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Messages - Woolly

Off Topic / Re: Donnie Darko Explained.........
08 November, 2002, 03:27:27 PM
OK, so you didnt like Donnie Darko. Nothing wrong wit that, its just that not all films are a 'complete package', in that not every notion in the film is fully explained. What this means to me is that i can (and have) watched the film a few times now without it getting boring. Every viewing you find something new to think about, and the conclusions i draw from it are mine alone. This film can mean different things to different people, and personally i find this to be the fims strongest point. Saying that, though, if you didnt like it first time round, then a second viewing is probably pretty pointless! Take it easy, geezers!
Off Topic / Re: Donnie Darko
02 November, 2002, 12:54:10 AM
Easy geezer! Glad to hear so much praise for a top film! What does it mean? Have you ever seen 'The Last Temptation Of Christ'? If not, then i strongly recommend giving it a go. It'll help explain a few notions/ideas in the film. Only a few, though...........!
General / Re: Trivial Dredd Bits
02 November, 2002, 04:17:36 PM
Oh yeah, while were all going on about the bikes, what about the floaty things Dredd used when posted on lunar one? Surely theyd come in usefull in MC1? And why dont judges use their respirators anymore? or heatseeker bullets?
General / Re: Trivial Dredd Bits
02 November, 2002, 04:14:52 PM
it is now!
General / Re: Big Jessies
24 October, 2002, 08:30:15 PM
Dredd's definately a big, handbag utilising woman, cause in one of the novels he dresses up as a woman.......i think.......

and the men in black were a bit fluffy as well!
General / Re: Red Dwarf - The Movie............
02 November, 2002, 04:10:22 PM
Everyones right about the last 2 series - they were shite! But i do know that some filming for Red Dwarf has been done at the Magna Centre in (shiver) Rotherham............! Wether thats for a film or not, who knows/cares, etc........
General / Re: Red Dwarf - The Movie............
24 October, 2002, 08:38:57 AM
I always thought that Dolph Lundgren would be perfect for Dredd. As for Red Dwarf, I heard a rumour that 3 films were being made. True or bobarr?
General / Re: Greatest ever cliffhanger........
24 October, 2002, 08:22:07 PM
Not sure about this, but didnt Dredd get shot through the head in 'The Day the Law Died'?

I seem to remember that being cool.....
General / Re: This Werewolf tale
24 October, 2002, 08:45:36 AM
Okay, its from 'Inferno'and I think it goes a bit like this....
Dredd is banished from MC1, has contracted the meat virus and needs to get back into the city, which has been overrun by Grice's band of Titan escapees. When asked what his plan is, he replies, daystick aloft,"I GOT IT RIGHT HERE!"

I think it needs a Megazine Reprint........
Suggestions / Re: Odd thoughts
19 October, 2002, 08:00:02 PM
Addition to my earlier message, what about Z-Cars by Abnett & Staples? OK, so its not sci-fi, but it could be good for a larf......(I'll get me coat)!
Suggestions / Re: Odd thoughts
19 October, 2002, 07:43:38 PM
What about The Dead Zone? That could be pretty cool, Frazer Irving on art ,etc.
And what about some Argento seriels in the Meg? Opera and Tenebrae as comics? Surely my ideas arent as bad as they sound?
General / Re: The SCRAP ain't so crap..........
19 October, 2002, 07:52:27 PM
Personally, I thought The Scrap started superbly, and was shaping up to be great when it suddenly ended in a fashion that can only be described as toss. Shame really! 10/10 for the art tho!