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Messages - mididoctors

General / Re: 2000AD stories - Big Plot Holes
18 January, 2013, 09:44:30 AM
Quote from: Richmond Clements on 18 January, 2013, 09:35:53 AM
Quote from: mididoctors on 18 January, 2013, 09:27:59 AM
I had to make an effort to suspend my disbelief about why they couldn't just fly the vaccine to mega city 2 instead of rolling across the curst[you heard] earth in a killdozer odyssey...still made a great yarn.

The Death Belt, apparently... Although why they could not fly over or around it is not explained...

yeah the death belt... that old plot coupon  :D
General / Re: Watched DREDD last night
18 January, 2013, 09:28:52 AM
Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 17 January, 2013, 12:14:47 PM

They put a hotwire in my head, because of things I did and said...



I claim public image quote on you
General / Re: 2000AD stories - Big Plot Holes
18 January, 2013, 09:27:59 AM
I had to make an effort to suspend my disbelief about why they couldn't just fly the vaccine to mega city 2 instead of rolling across the curst[you heard] earth in a killdozer odyssey...still made a great yarn.
General / Re: Watched DREDD last night
18 January, 2013, 09:23:48 AM
Quote from: opaque on 17 January, 2013, 10:58:53 PM
I was disappointed by the lack of specials. Especially when you think about the adverts on Facebook saying how great they are.
Of course you don't need to know the back story of Dredd to enjoy the film but what a great opportunity to get people who don't know it to actually get into it. Maybe a mini comic in the dvd/blu-ray case or on the disc to read or a proper bit of documentary of the strip. I liked the interview with relevent people but it could have been several times longer. Very short clips in that really.

Looks good though, I'm happy with it although the effects really do suit 3D not 2D so I can imagine that would have been even more obvious in the cinema. I'm happy I saw it in 3D after all.

in yrs to come I imagine a special collectors edition will appear with all that sort of thing
General / Re: Watched DREDD last night
17 January, 2013, 09:19:38 AM
Quote from: Beadle68 on 16 January, 2013, 09:20:22 PM
My pre ordered copy arrived on day of release and has been on every night,my son is obsessed with it.I have  changed the minds of a few work mates who after me going on about how good a film it is regardless of how much a fan I am now agree it was the best action movie they have seen in years and now wish they had seen it in 3D at the cinemas (they were invited but declined saying the trailer looked crap). I think if a better trailer and an earlier internet campaign had been used it might have done better.At least we all got a Dredd film to be proud of and I for one would like to thank all those in front of and behind the cameras (I know there is a thread for this on the film discussion forum but I still can't post there.Annoying!). Would loved to have seen more of Dredd on the streets of the big meg,think that bike chase is brilliant (although brief)and wanted to see more of that sort of thing,just can't get enough of this film.:)

this is how cult status is created I guess
General / Re: Watched DREDD last night
16 January, 2013, 08:19:05 PM
Quote from: Skullmo on 16 January, 2013, 04:29:35 PM
I think the killer was the trailer. I know loads of people (non 2000ad fans) who thought the film looked Dreddful (sorry) after seeing the trailer. It was only when I forced them to watch that clip (because they really were soured after the trailer) that they said 'actually, that looks pretty good' and went to see it.

the marketing was weak.... but its a hard film to market because of its niche status...would have faired better perhaps with a longer run viral/word of mouth strategy but who would finance that?

its a film that is going to have a long long life
General / Re: 2000AD stories - Big Plot Holes
14 January, 2013, 04:55:07 PM
Quote from: Steve Green on 13 January, 2013, 09:27:07 PM
It constantly amazes me how observant/accurate John has been.

Peepers for the city, surveillance, riot foam, human taxidermy, the ludicrous fixation on celebrity etc.

Top East meg judge, Chief Judge Putin authorises use of stumm gas

General / Re: 2000AD stories - Big Plot Holes
13 January, 2013, 05:03:11 PM
I see these sci-fi troupes in 2000AD such as "under-cities" more as embellished satires either of the present or predictions on near present trends... especially in Wagner's case where most of the sci-fi stuff seems to more aimed at "where are we heading as a society"

Wagner was particularly good at this

Troogies in the undercity

Fatties! the 300kg law seemed absurd but funny in Dredd 30 yrs ago but now with tv populated with 300kg+ freaky body shows! The murdered fattie in DREDD goes almost unnoticed because we are so used to seeing obesity.

mega cities themselves... Pearl river delta city is going on 60 million, the line "in the mega structures of the future" is it really short hand for the sort of world we have?

I thought the DREDD film was very interesting in the way it blended the present into the "future". Sure limited budgets made this blending more pragmatic but I suspect accidently or not the argument that DREDD and Judge Dredd is really about the near now holds, rather than it strives to be some coherent futuristic fully formed fantasy world.

It can operate as this fantastic tableau but its a hard ask for it to be watertight..all these fantastic universes are absurd
General / Re: 2000AD stories - Big Plot Holes
12 January, 2013, 09:23:53 PM
It's just a comic


General / Re: Ron Smith Interview
10 January, 2013, 06:47:37 PM
Quote from: flintlockjaw on 20 December, 2012, 01:37:50 PM
Hi all,

Looks like I finally got an interview set up with the great man and Dredd legend himself, Ron Smith. The interview will be sometime in January.

Any questions that you'd like Mr. Smith to answer about his career etc?

if its not to late

"Mr Smith, too you does Judge Dredd have any currency or value as a worthwhile piece of culture or is he just another paycheck?"

"I suspect there is a fair amount of emotional investment in the characters you have drawn in 2000Ad over the years especially the supporting cast of Mega city 1 citizens, is this a fair comment?"
General / Re: Dredd Alert Blog
09 January, 2013, 08:55:08 PM
Quote from: davidblack on 02 January, 2013, 12:02:08 PM
Happy New Year.

It's that time of year that people begin new endeavours or make resolutions, but instead I've started a blog.

The plan is to write about a Dredd-verse strip every day working my way through from the beginning. I would welcome any comments, feedback or corrections.

I'll read it
General / Re: Things that went over your head...
09 January, 2013, 04:49:15 PM
In The Robohunter story Verdus there is a pastiche of bilbo baggins meeting gollom
He is the only man in Mega city 1 that could draw another man heading eggs into a bucket.
Welcome to the board / Hi
04 January, 2013, 05:40:07 PM
Borag thung earthlets (do I remember that correctly)? Old school reader from the 70's and eighties lost contact with prog in the mid 90's

The film DREDD brought me here. Absolutely blown away. Genre redefining movie that is going to rehashed by others as much if not more than other seminal action movies, think; fistful of dollars, Dirty Harry, Enter the dragon, Mad Max2, Bourne Identity, Matrix. Stylish pseudo adult violence that just repeat just suspends your disbelief enough to draw you in. And Like all the good action flicks operates on a few more levels than first appears . I could write a tome on this film. Its a shame it flopped but no one is going to remember Looper or the avengers..

hope for many a wasted hour chatting with you guys

big thumbs up to all for contributing to a film and worthy piece of cultural heritage

thank you all