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Messages - Gothmog

General / Re: I received Dredd Vs Death (XBO...
17 October, 2003, 02:51:34 PM
My copy arrived for the PC yesterday as well (Woohoo!) so here's a few of my observations:

Hershey and Anderson really need to get a good night's sleep.  They both look very scary and haggard, almost zombie like.

In the arcade games that you play as perps Justice Dept issue weapons will explode if you try to use them.

I've only unlocked 3 extra arcade lvls so far but they do seem to vary quite a bit in difficulty.  Walter's wobot wampage - nice steady intro, took me 3 attempts to get Dredd rating.  
Riot - Maybe I'm just bad at this one but I've tried umpteen times and can't do better than street judge.
Demarco PI - Ridiculously easy, there's masses of hoods in a very small area and they drop spit-guns.  Just hold down the trigger, use punch as you reload and watch the bodycount skyrocket.
(Forgot the name of this one) - The lvl description was a little unclear as to what I had to do but it was quickly apparent I had to survive from the Judges for 5mins.  There's also a kill counter, I've only had a few tries at this one and my highest count is 27 kills but that was only good enough for a street judge rating.  Must try harder once I'm back from work.

Seems like the programmers only used one model for the melee attacks so everyone I've played as is wearing Judge gloves.

Completing the story lvls unlocks new arcade games and multi-player skins.  The higher your rating the more you unlock.

Completing arcade games with a Judge Dredd rating unlocks the cheats.  I've just got the two so far - mirror world and deformed mode (beanie like characters, big heads, hands and feet.  The vampires look strangely cute with this mode on).

I didn't really play for very long because I'm afraid my Star Wars Galaxies adddiction kicked in but I'll go for a longer session today once I get back from work.
General / Re: Xbox, PS2, Gamecube or PC........
15 October, 2003, 06:10:20 PM
I use "Region free DVD" to play other region DVDs on my PS2  It's just a CD and a thing that plugs into a memory card slot, you run the CD, select the region you want then put in the DVD you want to watch.  I think the Action Replay cheat disk also has the same system built in.  It won't let you play other region games like chipping will but it's cheaper.

I built a new PC a couple of months ago so it's definitely the PC version for me.
11 October, 2003, 06:31:08 PM
I completely agree.
Although I thought it'd never happen I did get bored with the overly long fight scenes and "bullet-time" effects.  There's only so many times you can see someone hitting someone else in slow motion without losing interest.
The romantic scenes just felt completely out of place.
And Neo's constant looping psycho babble with everyone he meets in the matrix was just plain annoying - "So I have to make a choice?"
"No, you've already made the choice now you have to discover why you made it"

Zion isn't part of the matrix, it's in the real world.  I think the gist of what the construct was explaining is that there is an inherant flaw in the matrix because of people's freedom of choice.  To keep the matrix stable the machines had to allow humans to escape but when the population becomes too large they cull the free humans.  I forget exactly how The One is connected to all this but it's something like they're almost a physical embodiment of the flaw within the matrix and in order for the matrix to survive The One has to make a concious choice to remain part of it.  To do this the matrix effectively influences their decisions throughout life until they come to the big choice when they have to choose between the billions of humans within the matrix or the smaller group of free humans outside.  The matrix's existence relies on The One choosing the many over the few.
I'd sort of tuned out by then though so it may not be entirely correct.
General / Re: Long time reader, recent lurke...
11 October, 2003, 06:40:49 PM
Cheers everyone.
You can really feel the love in the room, or maybe that's the barbecue.
Oh and I'm not French, non, non, non.
It's my first post so I thought I'd just say hello to everyone.

Hi everyone.
Erm, sorry I'm not very good at small talk.
Umm, so I guess the autumn weather's here then.  Looks like it might rain soon.
Err, I'd better be off then.  Goodbye for now.

General / Re: Favourite albums
20 October, 2003, 06:37:45 PM
No problem.
I hereby acknowledge the towering magnificence that is "The Nephilim".

I am also now getting strange looks from work colleagues because I'm humming a mish-mash of Moonchild and Last Exit for the Lost.

As I was typing the previous sentence Harmonica Man decided to join in and make it a bizarre cross-album mix but that's probably because I bought the DVD of "Once Upon a Time in the West" over the weekend.
General / Re: Favourite albums
19 October, 2003, 08:20:32 PM
In my defence - I said the albums listed were the ones I carried to work, I didn't actually mean they were my favorite albums ever.
They're normally a mix of bands I like listening to, albums I've just bought or stuff I've got bored listening too and forgetten to take out of my bag.
General / Re: Favourite albums
16 October, 2003, 02:33:12 PM
Bart you could try 101cd if you're still looking for the soundtrack, they've always been good for me.
The link's below (hope it works) but they don't actually if it's in stock.

Link:" target="_blank">101cd - Gauntlet

General / Re: Favourite albums
15 October, 2003, 09:59:51 PM
I'm far too indecisive to list my favorite albums ever so I'll give you a listing of all the minidiscs that I carry to work to ease the stress of public transport.

The Wildhearts - Earth vs...
The Wildhearts - ...must be destroyed
Super$hit - (mini album, think it's just titled Super$hit but I'm not sure)
Foo Fighters - One by one
Feeder - Echo park
Dearly Beheaded - Temptation
White Zombie - Astrocreep 2000
Metallica - Master of puppets
Metallica - Garage Inc
Static X - Wisconsin death trip
Ministry - Psalm 69
Fields of the Nephilim - Fallen
Machine Head - Hellalive
The Almighty - Crank
Pantera - Vulgar display of power
Sick of it All - Scratch the surface

I thought I only had a couple of discs in my bag, time for a clearout I think.
Off Topic / Re: Hawk's Back...
10 July, 2004, 09:06:44 PM
By a strange coincidence Krull is now on Channel 5 - just as this topic floated up to the top of the board..
Off Topic / Re: Does anybody want to look at w...
04 December, 2004, 07:37:38 AM
Trials and Tribble-ations.
You've just triggered my Terry Farrell obsession again after I've tried so hard to get on with a normal life.
*fingers crossed for web-fu*">