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Messages - Will I. Cooling

Prog / Re: Prog1531 Prison break!!.........
06 April, 2007, 05:38:02 PM

"The Legion of the Damned were the mek-army from the Cursed Earth. General Blood and Nuts etc.

Some definitely survived the explosion, as one was seen gnawing on Dredd's leg as he crossed the Mojave desert.

You're thinking of the Brotherhood of Marshalls(?) "

Yep, you're right Mcwild; my mistake lol
Prog / Re: Prog1531 Prison break!!.........
05 April, 2007, 07:04:59 PM
"D) Aren't the legion of the damned still knocking about? I would have expected Booth to have a few loyal mek-troops re-activated. "

Didn't Ennis kill them off around 1994? Mega City One infected their water supply, killed most of them off.
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW DR WHO TONIGHT, 31/03/0...
05 April, 2007, 07:07:31 PM

I think it depends whether you accept RTD's quasi-lovers definition of what a 'companion' is. If you do, then Mickey wasn't because the bond between them wasn't that close. If you just take it to be people who have travelled with the doctor for a length period of tume then Mickey (and Jack) are.

Also, anyone read Monday's Times? Interesting comment by there reviewer, where he blames the earth-centric focus of RTD's Who on which era RTD watched a child. Thoughts?
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW DR WHO TONIGHT, 31/03/0...
05 April, 2007, 07:07:29 PM

I think it depends whether you accept RTD's quasi-lovers definition of what a 'companion' is. If you do, then Mickey wasn't because the bond between them wasn't that close. If you just take it to be people who have travelled with the doctor for a length period of tume then Mickey (and Jack) are.

Also, anyone read Monday's time? Interesting comment by there reviewer, where he blames the earth-centric focus of RTD's Who on which era RTD watched a child. Thoughts?
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW DR WHO TONIGHT, 31/03/0...
01 April, 2007, 12:40:44 AM

Did anyone think the sentencing of the human was just unbelievably like Judge Dredd?
Film & TV / Re: Doctor Who Season 3 - Episode ...
01 April, 2007, 12:38:37 AM

Has anyone seen the trailer on BBCi? Simm's smile is positively haunting. Im already looking forward to his episodes :D
General / Re: Dredd Stories That Haven't Bee...
28 March, 2007, 03:54:14 AM
The one where Dredd has a coffee in a coffee shop which serves coffee in really big mugs

That'd be awesome
Help! / Re: EE suggestions
27 March, 2007, 03:58:32 PM

Woooooooah, I'm so there if its Song of the Surfer, although surely that screams out for a hardcover TPB.

Also I'd quite a Vector 13 EE
Books & Comics / Re: Ezquerra collection
19 March, 2007, 10:55:20 AM

I'd imagine it wouldn't be Helter Skelter due to that having some fill in art by Henry 'before he became a living god' Flint.

Clever book though, nice way to cash in on Ezquerra new found prominence across the pond thanks to his work on KEV with Ennis.

Film & TV / Re: Rocky?! How could you?!...
13 March, 2007, 07:12:01 PM

Both shocked and surprised all at the same time. Tbh its amazing that more actors aren'y caught out like this; there's been numerous stars that have had rapid muscle growth for a role that raises many, many, many questions.
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW 'LIFE ON MARS' TONIGHT....
16 March, 2007, 06:16:58 AM

As has already been said, this is fecking brilliant. Harry Hill is a genuis

Link:" target="_blank">Life As Meat

General / Re: Which character from the 90's ...
05 March, 2007, 01:40:58 AM

Finn - interesting character which probably would benefit from the recent upsurge in Mills' writing.

Vector 13 - Still the only alternative to Tharg's Future Shocks/Terror Tales that has established any sort of identity.

Cannon Fodder - Again cool character that would benefit from better writing; someone like Rennie, Spurrier or dare I say it Mills could do good things with this. Although how you would replace Weston on art is beyond me.

Holocaust 13 - Really good strip that just seemed to die a death despite being popular.

However, the one series that above all else must return is....

R.A.M Raiders!!!!*

*In case you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic.

Megazine / America 3
22 August, 2006, 12:08:50 AM

Holy shit, I'll have to get round to buying the Meg again. And yes, there will be violence if its not fully painted.
Megazine / America 3
22 August, 2006, 12:08:49 AM

Holy shit, I'll have to get round to buying the Meg again. And yes, there will be violence if its not fully painted.
General / Re: Who is best artist for Dredd?....
18 August, 2006, 01:09:51 AM

As has already been kinda said, Wagner is so good at tailoring scripts to the relevant artist. Would anyone have done their sections of Judge Child Quest than McMahon, Bolland or Smith? Could anyone top MacNeil's haunting imagery in Judge Dreddd America? Surely no one other than Ezquerra could have done the Apoc. War or The Pit justice? And no one could've topped Flint when it came to Total War. They're all great Dredd artists, and the strip benefits from having so many great artists working in a variety of styles.

However, its difficult to look beyond the Golden Age trio of Bolland, McMahon and Ezquerra if only because they did so much to develop and refine the character. However, I think Flint comes damn close.

Btw, as its relevant just a cheap plug for a column I did a while back on Bolland's work on Dredd.


Link:" target="_blank">Bolland's Dreddest Hits