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Messages - Neil McClements

Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
29 December, 2010, 02:09:37 PM
I couldn't agree more! The more I tried to make it look real the more unreal it got. So much so that I originally ended up with this as a sketch up.

I can see that its too easy to over analyse Dredd and its better to lose the hold on reality and let it be how ever odd it might look. 
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
29 December, 2010, 12:40:16 PM
A quick bio (I'll introduce myself in the proper area later). Currently a bespoke carpenter/cabinet maker/shopfitter but in my youth dabbled with graphic illustration with various successes and failures. For the first time in 20 odd years I've decided to pick up the pen and put the artist hat back on.

This has been brought about by an interest in the new Dredd film and a recent purchase of a Dredd graphic novel no less!

I did a couple of 15 minute DreddHeads below but decided yesterday to draw something a little more substantial. My style ranges from photo'istic to scruffy sketch style. I'd be very appreciative and interested in anybody's comments. This is a work in progress. I've done about 15 sketches to get where I at the moment so I've bunged a few up here for all to see. Ideally I'd like a bit of direction but any advice, good or bad, from anyone will be welcomed.

They are based on the same image but with various differences as I've scribbled my way towards hopeful inspiration.

Hate to say it but it actually looks better saved as B/W image. Ah well you live and learn  ::)
Thanks for the compliment Strontium71. I have to admit I'd no idea who he was and had to google his name. Bizarrely he was the cover artist to the first Judge Dredd book I'd bought last month.

Anyway thought I'd try again. The cheap paper went all wrinkly and I never made the 15 mins. It took more like 20/25 and I rushed the end as can be seen by the collar. I actually prefer my first effort it seems more fluid and has more depth.
Felt tip and Hobby Crafts cheapest paper (all nicked from my little girls craft cupboard SShhhh!)Took about seven minutes and I'll admit it is a little skewed.

My first Dredd in 20 years!