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Messages - El Spurioso

Books & Comics / Del Toro to direct Hobbit Movies...
25 April, 2008, 11:50:46 AM
"According to studio New Line, the first will be an adaptation of The Hobbit, the novel Tolkien published before his Lord of the Rings cycle.

The second will be an original story focusing on the 60 years between the book and the beginning of the Rings trilogy."

Uh-oh...  Brace-brace-brace for the waves of Fanger.

Link:" target="_blank">Del Toro to direct Hobbit Movies...

Off Topic / Re: I dont think you should put a ...
17 April, 2008, 11:24:51 AM
Suggest everyone who has a strong stomach reads the short story "Guts" by Chuck Palahniuk, which has a lot to say on this very subject.

Find it online">Right Here.

Note the Strong Stomach thing, and don't say I didn't warn you.
Off Topic / Re: The nice and accurate propheci...
16 April, 2008, 03:33:03 PM
Bugger.  I plan to be flying into JFK airport on Thursday.

I hope it's still there.
Events / Re: Eagle Awards 2007: Voting........
13 April, 2008, 10:20:52 AM
Suspect the "newcomer" thing is as a result of Gutsville more than anything else: a bunch of nonscrots hearing my name for the first time.

Slightly embarrassing, but not embarrassing enough for me to a) complain, b) decline to take part, or c) refrain from shamelessly begging you all to vote for me.

Also, I've never been nominated in a category before in which I'm not rightly beaten by either Irving or Diggle at the last post.  This is the bigtime, baby.
Film & TV / Re: This Ulysses 31 stuff is getti...
08 April, 2008, 01:36:40 PM


Eat your motherfucking heart out, Tupac.
Film & TV / Re: Ulysses 31 rarity...
27 March, 2008, 12:56:42 PM
Great find, Garageman!  U31 is always a big deal for me.  During those inevitable 80's-cartoons-were-the-best conversations down the pub, it's the only one that none of my friends ever saw.  

I was beginning to think I'd made it up.

Matt - Fixed.

Adventurer - It's explained (vaguely - natch) somewhere.  Can't quite remember where... Probably in Ish 2 somewhere.  

Basically (and without spoiling too much) the first gut has a natural exit at its "shitwards" end -- but nobody's ever been able to traverse it because of all the crushing, rushing, balleen-smushing type cloacal stuff going on there.  If we'd had more room we'd have showed it, but we've been struggling for space as it is.

The sub has thus found its way - battered and mangled - down to the 2nd gut (think of it as an enormous colon, for all the stuff that can't be properly digested).  A&M have found an entirely different route down to it.

Link:" target="_blank">A LINK IS NEVER A BAD THING

With apologies for starting yet another thread about this puppy, I bring you">FREE GASTRIC JOY.

Issue 1, online in its entirety, for the exclusive and gratis pleasure of them as ain't not seen nuffink yet.
Help! / Re: Asus EEE - Availability......
06 March, 2008, 05:05:16 PM
Cheers all.  Ebuyer is only stocking the 2Gb version, at the same price most places are offering the 4Gb.  For all that, it's still the only place I can find that has some in stock.

I'll probably swing by Tottenham Court Road and see if any of the sparkshacks down there have anything.

Help! / Asus EEE - Availability
06 March, 2008, 10:10:52 AM
Anyone know where I can pick up one of these at a not-too-ridiculous price, without having to wait eighteen years for a new delivery?

General / Re: Puntastic
06 March, 2008, 08:26:43 AM
There is nothing in the known universe that can beat:

"Not for all the chi in Tina."

Finally, a date!

Sneak preview right HERE.

Plans to put Episode 1 online in its entirety are also afoot.  Watch this space.">
Off Topic / Re: Punctuation?
27 March, 2008, 09:12:33 AM
The apostrophe uncertainty that always gets me is Place Names.

"St John's Wood", surely?  Nope: not according to the road signs.  And yet the apostrophe's there on the tube map.  "St Paul's Cathedral", right?  Negative, ghostrider - depending on which guidebook you look at.  And what about possessive place-names where the noun isn't even included?  St Albans, St Ives, etc.

So what's the deal, oh punctuationauts?  Is there some specific confusion relating to saints?