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Messages - Diminished Responsibility

Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
22 June, 2012, 07:33:54 AM
Good Morning!

So are people shocked at the amount of trolls that turned up yesterday?

I am pretty shocked at the the dozens of rebuttals to obviously snarky comments in places like imdb though. Trolls can't argue with themselves ;)

Also got to remember that many will be too young to see this movie, I think that could be a factor too.

On a plus note, the trailer has 3000 odd likes and 200 odd dislikes, not as unpopular as the haters would have you believe.
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
22 June, 2012, 12:43:19 AM
Thought you might like a bit of light entertainment, watch this slack jawed kid watching the Dredd trailer, funny stuff. (just skip the first 50 seconds lol)
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
21 June, 2012, 07:36:19 PM
Someone else talking about the preview, bit more official this too!

QuoteThis is a spectacular trailer, showing us how fantastic this sci-fi actioner might be. I even just heard some outstanding buzz from an early test screening last night, and it sounds like this is as good as it looks. Enjoy!

Full article below:
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
21 June, 2012, 07:27:31 PM
I should probably point out that that was from the comments, not an article. In case it looked like an official statement. My bad, and apologies if I gave that impression.
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
21 June, 2012, 07:19:48 PM
Rufus K on Screenrant:

QuoteI have seen a sneak preview of this film and rest assured it is INCREDIBLE. The violence is grisly and absurd, the 'slo-mo' effects are not overused but ARE gorgeous and truly astonishing to see in native 3D (not post-converted). Urban's DREDD is likeable but stoic, and the action set pieces do not disappoint. Forget about trying to figure out how much this movie has in common with Stallone's film (answer: nothing... like comparing Adam West's Batman to Nolan's), or trying to decipher the script's quality from this brief trailer. Just go see it and grin the entire time.

Genuine first review?
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
21 June, 2012, 06:26:25 PM
Anyone else wondering if that helmet has a HUD? Might help to explain the red cross eyeblocker.
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
21 June, 2012, 02:32:40 PM
Quote from: Goaty on 21 June, 2012, 12:55:20 PM
Cursed Earth!

I like the appearance of the city blocks, standing like huge monoliths. Comparable to Stonehenge as a symbol of our past, and MC-1, a symbol of our future.

It's quite an iconic city-scape, impressed with their vision for MC-1.
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
21 June, 2012, 03:06:32 AM
Look at the fat arse on them beasts!!

Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
20 June, 2012, 03:50:22 AM
Does look like a young Italian Stallion. Hope he takes a bullet!

Looks like they dropped the asthma inhalers, which is cool. Bit more futuristic.

God look at the time (up in 5 hrs), I have to stop analyzing every damn frame! Gonna go to bed and hopefully dream in SLO-MO :)
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
20 June, 2012, 03:34:57 AM
This is ART!

Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
20 June, 2012, 02:41:31 AM
There's a slo mo shot of a dude flying backwards, its full of sparkles n shit, they've really gone to town on the drug effects. That's gonna look so fucking cool in 3D.
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
20 June, 2012, 02:11:31 AM
Its.... beautiful, sob!
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
20 June, 2012, 02:00:12 AM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!