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Messages - johnone

Games / Re: Manhunt 2 denied UK release......
20 June, 2007, 06:48:13 PM
the Irish censor(John Kelleher) has since taking over the censors office has the attitude of not wanting to ban anything , He considers it important to allow the artist their say (which is pretty good for a censor) However on the news today he stated that Manhunt 2 has crossed a line which is indefensible , he states the game is killing for killings sake and points out how you get points for cutting tounges out!!!
    to be quite honest  what the hell were rockstar thinking?
Film & TV / Re: Flyboys:
04 June, 2007, 06:22:43 PM
Absolutely , but when you look at crap like Pirates or Spidey 3 is that such a bad thing?
Film & TV / Re: Flyboys:
04 June, 2007, 06:22:28 PM
Absolutely , but when you look at crap like Pirates or Spidey 3 is that such a bad thing?
Film & TV / Flyboys:" ACHTUNG DER FLIEGEN!"
04 June, 2007, 05:24:39 PM
Well I saw Flyboys at the weekend , it flopped in America and I can see why , it doesn't know who it's aimed at.....until now, this is the closest thing I have ever seen to an issue of Battle or Commando circa 1975 on screen.  
List of Stereotypes
Battle hardened Commander with sensitive soul :Check
Reckless Farmboy who becomes best pilot in squadron :Check
Lovable Frenchman played by Jean reno:Check
Helpless French Girl in peril: check
Coward who redeems himself:check
Richman and black man who learn to look past colour and see the man inside:Check
Evil German WHO FLIES A BLACK TRIPLANE and guns down fliers even when their helpless:Check
Noble German Who  looks on in disdain:Check
  Throw in a zepplin attack that you can't help humming the star wars theme to , my friend started saying "Stay on target!" and you have one of the most cliche ridden movies ever....but...if you did read british war comics of the Seventies and eighties you will love this film and they do throw in some surprises , the dogfight speeds are realistic , the aircraft spot on , in one scene the germans attack using a "Goliath" bomber , my wife laughed at the design until I told her it was a real aircraft , the german equipment down to captured british tanks in 1918 are spot on and then to top it off it has a surprisingly downbeat ending for such a boys own adventure.
   As we left the Cinema My friend (Who is an action nut) declared that it has now replaced Top Gun as his favourite cliche ridden film about flying , hell it even has a German pilot scream "Aieeeeee!".. silly  oh so very silly but a fun film which is more than can be said about some of the blockbusters this summer.
Megazine / Re: MEG 259 - Demonic Intervention...
04 June, 2007, 06:16:44 PM
dredd : Fine  but those who questioned Dredds Actions at the end of the Story , well if that was a judge on the second page that was in the cube showers could you blame him?

The Tribute to Belardinelli : The least that could be done for such a great and important artist to 2000ad ,(As far as I was concerned I lost interest in Slaine once Massimo stopped drawing it , I know McMahon helped create the Look but for me Massimo drew the ultimate Slaine) I thik it would be nice if either 2000ad or the Meg reprinted the 1985 annual article he did  along with his Slaine at the Battle of Clontarf story from the same Annual, It made my birthday  in November 1984 when i read it.

History of horror comics: Interesting but hardly anything new although Werthams insane ramblings always both shock and amuse me , the Man had serious problems.

Anderson:Big robots fine does what it says on the tin

Jodorowsky: Why? No offence but why? it has no bearing to the title on the cover in any shape or form  so why?

BOS3 : Oh dear I feel like a teacher filing an end of term report with this one: Pat was doing so well , I mean we chose to forget the whole Black Sidda incident After his sterling work on Savage but he appears to be going Backwards again ....I'm sorry BWTF  is this tripe?!?!?? Seriously not only is this rubbish sub standard writing but Hinkletons art work stinks , i never liked it , I still can't believe this was the Man they got to replace Oneil and Talbot on Nemesis, I know he's drawn for tooth and the Meg for years but Dear Grief he just keeps getting worse and worse!

Small press : Why is McKay Small press , City Of Secrets is one of the most well written Stories I've read in this Section and the Artwork is sublime , this man should be drawing for the Meg and Tooth

Killer in the cab:Is this the fifth or sixth time I've read this in reprint? still a fun tale from the good old days.

Films Ok I'll defend Alec Worley usually but saying Spidey 3 is the most even and Wholly satisfying? Did he go to the same movie as the rest of us?

Dredd files: well written but since the complete case files came out absolutely pointless!

Angel Gang : Fine , its entertaining!

Overall , we were told that the cutting from 100 pages would help with the quality of the Meg ...well it hasn't instead the worst of the Meg appears to have survived the cutback, the actual strips are fine but are designed to be read like a weekly , the gap of a month is too long for such short stories , street fighting man is ten pages long with everyone else reduced to six pages except for the turd that is Santanus getting eight ,with text articles covering 17 pages!!!!(And that does not include the letters page ) So get rid of the Articles (Except for film reviews) And get back to the bloody stories  , it would allow you to donate two to three pages extra per month to each story allowing for more value, also be more judicious in the selection of quality, Blood of Satanus is just a waste of paper that could be used for better means (Even reprints would be better than this garbage why not bring back Charley's War if you really want something by Mr Mills) I will keep buying the Meg But it doesn't mean I'm happy with the way it's going
Off Topic / Re: Climate change =the sun?.........
23 May, 2007, 10:57:07 PM
I for one am not blaming Johnny Foreigner for the sake of it I am merely stating facts, I find it hypocritical to attack the west (And in particular America) when China is currently building one new Coal burning station per week  and is refusing to acknowledge the Kyoto agreement, at current rates of expansion China  by 2040 will be consuming more oil by itself than is being currently produced worldwide. this will lead to far graver consequences for the planet both political and enviromental  than can be imagined ( look at Darfur , China is one of two Countries blocking UN security council measures , not for political beliefs but because of Oil contracts they have with the Sudaneese Government)
  I'm not claiming any easy answers , there are none especially when hard questions have to be asked but the problems must be identified and China is one of those problems

Link: i

Off Topic / Re: Climate change =the sun?.........
23 May, 2007, 12:32:00 AM
thats fine  and dandy Dudley , indeed as I stated before I believe we are contributing to the greenhouse effect however I also stated that many scientific papers have exaggerated their findings , either for the sake of funding or a misguided attempt to bolster support (please read again wht the chief meterologist did say) thus many predictions are based on flawed reports , so if in say ten years these predictions do not come through than many people are going to stop listening (here in Ireland many people are already fed up being condemned for their carbon emissions, we are told each person produces 17 tons of carbon per year  compared to the chinese who produce only three tons. the problem with this theory, there are 4.5 million Irish and over a BILLION chinese do the math and you quickly realise the solution to this problem lies in the east)and if people stop listening due to false reports whose fault will that be?
   And I have one question what about the even bigger question of Global Dimming? a threat that scientists are now only getting a handle of ,ironically the greenhouse effect may keep us alive if it happens!
Off Topic / Re: Climate change =the sun?.........
21 May, 2007, 09:26:51 PM
I don't claim to have any knowledge of global warming , However ...
  The sun has been going through a warm phase for the past decade , to discount the sun , that big ball of Nuclear radiation in the Sky  not contributing to  the greenhouse effect is incredibly arrogant and ignorant... it is believed it will enter a cooler phase in the coming decade and scientists will be able to calculate its exact effect on global warming

The earth is actually recovering from a minature Ice Age , up to the nineteenth century it was possible to walk across the thames in winter tempatures were much higher in the ninth century than they are today on a year by Year Basis

The Chief Meterologist in England has come out condemning the Channel 4 documentary  but has also come out saying that the latest scientific predictions of the greenhouse effect are wildly inaccurate and will prove far more damaging in the long term to the cause of cutting global emissions.(This comes from a man who believes in the greenhouse effect)

BBC radio 4 last year in a documentary revealed that the total global tempature rise in the past 100 years has come to less than 0.5 percent the same documentary also revealed that reports on global warming have been exagerrated for the sake of funding, one Survey on warming had all its calculations based on the rate humanity was burning fossil fuels , unfortunately this report has humanity burning fossil fuels at twice to three times the rate it currently is  and backdated those figures  to 1980

The Tempature in Antartica has dropped consecutively for the last three years. NOT RISEN BUT DROPPED!

However I think the funniest thing i've seen is a report the Sunday times published a few weeks ago in which the author predicted famine and drought as tempatures rise in the usa , he claims oklohoma and kansas will become desert AS THEY HAD BEFORE THE LAST TIME TEMPATURES WERE THAT HIGH , he then uses an example of ten thousand year ago  but fails to explain what caused it then.

I believe in the greenhouse effect , however to claim it is all mans fault is to not question but instead blindly follow  a flawed  and as quite possibly  a dangerous theory as saying there is no greenhouse effect at all !

General / Re: Dangling Dredd Threads...........
08 May, 2007, 05:39:45 AM
Hang on theres a Dredd Bible? Where can I see this wonderous thing?
General / Re: Dangling Dredd Threads...........
07 May, 2007, 04:01:45 PM
What about the sino cit threat , about 92/93 after judgement day they had an episode dedicated to the gathering threat from the sino cit judges then...nothing? what happened there?
General / Re: *POSS. SPOILERS* Post Origins ...
07 May, 2007, 04:13:16 PM
the problem I have with this storyline speculation is that Wagner is going round in circles I'm 33 now and I was 10 years old when Dredd first started having doubts about the judge system (Question of Judgement)  and it took seven years for that storyline to finish up  with the people choosing the Judge System and Dredds doubts finally erased ,I just hope we are not going to see a retread of the same bloody story again.
News / Re: Massimo- news?
15 April, 2007, 01:19:38 PM
Inevitable but still sad. knowing  that he brought great joy and thrills to so many people through the power of his artwork all I think of at this time are Ace Garps Last words when he took the night light flight

Ten Ten til we do it again!
General / Re: Rewriting old stories
13 March, 2007, 08:09:24 PM
Oh good grief no! I have been one of his strongest critics on Black Siddah (If anyone can explain that ending please send your answers on the back of a postcard to the "Pat Mills can't be arsed to write this shite anymore" quiz) but I will gladly tolerate his worst work  when he also produces stories like Savage which in my opininion is his finest work since Charlies War!
Film & TV / Re: 9/11 Conspiracy Nut Show Start...
20 February, 2007, 06:55:30 PM
I knew someone who claimed to work for general electric in the 1930's , they say the company actually invented the everlasting lightbulb in 1936 and had started producing them when they realised that it would kill off any profit in lightbulb sales by 1942 , but a few thousand got out on the general market and were still working in the 1980's!
Film & TV / Re: 9/11 Conspiracy Nut Show Start...
19 February, 2007, 07:39:45 PM
   I wish that having a religous upbringing would explain ignorance like this (I'm a practicing Catholic) however that "Friend" of mine who believes this crap is proudly atheist and will spend hours going on about how all religion is evil , I think it's about what people choose to  believe, the most terrifying thing I have ever seen was during the Iraq War Protests in 2003 (In Ireland) there were posters everywhere denouncing America , however some of these posters condemning America had "now learn the truth about Israel , America and the Holocaust Conspiracy!" turns out these posters were put up by anti-semetic group who had organised meetings to deny the holocaust, but everyone was so wrapped up in the war protests they failed some of their supporters were nutters with a capital N!