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Messages - Cthulouis

Books & Comics / Re: PARAGON comic
26 January, 2012, 05:16:21 PM
By contrast to Sharky, I hesitate to weigh in because I *was* involved with this issue, but I have been following these reviews for a while now, and so I'll try to make my thoughts more general.

What has always annoyed me most about his reviews is that he seems to believe his opinions are facts. He doesn't like certain strips, therefore apparently the comic is only half good.

But those other strips may well appeal to people who don't like the ones that he does. I don't know if it's just because 2000ad is the only comic I read, but for me, only thinking some of the strips are good and thinking the others are a bit meh, is par for the course for *professional* comics, let alone small press comics.

I understand his problems with reprint. I personally haven't bought the collections, so I enjoy reading those strips in Paragon. If I had already read them, Paragon probably would feel slightly less value for money.

I also understand (though do not share) his frustration over the time between issues. I don't know if timings could be reorganised such that there are bigger chunks of fewer stories in each Paragon. Would that help even if it was possible? If he didn't like the particular stories showcased in such an issue, probably not.

I also greatly appreciate any crit given to a piece of work, so long as it is well written and thoughtfully constructed. Too Busy Thinking About Comics is an exemplary example of what I mean by this, I would dread having my work torn apart by that guy, but would probably agree with everything he says. The guy who writes these FP reviews simply doesn't seem to have anything else to say other than I liked it, therefore it is good, or I didn't like it therefore it is shit.

I don't want this to sound like sour grapes for a bad review, indeed this review for me is better than I thought it would be; I can live with a 'meh' far more than I could if he got his claws out all over google. As I say, I'm basing this on his earlier reviews more than this one.

One review that sticks in my mind is the one for the first part of Rise of the Mekkosapiens. He said it reminded him of the Matrix. Really? Was that the best he could think of? There are robots and they have enslaved humanity, but apart from this widely used concept, the stories are entirely different, and the comment smacked of lazy writing. Rise of the Mekkosapiens is closer to Sonic the Hedgehog than the Matrix (I mean that in a good way Matt!)

In summary, there are problems intrinsic to the format which you either settle with and continue with, knowing that you can't please everyone, or you experiment until you find something that works better. But these past 3 issues have been slightly different to those before, so you are obviously open to change and improvement, and that is all good and we'll see where it goes from here. 

But when it comes to reviewing the story content rather than the way it is packaged, this guy has very little to say and says it with crude inelegance and complete disrespect for the idea that he could actually be using his writing to help make the world a better place by being at all insightful or constructive.
Creative Common / Gallery Websites
25 January, 2012, 05:10:17 PM
Hi all, I'm pretty sure this has been asked before, so apologies for the repetition, but...

I'm looking to create an online gallery of some of my art work, and I'm looking for advice on what sort of sites are best for this.

I'm not keen on Deviant Art, as it always seems to take forever to load on my cheep and cheerful laptop. I'm not looking for anything complicated, just a way of saying "here is some of my art, enjoy". I just want it to look clean and simple. 

I already use blogger, so if there is some corner of that site that I haven't discovered yet which fulfils this purpose, that would be cool too. 

Thanks in advance!
Books & Comics / Re: Dr WTF?! 2012
25 January, 2012, 12:58:42 PM
Finished my pages today, should be sitting in your inbox now, Owen :)
When the landlord said he was getting someone round to do some work on the bathroom, I was somehow led to the idea that he just wanted to replace some wallpaper with tiles.

Turned out he actually wanted to replace the entire bathroom suite, requiring modifications to the electrical system throughout the house.

Yet now the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. We still don't have a shower, but the rest of the house is becoming usable again, and I can get back to work on my Dr WTF?! stuff! Two weeks left, I can do this...
General / Re: When does Slaine live?
14 January, 2012, 10:05:09 PM
Time waste caused by the black hole bypass makes any attempts at dating a Mills story futile.
General / Re: Fire Power
14 January, 2012, 05:02:26 PM
Konstantin's Weapons Crest.
General / Re: Slaine Query
10 January, 2012, 05:56:05 PM
I would read it also.
Creative Common / Re: Twitter Pimp
07 January, 2012, 10:45:40 PM
That picture on Leigh Gallagher's twitter is just... bizzar doesn't cover it. You all know the icture I'm talking about.

My Twitter is
News / Re: 2000 AD on Royal Mail stamp!
04 January, 2012, 11:32:46 AM
23 is the best number.
Film Discussion / Re: ANOTHER DREDD PHOTO
04 January, 2012, 11:23:29 AM
I'm with TB Block. Let us not forget that 2000ad's (well, okay, Pat Mill's at least) original ethos was to ride the wave of everything that currently popular, just with a bit of a twist.

Cultural ping-pong is what culture is all about [/over-simplification]
Got my Deadlock today, brilliant stuff, cheers for that!
Hi, is the Deadlock one still available?
I've just finished the art for Halo and the Gryphon part 2. Well, unless Van Dom decides it's poo and makes me start again.

So now to sleep. And then back to Dr WTF.
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
08 December, 2011, 11:38:28 PM
Haven't been on this thread for a while, and the recent work proves this to have been a mistake. Nice one all.

Radiator, that Game Of Thrones Christmas Card is brilliant.
Books & Comics / Re: PARAGON comic
05 December, 2011, 10:45:37 PM
Wohoo! Mine arrived today. So far I've only read the two Spencer Nero stories, and they were both great! Saving the rest for lunch time at work tomorrow.