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Messages - glassstanley

Prog / Re: Prog 2049 - The Final Shades of Grey?
16 September, 2017, 08:49:13 PM
Dreadful, dreadful pun on the front cover!

I've really enjoyed this Dredd. I hadn't realised how many 'unknowns' were in the Apocalypse Squad! The artwork worked fine for me - some fantastic gore! I still think there would have been some mileage in using the original art in the flashbacks. Anyone expected to redraw Ezquerra is not going to come out unscathed!

In preparation for this Prog I re-read all the stories. Somebody must have been messing round with the occult, because what I remembered this series of Alienist being about was nothing like what was actually printed! I prefer the printed version, fortunately. Be nice to see more of this (though I could say the same about Aquila, Ampney Crucis and a whole host of dangling strips). I'd like to see more of this soon.

I'd say the same of Greysuit, except It obviously isn't going to happen. Love the final end for the villain. On the whole I'm a fan of Mills' work so for me it's a shame to see this series reach its final end.
Lot of love from me for this month's floppy. Whatever Happened To..? It's almost the perfect floppy - this would never be collected as a trade. Some top drawer talent - Mills, Grant, Weston - wrapped in a Robinson cover. It's what the floppy was made for!
General / Re: Zenith
14 September, 2017, 06:35:30 PM
Quote from: Tomwe on 14 September, 2017, 11:24:22 AM
What's the scoop on the Zenith return? I saw the new Yeowell image (looks like Molch-R to me). Who will write you think?

My guess would be a one page poster.
General / Re: Texas City
07 September, 2017, 11:42:57 AM
I think it was first mentioned in the first Luna-1 story, in which it was a signitory to the Luna-1 treaty under the name of Mega-City Three. The retcon to the name only appeared in an annual text feature I *think* and so has never made it into the actual strip.
Prog / Re: Prog 2047 - Shoots You, Sir!
02 September, 2017, 04:54:17 PM
Another Prog with a variety of settings, which helps raise my overall enjoyment. Dredd is ticking along nicely. I really liked the full page of the Meg - it feels like MC1 is becoming a character once more.

The other stories tick a lot of the right boxes. The Alienist is a story I would like to see make more frequent appearances. Really like Grey Suit. Mecha-thingy less so.

Hope is rather fab. The only thing that leaped out was the 'titilating' whores. It would have been more in keeping with the mood of the strip if they had been more realistic humans, rather than the air-brushed porn stars. That's just a small point, though.

I'm enjoying this run of progs more than the previous line-up. Let's hope that 2050 lives up to the hype & we have a strong line up to see the year out.
I struck me yesterday that the only reason I'm not going to subscribe to this is that I don't have anywhere to put it! Which means that I'm also going to run out of space for future GNs. Time to start a shelf cull!
Books & Comics / Re: Re: Charley's war omnibus?
27 August, 2017, 11:36:23 AM
None taken!

Mills has frequently gone on record with his version. Most recent seems to be on p18 of Be Pure...
General / Re: Rebellion/Mega Collection
26 August, 2017, 03:24:34 PM
When it was published the Uncensored volume hadn't been announced.
Prog / Re: Prog 2046 - Demonslayer!
26 August, 2017, 03:21:46 PM
I like the variety of settings in this prog - past, future and present.

I would have liked to have seen the Dredd flashbacks re-use Ezquerra's panels. Thus would have avoided a direct comparison between the 2 artists. It's the only thing I'd change. There's a real sense of the time that has passed since the War.

Alienist is ticking along nicely. I hope we get to explore more of this world in future stories.

The short feels a little slight at the moment. I find these harder to get into than Future Shocks. Not always sure if I'm waiting for the plot to lead to a twist or get a feel for the characters. Not sure why I feel this way but it's an either/or in the way I don't get with longer or shorter strips.

Grey Suit remains a favourite - some masterful storytelling from the Mills droid. It's a shame that there at no more stories to be told in this world. I'd be up for more.

Despite the strong competition from Dredd and Grey Suit, Hope is my favourite this prog for so many reasons. It's a strip that's made me do some of the work. Often this doesn't bode well. In the case of Hope,however, it's drawn me into the world. Gold tiger was an entertaining read, missing out for me on their being no reason to tell the tale on the way that they did. Hope shows it was worth investing in this team.
Books & Comics / Re: Re: Charley's war omnibus?
24 August, 2017, 09:21:23 PM
Quote from: lincnashOZ on 24 August, 2017, 09:08:16 PM
Old skool Squaxx here, I rely on the rusty data-banks and rarely Google/Wiki.  :D

I believe Joe and Pat (hallowed be thy Creators name) were with the series from start to finish

Pat left the strip when the publisher refused to allow him an allowance for research. Joe carried on drawing another writer's scripts, but script quality failed to meet the standard set by Mills.

The 10 Titan volumes contain all of Mills' work. Mills involvement ends with the newspapers reporting Hitler's rise to power.
Books & Comics / Re: Charley's war omnibus?
23 August, 2017, 09:17:35 PM
Yes, there's a definite end to the story.
Megazine / Re: Re: Meg 387 - Skyhigh!
16 August, 2017, 12:49:04 AM
I suspect budget and time were the key elements, though issue 11 had a decent cover that wasn't obscured by any text. As there was no greyed-up image for the strip title pages, or a penultimate page 'Why not try these titles?' page, it felt like the comic book equivalent of a box of Black Magic chocolates. An appropriate choice given the ads that ran when Tornado was around 😁I was impressed that the strip from the Tornado annual was included. Given that the Treasury titles are not as well documented as 2000ad, It was good to see someone going the extra mile there.

As there are so many references to the Tornado aircraft I'd guess that this strip was devised after the comics name had been changed from 'Heroes' The first part does have a natural split half-way through which makes me wonder if the strip was originally planned as 3 pages a week, which was the norm for comics of the time.

It's also fun to see the Volgans play a role. Around the time of the strip Disaster 1990 was running, so it felt like a celebration of Invasion! Hammerstein's War Memoirs was also around that time, referencing the Mega-Cities and Harlem Heroes, so it was a time when there was an attempt to build a common future history into which all strips could slot.

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Megazine / Re: Re: Meg 387 - Skyhigh!
15 August, 2017, 02:27:24 PM
Cracking issue. Nice to read the Lawless Touch again, but the cover for the floppy has a touch of the 'f*ck it, it'll do' about it 😁

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Quote from: leather-clad-lust-object on 08 August, 2017, 02:14:05 PM
I can't believe I'm not the only one who's wondered about this! Sorry that I don't have much useful to contribute, but I do have this panel I'd saved without context on my computer, so I'm not sure if it's one of the examples you'd listed.

Also, in the killing zone, it's referenced in the script by a Psi-Judge as well as a computer.

It's been bugging me since forever too  :-\

The panel you posted is another example. That's 5 examples. I'm sure there's another - maybe even in a John Smith script.

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Quote from: Taryn Tailz on 07 August, 2017, 12:30:18 AM
Quote from: Richard on 06 August, 2017, 09:38:58 PM
Very true.

Although on the other hand, the less time he spends writing for 2000AD, the more time he'll have to finally write the next chapter of Requiem Vampire Knight...

Which in my opinion is perhaps his finest work post-millennium. I'm always a little saddened that Requiem Vampire Knight isn't a 2000AD strip, as it would likely appear more regularly then. Plus, there's the spin off, Chevalier Vampire Knight, which has yet to (and may never) get translated into English.

The first 3 books were translated into English and published in Heavy Metal.

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