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Messages - Doomlord66

Games / Re: Gamebooks
21 January, 2024, 11:37:14 PM
Apologies if this has been covered or mentioned before.
My foray into game books was the Grailquest series. I hated the name given to your character- Pip - as I didn't think it sounded very heroic.

Also tried a game book called Maelstorm but didn't like the format, found it too over complicated.
Thought it was about time to say hi and introduce myself.
I started reading comics at an early age, encouraged by my parents who thought reading was good for me and kept me quiet for a while. To begin with I was reading the likes of Buster, Whizzer and Chips, Whoopee etc then moved on when I bought  Battle Picture Weekly no1.
I bought 2000ad issue 1 and remember loving it and rereading it over and over. Can't remember what happened to the space spinner. Loved the survival wallet and yes I stuck those stickers on until they fell off not long after and no longer sticky.
Regular reader until 1982 when I left school, we moved house and job hunting. I thought at that time I ought to be grown-up and stop reading comics. I left all my back issues of 2000ad and Battle behind in the outhouse. I decision I've regretted soooo much since.
In '84 saw Scream no1 in the newsagents, picked it up and made me realise how much I enjoyed and missed reading comics and started reading 2000ad again.
Started hunting down all the back issues which included trips to Books,Bits and Bob's in Kingston and London comic shops. I remember buying prog 1 for £10 from a tiny London comic shop tucked away down a back alley. (Anyone remember this place? 6 customers and it was packed lol)
Regular reader of 2k and the Meg from then on. Picked up many of the rebellion collected trades as well.
A couple of years we moved and downsized and I barely had room for the back issues and trades,so stopped getting the weekly and meg. Didn't help that I got all the 90 Judge Dredd Mega collection and was getting the 2000ad collection. Stopped this collection at 144 and now just cherry picking on that as I have the better Dan Dare hbks and Zenith slipcase.
Mainly read online now.
2000ad has been a big part of my life since reading that 1st issue at 10 years old.
Classifieds / 2000ad graphic novels for sale
18 January, 2024, 01:40:14 PM
2000ad graphic novels for sale
Titles are -
Red Razors
Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
Judge Anderson: Hour of the Wolf

Message me with offers if you're interested.

News / Re: Treasury of British Comics Annual 2024?
12 January, 2024, 10:47:47 PM
The story Final Victim has triggered a memory of reading this as a child. Can anyone tell me where this is reprinted from?
It's my birthday the day after this is released. I definitely want this as a birthday present. I remember getting this comic from issue 1 but sadly I don't know what happened to them. Thanks for the Speedy hen link.
News / Re: Send your love to Ian Gibson
08 January, 2024, 07:36:42 PM
Quote from: WhizzBang on 14 December, 2023, 08:37:18 PMIan's work on Robo Hunter was what hooked me into buying 2000AD and he is a childhood hero for me and I am sure many others here. I am glad that he got to hear some of the appreciation and respect so many of us have for him before he went.

Yes me too, as a 12yr old in 1978, I loved his cover to prog 76 and enjoyed the new Robohunter story starting in that prog. My newsagent never got prog 77 so I missed the 2nd episode which was annoying. Eventually managed to get one from a London comic shop some 10years later. Goodbye and god bless Ian, will miss your unique and distinctive art.
News / Re: Sad News about John M Burns
08 January, 2024, 07:08:35 PM
Very sad news to hear we've lost another top 2000ad artist. I had the pleasure of meeting him at Bristol comic con in 2008 and he did a great sketch of Nikolai Dante for me. I've loved it ever since and now it's even more special. God bless you John, I'll miss you.

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Website and Forum / Re: Full Posting Privileges
06 January, 2024, 08:05:08 PM
I think my account needs upgrading as I'm having difficulties posting comments etc. I'd like to post on the John Burns memorial thread but there's no option.
Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
17 September, 2023, 12:10:31 AM
Stopped collecting this series after 143, reasons being -
1, Running out of room. (also have the complete Judge Dreďd collection and the Eaglemoss Batman series*)
2, Got the Zenith hardcovers in slipcase for Xmas,

So now just cherry picking and just bought Machine Law, End of Days and Button Man v1

*still p*ssed Eaglemoss went bust and this series ended prematurely
Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
02 August, 2023, 11:57:32 PM
Quote from: Doomlord66 on 25 July, 2023, 12:41:34 AMAnyone know where I can get a copy of 144? Hatchet doesn't have one nor is there one on ebay.
It's no longer even listed on their website anymore :-(
Anyone know where I can get a copy of 144? Hatchet doesn't have one nor is there one on ebay.
Whats the best way to read the Day of Chaos storyline? The Hachette books or the Rebellion books?
I believe its material from the recent Scream and Misty specials
Classifieds / Re: Wanted: 'Leviathan' hardcover
05 April, 2023, 10:23:19 PM
Just come across this thread, have you got a copy now?

I have this Hardback signed by both Ian Edgington and Disraeli, I could be tempted to part witn
Announcements / Re: Great old t-shirt designs back!
19 February, 2022, 08:08:59 PM
This is uncanny! I just sold some of the originals (from about 10 years ago?) on ebay. I bought a load of these when they had a sale at £4 each put them in the wardrobe and never wore them. I had Mutie Country, SD Wanted, Torquemada, Blitzspear also had SHAKO which they haven't reissued.
I did however keep Slaine kiss my axe, that one was too good to sell.