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Messages - o1s1n

General / Re: Ebay watch.
07 December, 2013, 06:34:23 PM
Here's his CAF gallary with the same page... same name as his ebay ID.

Looks legit to me.
General / Re: Non 2000ad artwork that you own ....
25 November, 2013, 04:23:07 PM
I've seen that artwork somewhere before but I can't place it at all! hmmm.
General / Re: Non 2000ad artwork that you own ....
24 November, 2013, 07:41:51 PM
Absolutely gorgeous! Much heavier/darker colour palette and paint handling than I'm used to with Mick Austin. Almost reminds me of the way John Burns paints water. Really works well though, I really do love the way he renders faces.
General / Re: 2000AD: Project Sketchbook
18 November, 2013, 08:39:13 PM
When I first clicked the thread I thought I was going to see comic con type sketches - by jaysus was I wrong. These are all gorgeous and to such a high finish! Not a bad one in the lot!

I also especially love that Colin Wilson Rogue page. There's something really spectacular about it. I think it's the incredible variation between the loose foliage and the hard lines of the machinery. Just breathtaking.
General / Re: The future reprinting of 2000ad
12 November, 2013, 09:21:50 PM
I first came across 2000AD in the early 90s when the comic was pretty much full colour. Still happily read black and white issues was I was a young lad though.

Some people just don't like black and white comics. Their loss really. I'd much rather read Halo Jones in it's original, glorious black and white artwork than some digitally 'coloured for the sake of it' silliness :)
General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
11 November, 2013, 09:14:51 PM

If it's more Hicklenton I'm more than certain you've managed to get one of those time machines Dale has  :D
General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
09 November, 2013, 09:51:32 PM
Jaysus Skullmo, that collection of yours is really something else at this point. Keep up the good work! :)
General / Re: 2000AD Sci-Fi Swipe File
07 November, 2013, 08:40:10 PM
This thread is brilliant, I really haven't come across any of these before. Particularly loving the prog 713 / Toni Shilleto connection. It was always one of my favourite covers when I was younger - now I know why!  :D

General / Re: 2000AD Sci-Fi Swipe File
07 November, 2013, 03:46:29 PM
Quote from: ming on 07 November, 2013, 02:56:20 PM
"The story opens in a post-apocalyptic Southern California [Mega-City Two], in a hellish world shattered by nuclear war decades before [Atom Wars]. Several police states have emerged in place of the former United States [Judges]. Hurricane-force winds above five hundred feet prevent any sort of air travel from one state to the next [The Death Belt], and sudden, violent, and unpredictable storms make day-to-day life a mini-hell. Hell Tanner [Spikes Harvey Rotten], an imprisoned killer [criminal biker], is offered a full pardon in exchange for taking on a suicide mission - a drive through "Damnation Alley" [The Cursed Earth] across a ruined America from Los Angeles to Boston [east coast to west coast] - as one of three vehicles attempting to deliver an urgently needed plague vaccine [K2001 Land Raider, Killdozer; 2T(Fru)T vaccine].

Ah here! That takes the cake! Remind me to stop reading this thread :D

General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
29 October, 2013, 05:59:52 PM
Quote from: Skullmo on 29 October, 2013, 05:43:23 PM
To make it even more bizarre, it was at the end of your garden.

Now that you mention it, it was being operated by these guys;

General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
29 October, 2013, 05:29:31 PM
I didn't know the images on those cards were unique, originally just thought they were reproductions from the prog.
General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
29 October, 2013, 02:12:20 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 29 October, 2013, 02:05:39 PM

That IS bizarre - where was this machine? Was it only Dredd stuff or other cards too?

It was in a large shopping Centre in an Irish town called Dun Laoghaire. The vending machine was in a really non descript place beside a newsagent at one of the exists. Was a big one too, like a sweet/drink machine but full of rows of cards.

There were other packets of cards too (I think I also bought a pack of Baywatch ones...or wait, maybe it was Barbed Wire. The main point of interest was Pamela Anderson's boobage anyway  :lol:)

But yeah, was weird as not only had I never seen a trading card vending machine before (or since!), but the fact that it had Dredd cards...weird.
General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
29 October, 2013, 01:59:49 PM
Quote from: dark-spartan on 28 October, 2013, 04:04:01 PM
I was told it was from a trading card series done in the 90's

I was wondering where I knew it from!

When I was a kid I found a vending machine full of Judge Dredd trading cards. I thought this extremely bizarre so used my pocket money to buy as many as I could. That was definitely on one of them.
General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
28 September, 2013, 04:06:26 PM
That's amazing!!!  :o

Interesting to see that they edited the laser whip art to appear over the logo using the overlay.
General / Re: 'Jumping on points' in the prog
31 August, 2013, 02:02:28 PM
But then with the addition of colour, you can lose things too - the major one for me being linework.

Akira is a good example of this. Look at Otomo's original black and white ink drawings. The attention to detail, the lines - it's magnificent.

Upon release over these parts, it had all been hand coloured. Now, I do like the colouring and I think it works well, but the original black and white artwork looks vastly superior due to the extremely high level of detail.

All depends on the artist in the end. Some guys aren't so good with ink, but their paint work is amazing. I was never the biggest fan of MacNeil's black and white work, but his coloured work is some of my favourite. Colour brings his work to life.