
Hi Rambo,

you wouldn't be Pamela Rambo, colourist  on preacher, by any chance?

General / Re: A curious colouring conundrum....
20 March, 2002, 02:23:49 PM
I LOVE Roger Langridge's stuff, especially Fred.
With Roger's editor on Doctor Who now running the Megazine, maybe he'll do something for 2000AD or the Meg soon.  Hopefully more representative of his talent than The Straitjacket Fits.

General / Re: A curious colouring conundrum....
20 March, 2002, 01:29:44 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again, 2000AD should be black and white.
Colour is for girls and should be kept to the minimum, i.e. just the centre spread, front cover and back page weetabix ad.

Perhaps then we can return to the comforting softness of bog paper pages.


General / Re: The camera never lies............
20 March, 2002, 10:38:35 PM
Not my barbers.

They had a photo of Doomlord instead.

General / Re: The camera never lies...
20 March, 2002, 09:34:15 PM
Now I'm very frightened.

How do you know this anyway, Mr Whit?

General / Re: reprints
20 March, 2002, 06:32:10 PM
Tower King was my favourite too!

But that's not saying much when the rest of the comic featured such gems as Joe Soap and Sgt Streetwise. Photo-strips are abominations and should be left to Viz and Dr Deirdre's Casebook.

Tony Luke take note!

General / Re: reprints
20 March, 2002, 02:11:26 AM
Spanish comic artist Jos? Ortiz has drawn Dredd, and a fantastic version of Rogue Trooper (on Horst, I think) as well as other 2000AD strips. He is much better known than Ezquerra in the rest of Europe, particularly for famous strips like Hombre and Burton & Cyb.

I think he also drew Tower King in the early Eighties weekly Eagle.

He'd be pushing 70 now, don't know if he still works.

General / Re: Whatever happened to...?......
19 March, 2002, 05:05:26 AM
Curses. I thought the image worked as a link.



Link:" target="_blank">Ballot Form">
General / Re: Whatever happened to...?...
19 March, 2002, 05:00:23 AM
Gerry Finley-Day is still with us, or at least he was at the MoS bash last month.

I agree with you Scojo, Cam Kennedy would have been a good choice to draw the new series of V.C.'s but Henry Flint is even better, IMO. Of course the original artist and creator of the V.C.'s, Mr. M. McMahon would have been great as well.

That reminds me, here's a link to the Comic 2002 site where you can vote for this years National Comics Awards. If you haven't already voted, may I suggest McMahon for BEST COMICS ARTIST - EVER would make a welcome change from Jack sodding Kirby.


Link:" target="_blank">">
General / Re: 2000AD wishlist...
16 March, 2002, 08:39:29 PM
What other writers have drawn their own strips in  2000AD? I can't think of any, unless Dave Gibbons did so on Rogue Trooper.

Does anyone think the 'auteur' method tends to yield better results, or is D'israeli a one-off?

General / Re: :o)
15 March, 2002, 01:32:37 AM
Hey Doug is it me or have your posts become REALLY FUCKING AGGRESSIVE in the last couple of days? Have you started getting out of bed the wrong side or what? ;-)

By the way, can I be a smart-arse and say Johnny Alpha _did_ shoot himself in the head? Unlike poor old Kurt he used magic bullets that passed harmlessly through his noggin and embedded themselves in some sap called Kansyr or something. Can't remember, long time ago.

General / Re: German MegaCity
14 March, 2002, 03:41:32 AM
Fangemeinschaft = the German word for the best place to dispose of  Red Fang. Preferably...

[turns page]

... a very deep one.

General / Re: A bit late, but
12 March, 2002, 09:27:50 PM
The cover _was_ a reference to Avatar's solitary hobby.  Sinister means the left hand and Dexter means the right hand. The cover depicted a pair of self-satisfied dicks "exploding". Quite subtle, I thought.

General / Re: 2000ad's quasar years...
16 March, 2002, 08:35:05 PM
Ooh when I saw this post I thought it was going to be a question about the Mk II Lawmaster!

Sad I know, but i can't help wondering what status this vehicle has. It seems to be the whim of the artist as to whether they draw the Mk I original or the MkII "Quasar" lawmaster.  Which does John Wagner or Gordon Rennie envisage when he writes Dredd? Which is the cooler vehicle? Does anyone, except me, care?