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Messages - stacey

Events / Re: Travelling Man Newcastle Comic Launch
04 February, 2009, 06:26:55 PM
I made the cakes!  I also had a great time, wish I'd read this before going as it would have been nice to say hello!
General / Re: My FINISHED Cliff Robinson Commission!
03 February, 2009, 09:55:47 AM
That is completely gorgeous, you must be over the moon!
I missed the pilot for this but I have enjoyed the first two eps very much.  The new werewolf character Tully this week was very creepy.  The main three relationships are developing really well and I am hooked enough to keep watching.  Hope its this good next week!
Events / Re: New York Comic Con
02 February, 2009, 09:48:09 PM
Quote from: "+rufus+"
Quote from: "King Trout"I remain insanely jealous of this New York junket you buggers are on, but...

Yes, it's a bloody good Dredd story, Al.

And I really liked this month's cover, PJ.

Bastards. :lol:

 :D  I offer to do my job for people outside of work for cash but noones interested in me tidying their books and telling them to be quiet.
Events / Re: HiEX 2009
20 January, 2009, 07:35:51 PM
Well thats easy enough and a very short stagger to bed!  :D
Events / Re: HiEX 2009
20 January, 2009, 06:23:08 PM
Oooh that looks great!  I was just wondering if there were an "appointed pub" or owt like that for the evening.  Y'know  like in Bristol everyone hangs out at the Ramada bar?
a "jovial vagina" thats awesome! I think I may need to buy this comic for that and to show my mother and father (both nurses) how they *should* be dressing for work!
Events / Re: HiEX 2009
18 January, 2009, 08:39:36 PM
Well arsey trains are all booked.  So excited!
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello
17 January, 2009, 04:42:21 PM
*waves* wotcha WoD you horrendous avoider of me!  :D

Thanks again for the lovely welcome and I'd just like to reassure you all that "they call me Stacey" and my mother has indeed got it going on!
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello
16 January, 2009, 09:20:24 PM
Oh really? Thats so great!  The b/f is going to book trains for Hi Ex tomorrow so I shall definitely come find you.
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello
16 January, 2009, 08:56:38 PM
Quote from: "satchmo"Hiya Stacey!

Hi there, I recognise that link in your siggy it goes to my favourite small press comic - the Mike Neville Casefiles!

Thanks for the lovely welcome guys!
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello
16 January, 2009, 07:00:55 PM
Hello Buttonman and thanks for the welcome, I am indeed a lady and am even wearing ladies clothes and everything!  :D  I am probably boringly predictable in saying my fav character is Dredd.
Welcome to the board / Hello
16 January, 2009, 06:45:25 PM
Hi Guys, I'm Stacey, I usually hang around on the SFX forum and have been lurking around here for a little while following Poogate when I got linked here from elsewhere.  It looks like you have a really nice community here I hope you don't mind me staying for a cuppa.
Megazine / Re: MEG 280 - CHEW ON THIS!
16 January, 2009, 06:42:49 PM
I'm really enjoying Insurrection, and I love the artwork I think it's gorgeous.
Tank Girl is really fun and I liked the flashback and the bowlcut hairdo.
I'm enjoying CitiDef, I wasn't sure after the first part but I like the story but I'm not keen on the artwork it's a little cartoony for my tastes.  
I don't think Al Ewing has written many Dredds has he? It's funny because it reads like he's been doing it forever, hes geet good like as they say up here.  Well as I say anyway.

I thought the Meg was really good this month, I liked the interview with Tony Lee and the Colin Wilson trade thingy was great.  I've only been reading the 2000AD and The Meg for about a year so most of the stories in the trades are new and interesting for me, which is nice.
Events / Re: HiEX 2009
16 January, 2009, 05:24:44 PM
Hi Guys, I'm new to the site, but think I have met a few of you at other cons, so hello.  Me and my lovely boyfriend are trying to sort travel arrangements to come up for this.  Trains are an arse! We have to wait to book them until Monday to totally confirm that he def has the day off work so we are just crossing everything to make sure they don't triple in price before then.  I think there are only 3 trains coming back to Newcastle all day on the Sunday, I thought Scotland was just two minutes up the road - not 5 hours away! Geography not me strong point.