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Messages - John Caliber

Prog / Re: Day Of Chaos finale
12 March, 2012, 05:24:06 PM
Going off a staement that Thrage made about Dredd's trouble only just beginning, I assume something long-lasting occurs in DAY OF CHAOS that other writers will run with, maybe the involvement of other city-states. Fun to consider all the possibilities... I'd like to see the Sovs dealt with decisively, which causes another world war as Sov-allies see their chance to replace MC1 in the post-apoc global economy and arms race.
Only just discovered by accident this had been published! Glad to finally see the very first of my fanzine artworks seeing publication.
News / Re: Ro-Jaws from 3A
10 March, 2012, 09:08:35 AM
I've love to see the Hammerstein figure with the Ro-Busters head ... it seems funkier, more 1970s 'sci-fi' than the Arnie Schwartzenegger Terminator-face of the Bisley ABC Warriors. And with a TAX disc so he can share Ro-Jaw's misery at being owned by Howard Quartz.

News / Re: Ro-Jaws from 3A
10 March, 2012, 09:01:21 AM
This Star Wars freak has got all the tat he needs, thanks, Tordel :) Got enough to run two toyshops. No packaging, however - I likes to fiddle with the little plastic men, women and droids trapped inside my loft...
Suggestions / Re: 2000AD for Kids
06 March, 2012, 07:24:32 PM
What's the best place online to view the old MISTY strips? I only have a cloudy memory of them.
Suggestions / Re: 2000AD for Kids
06 March, 2012, 05:50:56 AM
I wanted something girls could enjoy other than crappy vampire romances, talking animals and ballsy princesses. Contemporary. The ideas have been ploughed back into my larger, adult-orientated comic book, which again I originally wanted to be family-friendly, but the decapitations, eye-gougings and bouncing boobies hinted, again, that my subconscious wanted me to sail in a different direction.

That's what happens when I write AND draw a strip, which is why I often enjoy having somebody else's script, of a lighter nature, to work from; stops me brooding and thinking of the DARK THINGS...
Prog / Re: Prog 1773 Fathers Day?
06 March, 2012, 05:43:18 AM
No sign of my subs Prog 1773; maybe Rebellion tried to debit my account on the one day I was overdrawn. Will wait for the letter to arrive from Denise...
Suggestions / Re: 2000AD for Kids
05 March, 2012, 09:39:40 PM
I've been trying to write a supernatural action-adventure for girls, but it's so hard not to 'fall' into adult themes, or avoid gore. After my character had a run in with a psycho-nurse with clawfingers and a gigantic horned beast erupting from a manor's driveway, I decided it might not be my forte, although I'd love to illustrate a good 'U'-rated romantic supernatural script.
Johnny's spent a lot of time with McNulty recently. Must like it rough - first a Viking, now a Scot with two-dozen dildos sticking out of his head?
I can't imagine Johnny ever choosing the solitary retirement, after seeing how he enjoys sharing tongues with various women from the 'new' Strontium Dog stories. He might buy a mork ranch invite girls over to party, or have wild weekends in nearby colonies before returning to polish his blasters with a satisfied grin in his face.
Big Bear and Bright Eyes...
Prog / Re: Prog 1771: 35 Zarjaz Years
03 March, 2012, 08:41:09 AM
I presume the title refers to a very brief recap of Alpha's life. He lived, then died, now the story continues from that point.
Prog / Re: Prog 1771: 35 Zarjaz Years
01 March, 2012, 06:01:24 PM
Thanks for the comments Re: the return of Strontium Dog. Good news, I think. New Ezquerra Dredd and Durham Red is decent compensation.
News / Re: City of Dredd (2134 Edition)!!
01 March, 2012, 03:54:24 PM
I've completed all the maps for CITY OF DREDD (2134). This is a preview of the basic template used for a particular map describing how all the city zones connect:

I will be posting further updates as CITY OF DREDD nears its May publication date.
I wonder if a serialised adaptation of the movie is in the works for the latter-year Megs?