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Messages - Tanky

QuoteNot one of you have given me your DEFINITION OF CLASSIC ROCK

Its up there, on my last post. Can you see me?!

At this point, I've forgotten who's actually putting this gig on but if you're going to play nothing but 70's and 80's, it's going to be a very quiet night. Still, if we're pigeonholing things, I do hope you're not putting RATM in the punk box? Also, unless your entire crowd is in their 50s, I'd steer well clear of Dire Straits altogether.
QuotePs Metal/Grunge/Punk/Ska also does not class as Classic rock IMO

Sure it does. To become a classic track IMHO, a tune needs to get the same reception that it did when it was originally released. These days, most 'massive' songs have a pretty short shelf life. The following examples (2 from each of your given genres, more on request - I could do this all day!) however are all over 10 years old and will pack your average rock-based dancefloor...

Pantera - Walk
Rage Against The Machine - Killing in the Name/ Bullet in the Head
Nirvana - Teen Spirit
Pearl Jam - Jeremy
Sex Pistols - Bodies
Ramones - I Wanna be Sedated
Rancid - Timebomb
Sublime - Date Rape

Try listening to Sultans of Ping  :D
I usually charge for this, you know :)
Have some free snippets from last night's stonkingly good rock night. I don't remember some of it, but fortunately the laptop does!

Billy Talent - Red Flag
Zebrahead - Anthem
A - Five in the Morning
Gallows - Staring at the Rudebois

later that night...

Velvet Revolver - Slither
System of a Down - BYOB
Rob Zombie - Dragula
Slipknot - Psychosocial
Motorhead - Ace of Spades
Off Topic / Re: Work:Life balance.
07 October, 2008, 10:08:24 AM

Indeed. I hate freshers' fortnight. I don't suppose anyone in the vicinity would like to be my street team? I can't pay you but you will stop my feet falling off and thus earn my undying gratitude.
Off Topic / Re: Outgeek me!
16 September, 2008, 09:29:51 AM
QuoteMy phone has R2D2 sounds for text message alerts

Ooh, mine used to do that! Now I have the victory music from Final Fantasy 7.

I've recently discovered that all techno can be created according to a mathematical theory. I can't stand techno, but I found the maths really interesting. As a result of my geeky weekend project, several of my creations are being guinea-pigged on a HUGE crowd in about 6 weeks time  :o  How the hell did that happen?!
Oh, and I made them on a PS2.
Off Topic / Re: End Of the World
09 September, 2008, 11:13:00 AM
Check this out - pure genius!!! :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
Quotelearn to surf, tour Asian coastline doing same on any stretch of beach possible - especially that Aussie one where they pull at least one poor fucker out of the water every day. Haven't a clue why this idea popped into my head a while back, but its there now and it ain't gone nowhere. Nor do I want it to.

remember - the best surfer is the one having the most fun, not the one pulling a handstand. Falling in's the best bit anyway. There are loads of surf schools allover the Aussie east coast and all over Thailand (and in the UK for that matter but it's always freezing). If you stay in hostels with other backpackers though, you're bound to meet someone who'll teach you for free.
Off Topic / Re: End Of the World
09 September, 2008, 10:07:07 AM
QuoteI surely can't be the only person who automatically keeps reading that as 'giant hardon collider'?

Nope. me too. :D

There has to be a window of, I dunno, a couple hours, when these teeny tiny blackholes are visible, but not brain-suckingly powerful. I'm going to put one in a jar, give it to someone I don't like as a present and stand well back while they open it.

Whilst dressed like a dominatrix in a tinfoil hat. What else is there to do on a wednesday?
Off Topic / Re: I have no social life
07 September, 2008, 10:09:28 AM
I've never really needed to be able to drive, I just walk everywhere in town and use public transport to escape. Cheaper these days anyways. A few of us at one of my locals are clubbing together to buy a l'il tank, so I may have to start using that.* Gumball, here we come!

*In the event of success, pics of l'il tank with 'L' plates will follow  :mrgreen:
Off Topic / Re: return from the long walk.
07 September, 2008, 09:53:28 AM
Hey Bou, good to see you back!
Quality pic, as always
Love and hugs from Planet Tanky x
Links / Re: Official Tank Girl Site up and running!
05 September, 2008, 08:03:23 PM
That looks fab - nice one!
That's not me in the forum by the way, it's an imposter!
Anyhoo, off to work, looking forward to a proper browse on the morrow
Love and peas x
Help! / Re: Firefox vs Yahoo
03 September, 2008, 09:09:43 AM
Nah, the problem strated just before - that's why I decided to update. It did make it worse though...
Help! / Re: Firefox vs Yahoo
02 September, 2008, 09:23:10 AM
Spybot didn't turn up anything interesting and I am apparently completely updated. This one's got me stumped  :?
Help! / Firefox vs Yahoo
01 September, 2008, 11:17:28 AM
Ello folks, I'm hoping you can help me out with a random tic my pc has developed.
I've been doing my browsing with firefox for quite a while and e-mailing work-related people with yahoo for longer. Just recently though, every time I click on my inbox, firefox encouters a problem and needs to close. I've cleaned my system top to bottom and got rid of everything I don't need, cleared the offending mailbox out (using IE) and scanned everything to buggery, but it's still happening.
Anyone had the same prob or know what the heck to do about it?

Love and peas x
Off Topic / Re: The random great songs thread.
30 August, 2008, 02:56:37 PM
This week, I 'ave been mostly singing this at people...