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Messages - auxlen

Film & TV / Re: On telly this week
30 September, 2017, 05:12:39 PM
QuoteWhen you look at all the money currenty flowing through PKD adaptations, it's sobering to remember that in his 30s he was reduced to eating catfood, and died in his 50s just before Blade Runner made it to the screen.

I've been writing for years and this hits home. No-one reads my stuff. And my favourite author Richard Yates who wrote such beautiful prose was out of print when he died! criminal.
Stealing from Red letter Media: i feel like we've yet to see an episode of STD yet...that was more of a prequel?
Enjoyed the first episode but fell asleep during the second.
what with all the wonky Battlefield earth camera angles?
also i find the actor playing the[spoiler] older vulcan serek[/spoiler] a really strange chhoice
I've tried to enjoy Trek many times and TNG was the one i enjoyed the most (except for episdoes that involved Riker playing his trombone/trumpet), but I'll give this a go.....
Film & TV / Re: Gotham series 3
10 September, 2017, 05:32:46 PM
Really enjoying season 3! chaos and lost of riddler/penguin goodness. Ivy and selina are great etc
on the downside...Jim Gordon is starting to grate with his husky tough guy voice.
Bullock is still fun
and Chiklis is hamming it up beautifully

Film & TV / Re: GOTHAM.
10 September, 2017, 05:32:14 PM
ooops didnt see the new season 3 thread.
Film & TV / Re: GOTHAM.
10 September, 2017, 05:31:25 PM
Really enjoying season 3! chaos and lost of riddler/penguin goodness. Ivy and selina are great etc
on the downside...Jim Gordon is starting to grate with his husky tough guy voice.
Bullock is still fun
and Chiklis is hamming it up beautifully
General / Re: Who Kindlefies 2000ad pubs for amazon?
20 August, 2017, 02:51:05 AM
is this in house?
is it to be rectified?
this was on ios using kindle app
General / Who Kindlefies 2000ad pubs for amazon?
28 July, 2017, 12:56:46 PM
I ask as I took the plunge and bought Case files 28 on Kindle to use the panel scan technology which works a treat with the few Marvel and DC titles I've purchased. but this was dreadful. it skipped panels, presented them in the wrong order, cut off text in some and there were whole pages that were not even processed?

by the third story in it was intolerable and had to get a refund.
I recently purchased Titan and there were a few panel skips in the whole book but nothing like the hot mess CF 28 was...
Film & TV / Re: New Doctor
16 July, 2017, 06:37:00 PM
I'll just say this here and hope i dont get the abuse I have received elsewhere.
Disclaimer. I long ago realised new who isnt for me.
But how can a character that has for 50 years been male suddenly be female...Yes, it is interesting but on a species level how does that work?

Please dont call me 'misogynous prick' 'regressive cock' or 'sexist'. Maybe i'm just too old?
Film & TV / Re: Current TV Boxset Addiction
17 April, 2017, 05:13:57 PM
Enjoying Hap and Leonard...good banter....
Off Topic / Re: my latest short story...
17 April, 2017, 04:14:03 PM
Hi all,

just a  few questions....I've been here long enough to take it...

did anyone download a sample of my story?
i know nobody bought it...was that because of the cover, or the price or that you just aren't into that type of thing, or you read the sample and weren't hooked or into it?

let me know....
Off Topic / my latest short story...
08 April, 2017, 10:57:12 AM
Just released my latest creepy short story on amazon, please check it out and leave a review.

facebook page with a pic of my ugly mug and stuff