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Messages - Freddychopper

Prog / Re: Prog 1922 - Judge Dredd Road Warrior
16 March, 2015, 12:02:08 PM
Ha! looking at all those Lawmaster covers. Is there a way to do that kind of image differently? Bike flying upwards from left to right?
Megazine / Re: Meg 358: Dial Hard
16 March, 2015, 12:00:33 PM
Good issue but man, what a lot of pages (with no text!) for American Reaper! - Dredd is coming along nicely and love the Angelic storyline but the highlight for me was Michael Carroll's and Nick Percival's final days of Mean Machine story. Nice, sad end to the character (although I'm sure he'll be back?) - stunning art and what a cover!
Film & TV / Re: Hawaii five-0 and the event
23 October, 2010, 01:12:04 PM
The Event - good start and nice to see focus on giving some time to the characters so we get to know them a bit instead of cramming everything in 'Heroes' style. So far, way better than Flashforward. I really hope the Event lasts because I'm sick of 'monster of the week' type fantasy TV (see Supernatural.....)
Prog / Re: Prog 1708 - Master of Mayhem
23 October, 2010, 01:08:39 PM
Horrible rainy day brightened up by getting the Prog this morning...

Fantastic Percival cover artwork - great lighting and nice to see a *ahem* lovely chesty girl (albeit a vampire) on the cover...;)

Slightly disappointed by Dredd and the repetition of panels but guess it works for the setting of the story. Bit of a filler, though.

Love Defoe (always great art) -  nuff said

Dante - OK but seems to be treading water lately - maybe time for a rest?

Lowlife is great but not too taken with Age of the Wolf

Slaine next week? (yay!)
Books & Comics / Re: Legends: The Enchanted.
07 July, 2010, 03:44:09 PM

I was lucky enough to receive a preview of this hardback graphic novel. It's on sale in comic shops July 14th and probably quicker to order from the US than the UK website...

It's really amazing stuff - Percival's art here blows his 2000ad cover stuff away and there's over 100 pages of fully painted stuff and sketches and so on -  a real labour of love.
The story is very cool too - didn't know he could write but the whole thing is a great package. Would love to see him do some interior work like this for the Prog's but I also heard that Legends is gonna be a film as well, so don't know what he's up to now......???? :)
Prog / Re: Prog 1647 : The chin is in!
01 August, 2009, 04:03:00 PM
Back from holidays to get my subs prog.

Cover artwork from Nick Percival blew me away - love the colours and the detail he puts in. When can we finally see Nick inside the prog, hopefully on Dredd soon...?? (but more covers are always cool)

Also loving the Dredd strip at the moment, although I thought the conflict with Big Joe all ended a big too quick...was hoping for a something more substantial there...

Red Seas - OK - all feels a little bit 'Doctor Who' to me...

Twisted Tales - nice twist and good to see strong storytelling in the art even if some of the drawing is a bit iffy...

DeFoe - really enjoying this. The best thing from Pat Mills in ages and as always, nice , scratchy , dirty (in a good way!) artwork..

Oopss, forgot Sinsiter Dexter - that's probably because I've never been a fan...

Looking forward to the new line-up in a few weeks! :D

Announcements / Re: Judge Dredd Movie is Green Lit!
20 December, 2008, 12:42:43 PM
Don't think that everyone should get too excited about this yet - no final script, no director, no casting, no budget, etc, etc...

And bear in mind that once talent gets attached to the project  (certainly a director, or any significant eads) - they will want input on the script, etc and the whole thing does the rounds again - a 2009 start date is v.optimistic since a ton of films are already booked for production next year, meaning FX studios are booked, studios have their release dates pretty much locked for 2010 (also, no indication of what studio will actually release this...)

It's fine as a positive announcement and sometimes these things are announced to drum up further interest and feedabck, but I think we should all wait and see.....
Prog / Re: where's prog 1601?
26 August, 2008, 10:50:39 AM
Finally got prog 1601 this morning.

Cover - Stunning Lobster headshot potrait by artist Nick Percival - cool detail and colours - I wanna see a moody Dredd by this guy!

 Dredd - nice chunky Migonlaesque art from Walker - not much of a story climax, though I always trust Wagner to deliver the goods....

Red Seas - Solid as always - not sure people were saying "will do" in those days, but still a good read with Yeowell's best art since his Zenith days.

ABC warriors - Arrghh! attack of the crazy splash pages - but lovely stuff all the same!

Stalag 666 - Not sure on this one-  it looks and feels slightly amateurish for 2000AD

Lobster Random - Great start and cool to see him back at last....

Good strong prog overall and hope the standard is maintained ...
General / Re: PROG 1582
14 April, 2008, 09:30:58 AM
Early prog for once - something is going right.

Cover: Stunning Nick Percival cover art - looks like a movie poster - really enjoying Dead Signal even with the shades of Brendan McCarthyism!

Decent enough Dredd spooky tale and yes I am also getting a bit confused with Dead Eyes and 10 Seconders - I liked the orginal concept for 10 Seconders, but it seems to be losing it now somewhat...

Still like Savage, though....

Ok prog overall - Best bits..? Dredd and that Percival cover (gotta love the indigo!)
Prog / Re: Prog 1568 : BAD BRAINS!..........
08 January, 2008, 01:05:25 PM
One of the best progs for a while as stuff seems to be zooming along nicely...

COVER: Top cover by Nick Percival! Would love to see him on a moody Dredd story. How about it Tharg?? Also good to finally see the uncluttered logo

DREDD: Looking very slick - especially for a filler. (When is the next epic, by the way?)

SHAKARA: (I always want to keep calling it Shakira) - anyway, this strip has always been nutty - great stuff!

KINGDOM - Still not my cup of tea, I'm afraid -

STICKLEBACK: The dynamic duo of Edginton & D'sraeli continue to impress - more refs that you can shake a stick (leback) at..?

STRONTIUM DOG: Old school but great because of it..reminds me of my youth

Cool prog - 2008 off to a good start!