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Messages - ukdane

Hardbacks: Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phonebooks: YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!

Regular collections: YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!
Help! / Re: Star Wars comics - Where to start?
16 June, 2009, 05:19:04 PM
Wasn't Luke "Starkiller" originally going to be a girl?

Didn't know about Han being the "other" one. Was he going to be revealed to be a "related" Skywalker Jedi, or just a lost Jedi?

That image of Jabba might have something to do with the original Jabba footage from StarWars ANH where the Irish actor (can't recal his name) is shown, and over whom Lucas CGI'ed Jabba in the remastered edition.
General / Re: Life Spugs because...
02 June, 2009, 04:47:11 PM
I've just received a bank statement, and it shows some munceface has used my debit card fraudulantly and I'm missing just under £700 from my bank account!

That's £700 that I didn'thave in the first place.

Used on

Film & TV / Re: New Doctor Who companion named
29 May, 2009, 05:41:30 PM
Books & Comics / GUTSVILLE 4
28 May, 2009, 04:39:10 PM
Any news on Issues 4,5, and 6?

Is the book dead, or being held back until script/artwork is complete?

Status spur, please.
Off Topic / Re: help
28 May, 2009, 04:36:54 PM
No idea- I only use them (and I do use them) via Amazon.
Didn't like Zippy Couriers the first time around. Enjoyed it more on the reread.

Did enjoy Moonrunners, especially as it had MB artwork (Megazine collection?)
Would even go so far as to say I'd like to see it return.

But who for the artchores, Boo?
General / Cradlegrave
26 May, 2009, 08:52:09 PM
Are you enjoying Cradlegrave or not?
Help! / Re: Star Wars comics - Where to start?
26 May, 2009, 04:03:08 PM
I have (I think) about 90+% of the Dark Horse Star Wars comics.

For youngsters, I'd recommend the Clone Wars Digest comics.

I have two boys (7 and 4) they have both seen all the films- a number of times, and are huge fans.
They love the cartoon series on Cartton Network, and where as I have an allegiance to the IV-VI trilogy, they are much more into the I-III trilogy.

Most of the "adult" Dark Horse I've thorougly enjoyed, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend them for young children.

So maybe start here

These digests are also relatively cheap, so it's no great loss, if they don't like them. (The artwork is similar to the initial Cartoon Network series). If you prefer the new cartoon artwork, there are a couple of new collections with that style ("sipyards of doom" and "crash course" etc etc)

Also of note is the Star Wars Adventures series, which has just been released.
here Although I have yet to read this one myself.

If you want a story of quality, then Dark Empire is the one to get.

Also, there is another recent thread on this forum, where various people (including myself) have given more details.
Thryllseeker: Do NOT respond to spam.
The Tumbleweed has settled on the trailer park that is My Name Is Earl:
V is being revamped, with Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet in Lost) playing a roll.

SPOILERS ABOUT LOST!: [spoiler:16m5ox95][url = ... -lost.html]SPOILERS[/url][/spoiler:16m5ox95]
The Unit and Without A Trace have both been cancelled.
