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Messages - The Bissler

Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
22 May, 2012, 11:55:38 PM
So long as John Murphy's "In the House In a Heartbeat" doesn't feature.

Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic piece of music used to great effect in "28 Days Later".  When it was regurgitated in "28 Weeks Later" I felt the power of the song was dilluted, and when it turned up in "Kick Ass" it only infuriated me.  In what was a pivotal scene, I felt distracted, thinking as I was "oh, that's the music from '28 Days Later'".  I don't want to be thinking about other films when I watch "Dredd"!

Enough about what I don't want, how about something like this?
General / Slaine the King new edition?
14 May, 2012, 08:23:30 AM
I've desperately been trying to source Slaine the King (Rebellion 2008 edition, ISBN 9781905437665) from the internet but have had no success whatsoever!  The book seems to be out of print but I was wondering if there were any plans to release a further edition? 
Cheers for that Emperor!  Think that would work out around about Case Files 20 then!  I'll still get 19 though, but pleasing to know that not long to go until Mr Wagner makes his triumphant return! 
Thanks to all for posting on this thread.  As someone who read 2000AD until the early 90's, I've recently been enjoying catching up with Dredd, Strontium Dog, Slaine, Rogue Trooper, etc through many of the Rebellion graphic novels.  I had been wondering about trying graphic novels to pick up (published post 1992) and I've found the advice here very helpful!
On a seperate note, I've noticed many people referring to the dip in quality on the Judge Dredd strips in the mid 1990's and admittedly I've found the last few Case Files books have been of a mixed standard.  I've been wondering at what stage fans who have followed Dredd all the way felt that the strip improved again?  I'm interested to see how many more case files books have yet to come before the books return to the very high standards of the 1980's Dredd.