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Messages - Geoff

Prog / Re: Prog 1923: Get Me Savage!
22 March, 2015, 03:28:09 PM
I also really liked the cover.  The speech balloons are a bit jarring though, I thought it might be the size or the red letters but it could be the position.

Dredd's enjoyable this week, with some great art and some MC1 craziness.

I liked the 3 part 3riller more than any I can remember in recent times.

Didn't really get the gist of the Twisted Tales and as ever the Geeks leave me cold.

Savage, comes to a satisfying end, for now, nice splash image of Quartz at the end.
Great introduction and very much enjoyed the thrillcast as usual.

It would be nice to have a little more general 2000ad related news/info not directly related to the mega collection in each episode though. 

Maybe a competition every other episode...
General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
18 March, 2015, 07:03:32 PM
That Zenith Apex Edition sounds great, exactly the sort of thing I'd buy like a shot normally.

Having bought the hardback collected edition for that whacking price recently - thinking that would be my only chance to get Zenith - then seeing the release of the individual books and now this one as well, I feel a bit reluctant...
General / Re: 2000AD Original Art Thread
18 March, 2015, 04:52:34 PM
Very nice!
Prog / Re: Prog 1922 - Judge Dredd Road Warrior
18 March, 2015, 04:49:23 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 18 March, 2015, 01:58:10 PM
Quote from: Geoff on 17 March, 2015, 08:38:12 AM
The side ones are machine guns and as I understand it, the middle one is actually a laser gun (called a Cyclops I think..)

Indeed - see that prog 524 cover above (Pzzooo!) - this is one of the very few examples when we've seen the cyclops laser in action - normally it's bike cannon all the way for our Joe!

Wonder why he so rarely uses the laser. Other than the cover above, I can barely think of any other examples where he uses it...
General / Re: The Commissions Thread
17 March, 2015, 09:02:33 AM
Dredd welcomes Butcher to Mega City 1. Convention sketch by the lovely John McCrea from the London Comic Con at the weekend, at this link:

Great piece I think, he really worked hard that Saturday - friends were bringing him packs of crisps and chocolates to keep him going as he sketched!

(Still having problems with the KB limit when trying to upload to the forum, so hope the link works)
Prog / Re: Prog 1922 - Judge Dredd Road Warrior
17 March, 2015, 08:38:12 AM
Yeah, I like it when you can actually see the guns mounted on the side. 

The side ones are machine guns and as I understand it, the middle one is actually a laser gun (called a Cyclops I think..)
16 March, 2015, 02:24:58 PM
Any chance you could post a few examples, just to tempt us...?

(Why do I do this to myself  ::))
Megazine / Re: Meg 358: Dial Hard
16 March, 2015, 11:19:36 AM
The Dredd story is superb! A month is such a long time to wait for the next instalment..

I'm very pleased that American Reaper has finished. Some strips, of course, I like more than others, but there are very few strips that I don't actually read when I get my 2000ad or Meg, Reaper was one of them and it took up so much of the Meg. Looking forward to seeing what replaces it.

Pa's backstory and Mean's demise, love the art and the writing on both. 

Wonderful back cover by Rufus Dayglo in memoriam of Brett Ewins and tribute by Molch.
Prog / Re: Prog 1922 - Judge Dredd Road Warrior
16 March, 2015, 11:00:05 AM
A good solid cover. Also reminded me of the Kev Hopgood one from the 600s.

Really enjoyed the complete Dredd story. A thoughtful, reflective story and a clever change of pace from the action packed weeks of Dark Justice.  Simon Coleby's art is, as always, excellent.

I'm also really enjoying the 3riller, despite the fact that I'm not really sure what's going on...

Savage and the Order nicely rounded off. Loved the Order but have to agree that the last third did start to drag a bit.  Be glad to see it return though, hopefully spending more time above ground.

As before, Geeks aren't really for me.
Good thinking Anzati I'll check that out, cheers!
Can't remember when the last delivery came, alas...I'll have to make a note next time it comes.

Pesky T&Cs, sure they've got everything covered!
When are my 4 & 5 going to arrive!?

And my wooden surfaces are getting ruined without those coasters!

I know the deliveries are staged for reasons of cost, but I wish Hachette would give it's subscribers some idea of which tranche they are in and therefore an idea of when to expect their deliveries.

I don't mind waiting, it's just the uncertainty I can't handle  :o
Welcome to the board / Re: New Dredd Fan
12 March, 2015, 09:04:31 PM
Welcome aboard!
Prog / Re: Prog 1921 - Fight to the Fiendish
07 March, 2015, 02:38:37 PM
Great prog this week!

Stunning wrap around cover from the Staples droid and a nice tribute to John Cooper in the editorial.

The ending to Dark Justice is somewhat abrupt, and no return for PJ which is a shame.  The story seemed to have the promise of more depth earlier on, but it was still enjoyable and with stunning art throughout.

The Geeks aren't to my taste but for that type of strip the art is excellent.

Love the 3thriller this week, hooked from the start. Favourite strip of the prog and it's not very often that for me it's one of the 3thrillers.   

With Savage and his big brother having a punch-up to finish off the prog, all round a very generous slice of thrill power. Hail to the Mighty One!

(Only just found out what these references to the 'damaged report' refer to d'oh  ::))