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Messages - TheEdge

Games / Re: Movies and Music on a Nintendo DS
28 August, 2008, 08:26:55 AM
"games N Music"


DS Card takes microSD it comes with its own music and movie player and theres plenty of homebrew online just google homebrew ds
Off Topic / Re: De-Motivational Posters
27 August, 2008, 12:02:38 PM
Film & TV / Re: Judge Dredd TV Series
22 August, 2008, 09:47:26 AM
i think an animated series that uses different art types per episode, just like 2000AD. CGI one week, WB Batman style the next, out and out anime style the next, Sin City the movie style for another.
Off Topic / Re: PKD was right, Drone army!
22 August, 2008, 09:44:39 AM
My very own ABC warrior now that would be cool

What robot from the 2000AD universe would you have.

I'd have my own Joe Pineapples

Games / Re: rebellion Games
22 August, 2008, 09:42:20 AM
rogue trooper had a really fun multiplayer option on the pc but it didnt last long nobody plays it now
Games / Re: rebellion Games
22 August, 2008, 08:29:56 AM
an MMO was just my personal preference

Any decent game based on a 2000ad Character would be great, Rogue Trooper was a good start but thats all it was, all rebellion seem interested in now is Porting other peoples games onto handhelds.
Off Topic / Re: Look at my New Baby!!!
22 August, 2008, 08:24:32 AM

Its time to start the training to ensure her first words are Zarjaz
Film & TV / Re: Deadwood 2
22 August, 2008, 08:05:37 AM
I' ve just finished the Wire and the soprano's and was considering deadwood,

however after the whole Studio 60 cancellation i dont want to watch an excellent series and get towards the end and find out its forever going to stay unfinished.

I'm gonna start on The Unit i think.
Games / rebellion Games
21 August, 2008, 04:12:20 PM
For such a large and impressive Game developer, with some awsome characters ( 2000AD + Abbaddon) why dont they make GREAT games, their recent fare Rogue Trooper was good but not GREAT  Dredd vs Death ok but not GREAT.

I think they have amazing potential so why such sucky games what about an attempt at an MMO with suck rich 2000ad universes.
21 August, 2008, 03:00:56 PM
no asda's near me dammit ( but i'm in washington next month so a trip to the galleries may be in order)
Film & TV / Re: Judge Dredd TV Series
21 August, 2008, 02:02:01 PM
Good idea but i think Anime is the way to go with this, live action would need CGI which sucks ( hence why dark night is sooo good v little cgi)

Only problem i can see is finding a consistantly strong writing team
Off Topic / Re: Has the BBC lost it...
21 August, 2008, 10:46:15 AM
Quote from: "the_legendary_shark"Or the White House found out that HBO was being outrageous enough to portray Iraqis as actual human beings and decided to put a stop to it...

Conspiracy i never thought of that.

I dont think that would have been the case, the show didnt have a glowing opinion of Saddam and family,

The only ill light shed on the americans is how they killed his boys and grandson,
with their usual Gung Ho lets get in there and arrest these criminals with grenade launchers.
surely infiltrating the building or CS Gas rather than blowing the building up would have been a good idea.
Off Topic / Re: Has the BBC lost it...
21 August, 2008, 08:42:38 AM
Finally found 1 more BBC show i like apart for Dragons Den

HOUSE of Saddham  

It was Excellent, (and i now also believe that Klingons are based on Iraqi's, you need to listen to the actors in the show)

However The last episode last night went from Gulf war 1 to him in hiding roughly 10 years in 1 minute then spent half an hour on him in hiding then hung him. Its like they were desperate to finish it or just had no money.
Quote from: "Chris Mardle"I read a bit of his Daredevil stuff.

I've largely forgotten much of it, but I do remember he wasn't bad. (My forgetting has more to do with my leaky mind than his ability.)

I've read some green arrrow stufff and i liked it.
Links / Re: Youtube Gold
20 August, 2008, 04:26:42 PM
Quote from: "Buttonman"Link: Is This Your Card?

Dude Bill Engvall rules