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Messages - QuickQuag

Film & TV / Re: Avengers: Age of Ultron
01 September, 2013, 11:16:43 AM
Frustrating, yes. I hope Universal don't just squat on the rights without at least some interest in attempting to build a franchise. For me the big positive to having Marvel's universe owned by so many studios is that you simply get more movies out of the normally slow and risk-averse studio system this way.

Prog / Re: Prog 1841 : BLOW OUT
17 July, 2013, 10:29:11 AM
Quote from: vzzbux on 13 July, 2013, 04:12:24 PM
The cover brought this beauty to forefront of my mind.
Don't you just love a bit of vintage Higgins.


That beautiful 80s block-shadow on the corner sash! :geek:
Yes but Will It Add To The Box-Office...?
General / Re: Things that went over your head...
10 November, 2012, 01:26:03 AM
Good lord I have a new one.

Twenty years after the ABC Warriors enter a pub called The Piston Broke (Khronicles of Khaos) the penny finally drops as to why Pat insisted on drawing attention to the establishment's name.

I always thought it an odd name, but I should have worked it out at the time - I was a student after all!
Film & TV / Re: Almighty Johnsons cancelled
17 October, 2012, 07:39:31 PM
Cancel the wake - it's been saved!!

Now THAT was unexpected.  :thumbsup:
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD reviews. (SPOILERS!)
17 October, 2012, 07:34:18 PM
Here's my two Pacific pesos:

An early session with around twenty other bods in the theatre (though the 'gold class' seats were all occupied - it was a cheap night). Last I checked the movie was in at number 5 on the NZ BO.

A good night, though. I'm surprised by how much the movie has 'sunk in' over the past few days...
Well, it opens in NZ tonight! I'm not sure if anyone's posted reviews yet from the homeland of Mr Urban, so here goes:

New Zealand Herald: (4/5 stars)

Plus earlier interview, with cover tag-line "I am the JAW!!"

Stuff Auckland (there'll probably be a more full review this weekend): (2.5/5 - boo!)

And today's interview with Urban, feature tag-line "Dawn of the Dredd":

Hoping to do my bit for the Kiwi box office this weekend...
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd - Box Office
22 September, 2012, 07:14:38 AM is reporting that The Hobbit's trailer is playing with Dredd 3D in its 3D format

(They also give a kind word to Derdd as "well worth the ticket price")

Hopefully that mght add a few numers State-side.
Film Discussion / Re: How awesome is Karl Urban?
19 September, 2012, 10:17:57 AM
Of COURSE he's awesome, he's from Southland!  :P

My only concern is that he'll be forever chosen for 'genre' roles after this, ST and LotR. Or action roles (yes yes, I know action is a genre!) because he's also very good at playing it straight. Or not. His first NZ TV role was as gay ambulance officer Jamie Forrest in Shortland Street back in, er, 1992, when roles like that were pretty thin on the ground here.

Also, if you want to see him as quite a different kind of cop, I seriously recommend the movie Out of the Blue, a dramatisation of the Aramoana Massacre of 1990.

In short, yes He Is The Law and as a fanboy it gives me no end of joy to see him cast in such a great role, but he was cool even before this stuff too, so good on him!
Prog / Re: Prog 1801 Green Death On The Red Planet
15 September, 2012, 09:26:28 PM
Quote from: Tjm86 on 15 September, 2012, 12:17:40 PM
ABC Warriors - pleased to see that Langley is starting to make his narrative artwork more accessible.  It's normally stunning as cover work but hard going otherwise. 

Oh good! have to say, Langley's approach to narrative (and the aforementioned uncanny valley folk) is the problem I've had with his version of ABC to date. Looking forward to it!
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD CONCEPT ART
14 September, 2012, 10:54:32 AM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 13 September, 2012, 07:56:55 PM
I want that top one.

Not if (as pictured) it removes my feet I don't  :lol:
As bummed as I am that nobody's commenting on the AWESOME SomethingAwful review yet, I think in this case it's fitting that WhatCulture's initials are WC.
Whoah. gives it 48/50

With an impressive final comment:

QuoteDirector Pete Travis has constructed a brilliantly layered, hard-hitting and interesting sci-fi action film that I wish anybody working at Marvel Films had the sheer audacity to even attempt.

Film & TV / Re: Almighty Johnsons cancelled
13 September, 2012, 08:57:29 AM
True. I still wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it!  :lol:

"Bloody rabbits"
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd - Box Office
11 September, 2012, 08:31:49 PM
I hope this is the right place fo this, but here's a 'local' reaction article to the box office news: