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Messages - Cthulouis

Prog / Re: Prog 1773 Fathers Day?
08 March, 2012, 12:09:31 AM
Don't usually do reviews, but Dante moved me to write something.

If I travelled back through time and told 13 year old me about certain things in this story, young me would say, "YES! That is just so RIGHT!"

The two things in particular are Dante [spoiler]crashing the big thing into the other big thing (still trying to avoid spoilers)[/spoiler] and[spoiler] Person A shooting Person B, as was focused on this week.[/spoiler] These things are so perfect, that now I know about them, they seem obvious. Yet before they happened, I didn't see them coming at all. And that is a sign of amazing writing.

[spoiler]One thing that didn't quite gel with me is the explanation of how it happened, in that I didn't feel it was needed. As I was reading, I was thinking, yes, that works, bloody heck that works. Then you get the explanation of Dante having tinkered with the settings of the gun, and I thought, really? He could do that all along? Why didn't Dimitri or others tinker with it for their own ends? I would have thought that White Army tech was beyond everyone in this dimension, and that is why nobody has had a chance to alter it. [/spoiler]

Fortunately, there are two options open here:

1. [spoiler]That Dante was capable of *just enough* tinkering to get it to the very similar genetic code needed. A small degree of tinkering is possible, but not enough to give it to anyone else.[/spoiler]

2. [spoiler]This is unreliable narration, and the account in the memoirs is inaccurate. In fact, the plan was all improvised, and people were winging it on a hope and a prayer, and the gun just worked in her hands, because they share enough DNA. I much prefer this option, as it has the symbolism that Dante is all his mum and none of his dad.  [/spoiler]

Also, if Dimitri wanted Lulu dead instantly, those critters could have stripped her to the bone in seconds. Dimitri likes playing the long game. He likes killing people slowly, or even keeping them alive for later use. Last we saw of her before this, she had all her flesh, and her weapons crest healing factor (We have seen that Dimitri turning off the crests has a very visual effect.) So, would have been surprised if she was dead, rather than that she has survived.
I'm going to stick up for the Slaine prog and say, yes, it was great. Got 13-year-old-me hooked on the character. The SinDex one was great too.

As for Dante, will they not already have this all planned out? I would have thought this conversation was a little too late, no matter which way the coin falls.
General / Re: Preacher Cain.
02 March, 2012, 10:17:37 AM
Just in case Tharg's reading, I'm going to add another vote for this getting collected. Only stated reading with Going South, so I have lots to catch up on.
28 February, 2012, 10:43:55 PM
"Gaze into the fist of Dredd!"

Well, if it ain't broke...

(My fave so far is "No, your helmets too big!")
Film & TV / Re: Fassbender to star in Cuchulain movie!
25 February, 2012, 01:26:38 PM
QuoteAnd besides, at least the wider audience can pronounce 'slaine'.


That last bit may be a joke, by the way.

I chuckled. Genuinely, I did, and I'm not sure what that says about me...
Books & Comics / Re: PARAGON comic
25 February, 2012, 01:21:48 PM
QuoteThe review was illustrated with frames from Mekkosapiens

Dare I ask which ones?
Creative Common / Re: Judo's sci-fi writing
23 February, 2012, 12:40:44 PM
Must... resit... urge... to make sarcastic comment about Gordon R advising other people to finish what they've started...

(Disclaimer: I understand that money in the bank is the winner of any realistic contest, and he finished Missionary Man at least, so that's me happy)

(Second disclaimer: It is good advice.)
Prog / Re: Prog Golden Age: now is the time?
14 February, 2012, 06:42:44 PM
That is the wonder of an anthology, though. If people were here saying they liked every single story, it would probably only be a golden age to a few people, while everyone else yearned for those things the others dislike. I find various stories weak, but they are stories that others enjoy, so I'm good with that.

I personally feel that together, Thrid Element, Shadow Warriors, and the Volgan Wars create a wonderful re-establishing of the ABC world, cleaning out the Khaos-cobwebs and creating the foundations from which wonderful things will grow. I look forward to seeing where that path takes them.

Off Topic / Re: Cosplay
14 February, 2012, 07:36:05 AM
LARPing without a vowel makes you sound a little like Stallone trying to claim he is the Luurrrrgggggh. I realise the A is redundant, but it does make it nicer to say.
09 February, 2012, 10:25:31 AM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 05 February, 2012, 10:37:56 PM
Iron Sky cost a third of the budget of Dredd but took thrice as long to make.

Heh, yeah, the first time I heard about Iron Sky was on this board, back when it was essentially a white page with a big long list of posts ordered by most recent contribution regardless of categories.

Those were the days.
Creative Common / Re: HOT DANG DOODLE!
07 February, 2012, 09:30:35 PM
I drew this at work a few years back. Started off just drawing Hammerstein's head, but it was a quiet time of year and no customers turned up to interrupt me, so it kind of ballooned out from there.

Creative Common / Re: Judge Dredd submission
29 January, 2012, 10:02:05 PM
Quote from: Woolly on 29 January, 2012, 01:13:19 PM
I'd say maybe go with the current Lawgiver design from the comics,

As I recall, this is a flash back, so a mark one is what the script calls for.

I'm liking the reflection of Dredd in the knife.
John Wagner himself is a brain in a jar somewhere in the Mega-city. (A really swish computer user would be able to post a picture of this story, but I am not a really swish computer user).
Books & Comics / Re: The Phoenix
26 January, 2012, 09:41:16 PM
Sweeeet, time to start hassling my work colleague who lives in Leeds.

How much is each issue?
Books & Comics / Re: The Phoenix
26 January, 2012, 09:24:53 PM
Hey Lee,

Would that be OK comics in Leeds, and do they have any left?