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Messages - Mike Carroll

General / Re: The comic that 2000AD killed
10 July, 2020, 11:29:07 AM
Quote from: Richard on 06 July, 2020, 08:20:54 PM
According to Michael Carroll's frivolous infinitely valuable resource, his Rusty Staples website, it might have been Misty, Pink, or Fabulous:

Hopefully he might see this post and be able to tell us, or you could pop over to his website and ask him in the comments.

Thanks for the mention, Richard! I remember the in Thrill Power Overload about Sanders killing a comic but I was never sure whether it was real or just a rumour!

Quick note: In future if you could link to the Rusty Staples posts rather than the images that'd be great. First, if people go straight to the images I've no way of knowing how many views they get. Second, there's no link back to the posts. Third, those posts get updated from time to time (when new information comes in, or existing info is corrected) and that might mean I'll remove the old image and replace it with a newer version -- which might have a different name!

Here's one vote for Michael Carroll.

You know, I really wasn't looking forward to this -- I didn't want to be pitted against creators I consider to be my friends -- but this pairing is probably a good thing because there's no way a "relative newcomer" (hah!) would be expected to beat Mr Mills, so now I have an excuse for not winning the whole thing.

While you're busy not voting for me, folks, don't forget to check out my awesome comics blog Rusty Staples!


P.S.: I have moderator rights on this website. That gives me the power to edit other people's posts. Just sayin'.

^ you're not the only one ;) —IP
Links / The Rusty Staples comics blog!
29 January, 2020, 10:23:26 AM

On Rusty Staples, my comics blog, I take a look at an issue of 1015 from 1996 which features some Dredd-related articles and very early interview with Rusty's better-looking and more talented younger brother Greg Staples, as well as very nice cover by that same droid!

Go on, treat yourself!

(Rusty Staples also has tons of other 2000AD and Dredd-related articles and features for your delectation, including the huge and exhaustively-researched Star Wars in 2000AD feature, so big that it had to be split into two parts! And it's all free! There aren't even any ads on the blog!)

Events / Re: Thought Bubble 2020
24 January, 2020, 02:37:55 PM
Quote from: Bolt-01 on 24 January, 2020, 08:43:03 AM
I've already booked the hotel for the weekend to get a decent price.

Leonia and I have been debating whether to go this year -- we've never been to Thought Bubble before -- but if you're going to be there, we're definitely going!
Unfortunately I don't have time to create anything new this year, but here's an older one with a new coat of paint and the serial numbers filed off...

(Which reminds me: you can check out my awesome Cambermeg Green video on YouTube... amazingly, it's now five years old!)

Lotsa love,
My website
Rusty Staples comics blog
Film & TV / Re: Star Wars Episode IX
19 December, 2019, 11:11:18 AM
Leonia and I really enjoyed it. It's not a perfect movie by any means, but we had a lot of fun and came out of the cinema feeling good about, and that's what counts.

Don't expect too much of it, and it won't disappoint: it's a Star Wars movie -- you get what you pay for!

General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2020
13 December, 2019, 02:21:55 PM
Quote from: broodblik on 13 December, 2019, 01:48:13 PM
Now some oil on the simmering fire of animosity against the regen prog, since vex will be running for 10 episodes the regen will not be a natural break but rather a interrupt break.  >:D >:D >:D

Actually, the interview (which was conducted a few months ago) is a tad out of date: Proteus Vex was written as ten episodes of five pages, but it was only last week that I learned that Tharg had decided to run the first ten pages as episode one in prog 2162, which means that the series is now only nine episodes long!

-- Mike
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2020
13 December, 2019, 10:32:12 AM
Thanks, Bolt-01 -- I hadn't seen that yet!

Also I hadn't read Henry's contribution to the interview -- he's far too modest, that lad!
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
09 November, 2018, 12:31:36 AM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 08 November, 2018, 07:46:01 PM
Can anyone identity this book - a long shot 'cos I remember virtually nothing about it - may have been Heinlein or Clarke (or maybe another). All I can remember is that it featured a family spaceship crew - a man, his son and daughter in law. I gave up after a multi page discussion about who should be the next captain and the chain of command and ship protocol.

That sounds like it might be The Number of the Beast by Heinlein, though as I recall, the main characters are a man, his girlfriend and her father (and his girlfriend), all of whom are deliberate allusions to characters in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars books. It's been almost forty years since I read it, but I'd been a huge Heinlein fan and then this one came along and it was just ponderous, incomprehensible, self-indulgent waffle. One of those books where you go, "Yeah... he's lost it."
-- Mike
News / Re: New 2000 AD creators blog
17 May, 2018, 03:39:28 PM
Colin Wilson - Excellent!

I love your site, Alex - it should be required reading for every fan!

Do please keep up the good work!

News / Re: Judges!
15 May, 2018, 03:27:24 PM
Just a heads-up...  The first book in the series -- Judges: The Avalanche -- is published today! Available on, and iTunes!

Edited links so they actually work! – IP

Now on-line, totally free and ready for you to download - the Judge Dredd issue of Journey Planet, the Hugo Award-winning fanzine!

Packed with all-new articles on Dredd, the creators that shaped him, features from the folks behind the Dredd fanzines Zarjaz and Sector 13, plus interviews with Patrick Mills, John Wagner, strips, art, reviews, and much much more!

(Note: if you've already downloaded it, this is version 1.1, with a few formatting errors and typos fixed, and a couple of corrections in the "Introduction to Judge Dredd" section! As a bonus, we've also included a feature that was accidentally omitted from the first version: three graphic novel reviews by David Ferguson!)

Quote from: Theblazeuk on 12 January, 2018, 11:18:36 AM
Lorca is my favourite character because he's a tool. Nice to see a tool on Star Trek that isn't just a fusspot or Neelix.

[spoiler]Looks like many of the bets about Lt Tyler were correct, eh? Lot of character arc already for a fake person. Gutted about the Doc, bit dubious about in regards to the 'Bury Your Gays' trope  The other half was doomed from the second he injected himself with spacemagic of course, but I feel that's a bit different. Maybe just because this was my favourite couple in SF for a long while and one of the things that made the relatively dark world of Discovery still part of the Utopian tradition of Star Trek.[/spoiler]

This Mirror World is Totally Fun. Captain Killy? Doesn't need a goatee

Sorry, Theblazeuk, I had to remove the TV Tropes link because the spoiler tags don't work properly with embedded links. (I could have simply spoilered the text around the link, but the link itself is a bit of a spoiler...)
-- Mike
General / Re: Christmas sale
01 December, 2017, 09:30:53 AM
Quote from: Timothy on 29 November, 2017, 10:25:40 PM
And you can add The Mighty One to that 99p list.

And Rico Dredd: The Third Law, too!
A good collection of contributors there...! I always look forward to this time of the year: checking the board every morning for the new entries!

Don't think I'll be contributing myself this year, though: time is limited! (Unless, of course, I come up with one of those "can't NOT do it" ideas!)
