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Messages - Huey2

General / Re: Diceman
13 July, 2007, 08:19:54 PM
If you liked the Ronald Reagan one it's worth tracking down "You are Maggie Thatcher" an original gn by titan books. It was done by the same guys and looked like it was going to be the first in a series of piss-take role-playing books. It's a very enjoyable and fun read.

As for Diceman the comic. I thought it was great though I was a litle annoyed that so much strip space was taken up by this Diceman fella' when it could have been a strip featuring  proper tooth character.

However, looking back I see a lot of potential in the set-up: Raymond Chandler meets Hellblazer. Maybe it would be nice to see the Diceman return in a non-roleplaying strip.

And since I've started on my wish-list: Mills really has been a brilliant innovator in comics trying out new things (Sure, not all of 'em worked but at least he tried). I think tooth missed a trick by getting it's summer shake-up of '93 to be done by Morrison and Millar. An annual summer shake-up would be a great thing if the mastermind behind it was somebody like Mills.

- huey  
Film & TV / Re: BBC Confirm Doctor Who's new a...
29 November, 2007, 12:03:11 AM
Some of the Sarah Jane stuff has been better than New Who and it's certainly light years ahead of that bloody Torchwood.
News / Re: Thrill Power Overload - out no...
28 August, 2007, 08:40:56 AM
"Having just read about the initial adaptation of The Stainless Steel Rat, it got me to wondering (and this has probably been discussed on the board before) what, if any, other novels would be good as comic adaptations in 2000AD or the Megazine."

I'd love to see a comic adaption of Harry Harrison's short story "The streets of Ashkelon". Preferably with Mike Hadley on art duties.

- Huey
Film & TV / Re: Doctor Who Axed
31 May, 2007, 01:58:40 PM
" The thing that's always bugged me about the Doctor is that his original incarnation had clearly lived to a ripe old age. He must have either been minding his own business before that, or got clumsy as fuck after his first regeneration"

- He was minding his own business. Didn't leave his own planet until he was several hundred years old.

- Huey
Prog / Re: Prog 1539 Defender Of The Real...
31 May, 2007, 11:45:24 AM
When arguably the greatest Dredd artist returns for the first time in ages to draw an episode of Dredd why does he get this awful script?

Morrison still sticks to the tell-it instead of show-it school of story telling with the first 3 pages being nothing but exposition. He still finds it impossible to tell a story without reference to womens' bits. How old is he? Thirteen? And the idea that a photographer gets a snap shot of Dredd's face does not make an exciting or even interesting story. I want to read about mutant terrorists and giant robots and  crazy sci-fi ideas, not some tale of a heat magazine employee.
Morrison's poor grasp of the Dredd character continues over in the meg with a particularly out of character last panel. In fact Morrison manages to be the only writer to not get the character of Control - having the desk jockeys relate the entire episode one of "Street fighting man" to every judge on patrol.

McMahon however still has got it. An amazing style, great story telling and a fantastic design sense. Dredd artists are going to be copying those costumes, vehicles and cameras for years to come. He's a great artist and deserves to be better treated. Put him on a Grant or Wagner script, but please not pish like this again.

- Huey2
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW DR WHO TONIGHT, (MAY...
15 April, 2007, 11:01:58 PM
"Well, theres no such thing as a script editor these days - the role exists, but it's a much less senior position, and certainly doesnt involve rewriting a script for senses sake."

There are about 3 script editors. Much less senior as they are no longer selecting writers, themes or direction - that's all the show-runner's job now.

So, as far as I can tell the script editor job seems to only be making sure the running time is okay and checking it makes sense.

As for getting the story to make sense I think the plot-holes could have been brushed away with the tiniest of re-writes.

My only niggle: the Macra! Too large, not annoying in a fanboy way, but they seemed far less menacing when the car could dart around them. They'd have been much more threatening at their original size.

- huey
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW DR WHO TONIGHT, (MAY...
15 April, 2007, 01:50:07 PM
forgot to say: I've enjoyed every episode this season so far. At the same stage last year I hadn't enjoyed a single one.

Sure there hasn't been a fanastic episode yet along the likes of "Girl in the fireplace" or "Father's Day" but there seems to have been a definate upturn in quality.

Who knows? At this rate Torchwood might be alright this year.

- Huey
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW DR WHO TONIGHT, (MAY...
15 April, 2007, 01:46:45 PM
"With the lifting of stuff from 2000ad, I wonder if they've considered approaching John Wagner to actually write a script for the New Who"

John and Pat Mills did try and get a Who script done during the end of the Tom Baker years. These eventually got re-worked into comic scripts for the first issues of the Dr. Who weekly. The Iron Legion would still make a fantastic episode.

Pat came a little closer during the Davison years with "Space Whale" coming a little closer to commission. Apparently it got dropped because the script editor didn't like the crew of the space whaler speaking in naturalistic dialogue.

I'd love to see Pat Mills script an episode. The petition starts here.

- Huey
News / Re: Massimo- news?
15 April, 2007, 12:35:57 PM
Just echoing what everybody else has said, the man was a great artist and will surely be missed.
Sod that, given the right script he was the greatest artist 2000ad ever had and was unfairly overlooked.

As it seems with others, it was his artwork that really blew me away and kept me reading tooth. For me it was Blackhawk. There were some fantastic visuals there which had real depth which nobody else seemed able to achieve. Just look at the stuff once the story takes part inside a Black Hole. Absolutely amazing.

As for tributes: 2000ad doesn't seem to have a great history of honoring its creators. Jack Kirby, who never did anything for the comic, got a special pin-up. Eric Bradbury, who had done a fair bit got nothing. If any tribute does materialise I'd expect it to be a short mention in the nerve centre. Anything else will probably appear in the small press.

Reprints: I'd love to see Blackhawk or Ace Trucking reprinted, but only if it were at A4 size. The complete Nemesis is a nice book, but Kev O'Neill's detailed artwork does lose something shrunken down to American format. Massimo's meticulous artwork deserves better than that.

- Huey
Film & TV / Re: New who the countdown begins.....
22 March, 2007, 05:04:12 PM
"Really looking forward to Who but I'm going to try and ignore any Touchwood references as I cannot stand the bloody show"

- May not be Torchwood references this time around. Year 1 was "Bad wolf". Year 2 was "Torchwood". Year 3 will be...

 somebody called "Saxon". Personally, while I didn't mind the "Bad wolf" arc I don't think the series needs linking themes. They torchwood one didn't add anything to the series and, seeing as how they're jumping all over time and space, linking consecutive stories with one theme seems to jar. If you're going to do it, do it properly like "the key to time".

- Huey
Film & TV / Re: Neverwhere News
17 March, 2007, 08:24:54 PM
That's a terrible cover, though.

The video release had a lovely Dave McKean image from the title sequence. Why can't this?

In fact, why can't any of the beeb DVDs get decent covers. They're all Photoshop montages knocked up in 5 minutes ( Unless it's the Doctor Who covers in which case they add an extra minute to tint the whole thing purple).

Cover aside though, the actual programme's not bad.

Film & TV / Re: RTD to leave Doctor Who?.........
13 March, 2007, 06:52:22 PM
" The sunday paper I read had a four page spread on how he'd put so much effort into season 3. So I wouldn't hold your breath!"

Well, I didn't say he was definately going. Just that it was hinted. If I could do one of those technical linky-things I'd put in a link to the Sunday Telegraph. Instead: through the wonders of cut and paste...

"This is one of the reasons why Davies is ready for a new challenge. 'I've always wanted to adapt The Old Curiosity Shop. I love it. It's about time someone had the nerve to rewrite Dickens. The whole plot is a mess. The first three chapters narrated by Edward somebody? Obviously Dickens worked out that he couldn't be in every scene. So, at the end of chapter three, he goes: "That's the end of my part of the story - goodbye." And Quilp's death? Is that it? Anyway, lo and behold, ITV are doing it. If you stay too long somewhere you start missing out on chances like that.'

A fourth series of Doctor Who has already been commissioned, and Davies is putting the finishing touches to scripts for Christmas 2007. His work here is - almost - done. When he does leave, it will be with happy memories, especially of the day the Doctor returned."

Personally, I think he did a brilliant job at bringing it back and made some pretty bold new decisions about the show.
The only problem is how schizophrenic the quality threshold is, producing some of the best stories the show has ever done, but also some of it's worst.

Even if RTD does vacate the chief writer chair I'd be suprised if he didn't contribute the occasional script and it'd be a shame if he didn't.

- Huey

- Huey
Film & TV / RTD to leave Doctor Who?
13 March, 2007, 04:33:31 AM
I know a lot of you on the messageboard won't be upset about this, but in an interview in a Sunday paper RTD hints that he may be moving on from Doctor who shortly.

General / Re: The Galaxys greatest character...
28 February, 2007, 04:59:15 PM
General / Re: The Galaxys greatest moment!.....
28 February, 2007, 04:37:00 PM
Strontim Dog: " Because I hate you!"

Judge Dredd: dispatching Junior Angel.

Dead Man: realising his true identity. Waaaay better than the nonsensical reveal in Malone.

ABC's: Mad george walking tall.

Nemesis: that image of him surfing on a spear that has already skewered several Terminators.

Ace Trucking: Ace Garp takes the Nightlightflight
Ace bites off Jago Kain's nose.

Slaine: Slaine finally becomes king.

Rogue Trooper: the entire run of Cinnebar. For the first and last time somebody writes a decent Rogue Trooper story.

- Huey