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Messages - EDazzling

General / Re: Hello again!
01 June, 2017, 01:47:08 PM
I reckon there's been 5 Dredd books since Trifecta?
Day of Chaos: Fallout
Dark Justice
Dead Zone
Every Empire Falls
How close to the end of the run do the Marvel books get before extensions happen?
I built my own, we all have to build our own, it's how we become who we were meant to be.
The entire Tales of The Black Museum page-count to date is a hair under 250 pages, it's unlikely this'll have *all* of them, right? What's the highest page count we've had so far?
General / Re: ABC Warriors Time line
01 May, 2017, 05:15:09 PM
ah, maybe I'm being unfair on that then. I do normally like Flint.
General / Re: ABC Warriors Time line
01 May, 2017, 03:23:07 PM
Quote from: positronic on 01 May, 2017, 02:27:55 PM
It just seemed like an excuse to string together various scenarios of random mayhem, with only the skimpiest of overall plots to hold it together.

That's pretty much how I described it myself, isn't it?

It's exciting, it's engaged with the real world, it's funny. The constant humiliation of Hammerstein is a particular highpoint. It's the sense of 3 creators having a huge amount of fun making cynical occult anarchist comics for children that gets my engine humming.

The Medusa/Shadow Warriors stuff is staid and awkward. Mills wasn't happy with the regime at the time, with edits made to his work, and it shows. Nobody's having fun, and his storytelling gets very sloppy - unlike the calculated sloppiness of the plot-free era of MF2
General / Re: ABC Warriors Time line
01 May, 2017, 12:22:34 PM
Quote from: marko10174 on 30 April, 2017, 08:34:14 AM
I've just bought the three hard back Mek files. I read the first Mek file last night containing the stories the meknificent seven, and the black hole. I found the black hole quite tricky to follow, not sure why happy shrapnel or the mess weren't included in this one. I've not read and Nemesis stories which might fill in a few gaps I'm guessing. I still really enjoyed it though and I'm looking forward to reading the two other files.

Mek Files 3 is quite bad, but don't let that put you off getting on to the Volgan War

Mel Files 2, however...

Highwater mark for the careers of all involved. The absolute peak of 2000AD's 90s delirious-occult-nonsense-told-through-the-medium-of-guitar feedback stuff.
Brit-Cit Babes... I really enjoy Steve Sampson's aesthetic, but I think that series was hamstrung by them making something fairly bland. With that title and his propensity for pin-up stylings it could have been quite a successful grand-guinol exploitation flick style thing

Fast Food is volume 71 and contains:
The League of Fatties;
Anatomy of a Crime;
Requiem for a Heavyweight;
The Eat of the Night;
Magnificent Obsession;
The Bazooka;
Fat Christmas;
Hot Night in 95; (!!!)
Fast Food;
Fat Fathers
General / Re: ABC Warriors Time line
24 April, 2017, 04:04:16 PM
They met again in By Private Contract in Prog 2000
Quote from: Neil C on 24 April, 2017, 01:10:53 PM
Pooping?  :o

don't kinkshame me and my ebay seller
General / Re: ABC Warriors Time line
24 April, 2017, 12:54:32 PM
Nah, don't switch. I've had a series of ebay alerts out for various 2000AD collections from months to year and 90% of them have got me the books for never more than 15% above cover price (including shipping), and usually less, no matter how rare the book. Including all 4 Volgan War hardcovers. Eventually. Patience, patience, patience.
Fast food and undercover brothers have started pooping up with resellers, anybody here got them and want to spoil the contents list?
Yeah, IP's right, no Friday in ToNE.

Aside from The War Machine paperback, there's the Judge Dredd/Friday story somewhere in the Case Files and there was a run of Megazine Floppy Reprints from #291-293 that reprinted:

Enfleshings (2000AD Yearbook 1993)
Script: John Smith, Artist: Chris Weston

The War Machine Part 1 (Progs 650 to 653)
Script: Dave Gibbons, Artist: Will Simpson

The War Machine Part 2 (Progs 667 to 671)
Script: Dave Gibbons, Artist: Will Simpson

Hollow Town (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 1991)
Script: John Smith, Artist: Simon Coleby

The War Machine Part 3 (Progs 683 to 687)
Script: Dave Gibbons, Artist: Will Simpson

Hill 392 (Poster Prog Rogue Trooper 1)
Script: Steve White, Artist: Chris Weston, Colour: Gina Hart, Letters: Ellie De Ville

G.I. Blues (Progs 901 to 903)
Script: Mark Millar (1), Steve White (2-3), Artist: Chris Weston, Colour: Gina Hart
Told you it'd turn up eventually! Happy for you.
General / Re: How did you first get into 2000ad?
17 April, 2017, 01:04:14 AM
The Extreme Edition reprint of Revere was my first 2000ad experience. I don't think much more needs to be said...