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Messages - DrRocka

22 November, 2010, 11:17:02 PM
Yeah, so you've said over and over again on every conceivable site on the internet.
General / Re: DREDD IS A JIMP...
22 November, 2010, 11:16:02 PM
That's better!
I am a musician. I can be confused by shiny objects.
General / Re: DREDD IS A JIMP...
22 November, 2010, 11:10:14 PM
Hehehe. Still, as the sun's o'er the yardarm, I reckon I'll pour out a glass of that good grain you speak of!
Games / Re: Nintendo wii
22 November, 2010, 11:05:03 PM
I finally got one a couple of weeks ago, and have been immersed in Wii Fit plus, Zelda Twilight Princess and Goldeneye ever since. All well worth the dosh.
Mind you, I reckon Goldeneye plays much better if you use a Gamecube controller with it.
General / Re: DREDD IS A JIMP...
22 November, 2010, 11:02:38 PM
Mark, you lost me after "No." But I still like it.
Besides if this is gonna be a gritty movie, then why not grainy too?!!
22 November, 2010, 11:00:01 PM
At least it's getting my post count up - I'm normally more than happy to lurk and see what folk are shootin' the breeze about...
22 November, 2010, 10:57:59 PM
and again...

No -one's got anything wrong, they're making a film with a good deal of love for the source material and an eye for what will work in a cinematic context. Your ramblings, no matter how many times you repeatedly post them on many different sites across the internet are your opinion, and for some reason, you seem to need people to agree to with your bafflingly obsessive point of view.

No one's interested in your screenplay, and you obviously don't like this film. So why not just shut the *beep* up?
General / Re: DREDD IS A JIMP...
22 November, 2010, 10:57:02 PM
For what it's worth,I like it, and is the blurriness of the picture not a side - effect of shooting in 3D?
22 November, 2010, 10:52:47 PM
*sigh* - repeat after me, Scojo....

No -one's got anything wrong, they're making a film with a good deal of love for the source material and an eye for what will work in a cinematic context. Your ramblings, no matter how many times you repeatedly post them on many different sites across the internet are your opinion, and for some reason, you seem to need people to agree to with your bafflingly obsessive point of view.

No one's interested in your screenplay, and you obviously don't like this film. So why not just shut the *beep* up?
22 November, 2010, 10:31:05 PM
Oh man, have I gotta start posting my IMDB reply on here too??!
Hey, cheers for this thread - I've been wondering what to do with some of my writing. I just tend to heap it all up on my blog, and haven't the foggiest how to describe half of it.
General / Re: Oh yes. Kingdom.
22 October, 2010, 11:49:29 PM
I couldn't agree more with everyone's points about Dante, and hopefully one day I'll sit down with my collection of old progs, make my way through from the beginning and gradually grow to love it. But I don't frankly see when that day will ever come!

SinDex, though, always seems to have at least one or two good lines in it per episode, even if the stories and plotlines as a whole are something I could care less about.

Kingdom, though, is accessible from any episode, which is what makes it great, in my opinion. Looks like it's got an ending, too, which would be great. One of the reasons I tend not to bother with too many tv shows these days is the Lost effect - that they go on for 6 or seven seasons and lose a great initial premise amid ongoing plot padding. Same for a lot of comics. I tend to love ones that reach a natural conclusion. I reckon I have some kind of autism.
General / Re: 1708 a milestone for Matt Smith?
21 October, 2010, 11:07:01 PM
Still think Chris Ecclestone was better.
General / Oh yes. Kingdom.
21 October, 2010, 11:04:18 PM
Apologies if this has been posted before, but what the fook....

...just finally sat down and read all three Kingdom stories back to back. I'd only read "Call of the Wild" beforehand (for one reason or another) and quite liked it, so it was great to sit and read all three together.

All I can say is, YES.

This is great, on every level. This is a world I can beleive in. And unlike a lot of 2000ad strips, there's a real subtext of optimism throughout this. I actually can't wait to read more, straight into my top ten tooth strips of all time.

On the other hand, I've never ever been able to get into Dante. Would love to, but it left me cold on its very first appearance. SinDex too. Any help?
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
17 October, 2010, 07:19:47 PM
Big Man: the Clarence Clemons story, and The Annotated Mona Lisa. Both rather fine.