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Messages - Krakajac

Off Topic / The Older Dads Thread
06 March, 2019, 08:59:55 AM
Apologies if this isn't the sort of thread that should be posted on the forum.  However, most of the members here appear to be considerate and well-meaning - and full of sage advice.  You only have to look at the 'black dog' thread to see proof of that.

Good news - it looks like my wife and I are going to become parents - after 9 attempts at IVF and 3 attempts at donor eggs.  Not to mention my wife having to deal with a bout of cancer.

In a nutshell, I'm 48 years old - and I'm having some 'issues' coming to terms with the idea of being an older Dad.  I know it's normal for expectant fathers to have some anxiety (financial pressures, will I be a good Dad?, etc.).  But my situation is somewhat compounded when I do the maths and realise how old I will be at the various stages of our child's life, etc.  Reading 2000AD for 40 years has given me an over-active imagination!

I wish I could be more positive about our circumstances - but I'm finding it hard to keep the negative feelings at bay.  The last thing I want to do is upset my wife.

I'm wondering if there are any older Dad's on the forum who could possibly give me some reassurance that 'everything will be alright'?

And yes, I realise it's something of a first-world problem - but I would greatly appreciate some words of wisdom from someone who's been there and done that.  I'm considering talking to a professional - but I figured like-minded 2000AD fans might be a good place to start.


Common knowledge to many - but it's something I learned the hard way...

The thing to keep in mind in relation to 4K/ the size of your screen - and how far from the screen you are sitting/viewing.  There are sweet spots that will give you the best bang for your buck.  Sitting too far away from the screen - and you simply won't be able to 'see' the 4K resolution.

Note - I only own two UHD titles at the moment - Blade Runner and it's sequel, 2049.  Both look great on my 47" Sony 4K panel - but unfortunately my lounge room dictates where I have to sit (just outside the sweet spot).

Interesting to learn above that UHD titles are multi-region!
Great - thanks for your assistance. :)
Newbie question here...

With a no-frills iPad (for example the 2018 one mentioned above) - do you ever need to zoom in to read text when you're reading the prog - or is the whole page crisp and easy to read as it appears on the screen?

For example, can you read the Damage Report on page 2 of a prog without having to zoom in?
I'm not the biggest of trek fans - but I did enjoy that episode.  Also glad to see they're maintaining the 'red shirt' tradition.  You could see it coming... :)
General / Re: Goodbye Carlos
02 October, 2018, 12:55:02 AM
Being in law enforcement, I've (to my own detriment) become desensitised to many of the harsher things in life.  This news has brought me back to earth, so to speak.  On patrol at this very moment - my partner is talking - but I ain't listening.

I'm based in Oz - and will probably never attend a 2000AD con.  Carlos was the one and only creator I ever corresponded with.  A true gentleman and a massive loss.
Film & TV / Re: Star Wars Episode IX
01 October, 2018, 04:18:20 AM
Sean Connery's age and academic personality/character worked well in The Last Crusade.  No reason why Ford can't do the 'older bloke' routine as well...perhaps with slightly more emphasis on using brains rather than brawn?  Certainly - include elements of physicality and punch-ups where possible - it's always great to see a guy of Ford's age/health doing his thing!

Case in point about using brains - the ending of KOTCS was woeful.  Indy essentially telling everyone, "let's get out of here".  Cue running out of temple as it collapses.  End.  In the next movie would like to see Indy actually using his knowledge of archaeology to save the day (see ROTLA and TLC - closing of eyes, solving of Grail puzzles, etc.).

Next movie really needs to be 100% stand-alone.  No reprising characters, no family story arcs.  No Easter eggs and minimal fanboy nods/winks to the audience.  See Temple of Doom - much maligned in the old days - but my clear favourite of all four Indy movies.  The opening musical number/fight, Short Round, the 'spike sequence', REAL rope-bridge shenanigans, Indy being zombified - and coming 'back to life' at the last moment - real emotion between SR and Indy.  Awesome stuff.  It had the 'freshness' of something like the 'Flash Gordon' movie.  Would be great if Spielberg/Lucas can look outside the box for the next movie...
Games / Re: Cyberpunk 2077
06 September, 2018, 09:16:57 AM
Even Dr DisRespect mentioned the similarity betwen Cyberpunk 2077 and the Dredd movie.  Apparently (when he was a level designer), he suggested a COD level that involved moving through a single Peachtrees style building.
Film & TV / Re: The Witcher Netflix Series
06 September, 2018, 07:22:09 AM
Off Topic / Re: RIPs
31 August, 2018, 07:10:29 AM
Marie will be remembered for many things.  For me, it was her work on the early 'Kull' comics.  Truly brilliant.
Announcements / Re: 3A Toys/Rebellion Press Release
30 August, 2018, 06:52:59 AM
I'm in two minds about this news.

Yep, disappointed not to see further releases - especially when there is (apparently) a prototype 1/6th scale Hammerstein floating about out there.  I would have loved to have seen some sort of kickstarter-style initiative - where the number of buyers can be confirmed before production even starts.  Surely that would still be an option - even if 3A wasn't involved?  It certainly works for other retro toy releases.  C'mon Rebellion... :)

And it's criminal they didn't utilise the Dredd figure/uniform for additional releases - Giant, Rico, Souster for starters.  Easy money for the completists like me.

On the other hand...I currently have five high quality 1:6th scale 2000AD figures on my shelves (including the behemoth that is Mongrel).  If you'd asked me if that was possible ten years ago, I would have laughed in your face. :)
Games / Re: Cyberpunk 2077
29 August, 2018, 04:48:48 AM
Lots of character customization options available too.  Perhaps a Lenny Zero or Galen DeMarco inspired character could be on the cards?  Aimee Nixon? :)

...and in a perfect world, we might see mods down the track allowing Judges and Lawmasters. :)
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
19 August, 2018, 02:05:25 PM
Flash Gordon (1980) on blu-ray (on the cinema screen at home).

First time I've watched this since I was a kid back in the day.  Not quite as polished as I remembered it (or scary).  Some shoddy editing/acting, but...

...still some amazing sci-fi designs and model-making for it's time.  Topped off with Queen and Brian Blessed doing their thing.

My Japanese wife didn't know what to make of it. :)

And strike me down if I didn't see Robbie Coltrane as an extra (at the start when Flash and Dale board the plane, I'm damn sure he closes the plane door before walking off-camera).

EDIT - just confirmed it was his third role.
Off Topic / Re: 2017 where the dust gathers....
16 August, 2018, 08:08:07 AM

Apologies for the typo.  I think I confused myself and thought I had 100 megs per shelf.  Of course, we're approaching 400. :)
Off Topic / Re: Stand out neighbours?
28 June, 2018, 05:38:05 AM
Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 27 June, 2018, 01:34:42 PM
Possibly the best thing I've ever heard in my life.  I love Spike, I really do. 'He took a good long drink on his beer, then a good long eat on his sandwich.'

Thanks JBC.  He was completely unique, wasn't he?  I still love reading his poetry.  And 'Badjelly The Witch' still scares me. :)