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Messages - Mardroid

Prog / Re: Prog 1539 Defender Of The Real...
29 May, 2007, 06:36:42 PM
Whoops. So the square tag doesn't work on this board...
Prog / Re: Prog 1539 Defender Of The Real...
29 May, 2007, 06:35:24 PM
It's not been made much of recently, but Dexter has implants which lets him watch TV.

Originally he had Sony written above his left eye, which changed to Fony later on.

- Steve

Thanks for that Steve. I noticed a tattoo  over one eye, although I didn't take much notice of what was written. The Sony to Fony thing being an advertisement issue maybe?

Seems like a bad idea for a gun shark to me. You'd think they'd need full vision at all times, just in case... but it has comedy value as you'd usually think such enhancements would be used to aid or extend vision somehow.  Square eyes run riot instead... ;)
Prog / Re: Prog 1539 Defender Of The Real...
29 May, 2007, 05:30:27 PM
I actually quite liked the art in the Dredd story, although I wouldn't want to see it all the time. (But I won't, so no worries there.) I'm not keen on the width of Dredd's helmet on his head though. And I didn't quite buy the reason for taking off his helmet, to catch his breath. I mean the whole lower half of his face is exposed right?

Sinister Dexter- yes it's a filler episode, but the thing about long stories is you have to have links. And considering the few pages per script, it's innevitable there's going to be parts where not much happens.

One thing I noticed about Dexter, his eyes are completely white, no irises or pupils. Is that just artistic license or are his eyes bionic implants? I think I noticed it in the previous comic but I figured it was just a fluke or distance shot, but now all his pictures even the close ups look that way.

I'm new to these characters as I started reading with the prison break story, which was mostly Sinister based- so please bare with me.

Detonator X. My reaction to this script has been mostly "Meh!" so far, but I quite liked this one!

Terror Tales- amazing art! I wouldn't want this style all the time as I'm not really into 'near photo realism' art in comics, but for the odd story here and there it's fine.

I felt a bit irritated in that I actually started a 'vampire story with a twist' comic script of my own. Someone else always seems to get there first... but I think mine is different enough to still be worth while. (Might never get published anyway!)

Dante- good stuff if formulaic and repetitive as has been mentioned. Great gag at the end though. Particularly Elena's comment.
Prog / Re: Prog 1539 Defender Of The Real...
28 May, 2007, 02:35:58 PM
...Oh and I forgot the bank holiday so mine didn't arrive today after all. Never mind. Makes me wonder even more how others got there's early. I guess some of the shops had there'd delivered early due to the bank holiday? (And there was me thinking Subscribers got theres first..)
Prog / Re: Prog 1539 Defender Of The Real...
27 May, 2007, 07:01:03 PM
I didn't think this came out until Monday, for subscribers, and Wednesday for everyone else. Definitely unusual colour tone tot he cover. Very dark, moody and, well, kind of red. ;)
Off Topic / Re: Cat grows wings
26 May, 2007, 11:09:41 PM
That goat was freaky. More so as I didn't notice the second mouth (I thought it had another eye in it's cheek....)

Assuming the cat isn't a hoax and the 'wings' are not matted fur, would that be a kind of residual limb mutation? Obviously undeveloped or there would be paws on the end. (Now that would be freaky...)
I did encounter such a cat in a book called Wizard and Glass (fourth in the Dark Tower Cycle by Stephen King). That cat lived in a world that had survived a nuclear war though, so it had an excuse. If it had been Japan instead of China I wouldn't have been as surprised. Particular if it were the Hiroshima region...
Off Topic / Re: spooky story
24 May, 2007, 07:51:46 PM
Sorry for the double post above. (There doesn't seem a way to delete it.)

Art. You're probably right.

*Scampers off to the garden to build a huge bonfire.*
Off Topic / Re: spooky story
24 May, 2007, 07:46:06 PM
"As for mental illness being caused by "dabbling with the occult" and "demonic possession"- please! This is 2007. That kind of reactionary, ignorant bollocks went out with witch-burning. mental illness is a terribly serious business that affects a huge percentage of the population at one time or another. Please don't cheapen it with such utter, utter garbage."

Since that post seems directed at me let me respond. Politely. First of all, let me say that I know that mental illness is a serious problem and I'm not saying that all mental illnesses are caused by demonic possession.  (That being said I wouldn't be surprised if what some doctors think of as a mental illness, such as MPD/DID for example, was in fact demonic possession. I think the mind is to robust to just splinter into separate personalities by itself, but that's just my opinion, and I accept I might be wrong.) I'm also aware that in the past people were very superstitious, and that innocent women (and others) tragically died because they were wrongly accused of being a witch.

However, as I said, I have reasons to believe that demons do exist, and being involved in the occult is still a dangerous thing to do.  By 'reason', I'm not talking about superstition and my own imagination. I'm talking about things I've actually seen. I've seen people who have apparently been demon possessed, or if not possessed have been in some other difficulty due to a spiritual matter. No doubt, a doctor or scientist seeing them would assume they were suffering from mental illness, but when you investigated their background, they had often been involved in some kind of occult activity, like Ouija board or spiritualism, or they might have visited a witch doctor for treatment. In short I wasn't just spouting stuff off the top of my head from my own imagination.

Even if you don't believe demons are involved, the fact that such activities could cause a mental illness means it's probably best to keep away from such activities.

And for someone to accuse another of 'reactionary ignorant bollocks' because they believe in something you do not is surely a rather ignorant close-minded reaction in itself. Not to mention down right rude. How do you know it's not true? Do you know other peoples experiences?  I accept my interpretation of events might have been wrong, but I'm open minded either way. Yes I know it's 2007 now, but believe me, 'modern materialistic views' are often just as ignorant as they are enlightened.

Peter Wolf- glad to hear you're not superstitious about the black dog and as such I'm sure it won't affect you. (I hope you understand I wasn't accusing you of that just stating that I didn't think seeing it in itself would cause you or your family harm.)

That stranger you bumped into? He didn't answer to the name 'Roland' by any chance? (You'll have to have read Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' books to get that one. ;) ) Maybe that area of woodland is a thin place.

I find all this all rather interesting anyway.
Off Topic / Re: spooky story
24 May, 2007, 07:45:33 PM
"As for mental illness being caused by "dabbling with the occult" and "demonic possession"- please! This is 2007. That kind of reactionary, ignorant bollocks went out with witch-burning. mental illness is a terribly serious business that affects a huge percentage of the population at one time or another. Please don't cheapen it with such utter, utter garbage."

Since that post seems directed at me let me respond. Politely. First of all, let me say that I know that mental illness is a serious problem and I'm not saying that all mental illnesses are caused by demonic possession.  (That being said I wouldn't be surprised if what some doctors think of as a mental illness, such as MPD/DID for example, was in fact demonic possession. I think the mind is to robust to just splinter into separate personalities by itself, but that's just my opinion, and I accept I might be wrong.) I'm also aware that in the past people were very superstitious, and that innocent women (and others) tragically died because they were wrongly accused of being a witch.

However, as I said, I have reasons to believe that demons do exist, and being involved in the occult is still a dangerous thing to do.  By 'reason', I'm not talking about superstition and my own imagination. I'm talking about things I've actually seen. I've seen people who have apparently been demon possessed, or if not possessed have been in some other difficulty due to a spiritual matter. No doubt, a doctor or scientist seeing them would assume they were suffering from mental illness, but when you investigated their background, they had often been involved in some kind of occult activity, like Ouija board or spiritualism, or they might have visited a witch doctor for treatment. In short I wasn't just spouting stuff off the top of my head from my own imagination.

Even if you don't believe demons are involved, the fact that such activities could cause a mental illness means it's probably best to keep away from such activities.

And for someone to accuse another of 'reactionary ignorant bollocks' because they believe in something you do not is surely a rather ignorant close-minded reaction in itself. Not to mention down right rude. How do you know it's not true? Do you know other peoples experiences?  I accept my interpretation of events might have been wrong, but I'm open minded either way. Yes I know it's 2007 now, but believe me, 'modern materialistic views' are often just as ignorant as they are enlightened.

Peter Wolf- glad to hear you're not superstitious about the black dog and as such I'm sure it won't affect you. (I hope you understand I wasn't accusing you of that just stating that I didn't think seeing it in itself would cause you or your family harm.)

That stranger you bumped into? He didn't answer to the name 'Roland' by any chance? (You'll have to have read Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' books to get that one. ;) ) Maybe that area of woodland is a thin place.

I find all this all rather interesting anyway.
Off Topic / Re: spooky story
24 May, 2007, 02:58:55 AM
I'm pretty open minded about these things. As to whether or not it was supernatural, I can't say but I think it is possible.

If it was truly twice the size of a rotweiller, then it isn't any known kind of predatory woodland animal in the British isles. The largest are probably foxes. I knew a guy who reckoned he saw a wolf in Wales once but I'm not convinced that was the case as wild wolves are supposed to have died out a long time ago in Britain.  Also this particular guy was renowned for his tall stories. Besides wolves don't grow that big.

I suppose for size it could have been a larger dog like a great Dane, but the description you give doesn't seem much like one of those. Are you sure the red eyes weren't a reflection though? Were you shining torches towards it?

As for strange large animals, I have heard tales of large cats seen throughout Britain. I haven't heard of large black dogs until now, but I don't see why not!

As for your friends madness, I think it's more likely to do with his experimentation with the occult rather than seeing the beast. If you meddle and invite such things into your life it can cause problems including demonic possession. I've reason to believe demons could be real, even from first hand experience.

I don't think just seeing a large animal, even if it is supernatural (which I'm not discounting by the way) would cause you harm though. Not unless you allow it to, i.e. by allowing fear or superstition to rule you.

It's all rather interesting.

Commiserations concerning your brother, but I doubt it was related to the creature you saw.
Film & TV / Re: First look at new Joker?.........
16 June, 2007, 02:02:25 AM
Yeah. Yellow elements does go well with black aesthetically but since he's supposed to be a shadow warrior who can effectively make himself invisible by blending into the shadows, yellows aren't such a great idea to me (although the yellow utility belt is iconic).

I remember in the Dark Knight Returns they made a bit of a gag about the chest bat symbol (the one with the yellow background) where Batman decides it's probably not a good idea to have a yellow target on his chest. He goes for the black bat on grey suit look instead.

Actually a suit in shades of grey would probably work even better than black for shadow camouflage.

I agree he should probably cut down on the ridged look. It's not a bad look, but it's not quite Batman is it?
Prog / Re: Prog 1538 Take cover creeps...
25 May, 2007, 08:08:57 PM
"Oh, forgive my manners- Welcome to the board new folks! "

Cheers- it's great to be here.

It's interesting 'cos I don't know half the folks you guys are mentioning (Narcos etc). (That's not a complaint just an observation.) That's how new to the comic I am. I've subscribe now though, so I think I'll know sooner or later. ;)

Once I have more money in the bank maybe I'll fork out for some of the novels. I prefer reading old stories that way rather than getting back issues, but it's nice to dip into the comic each week in the meantime.
Prog / Re: Prog 1538 Take cover creeps...
23 May, 2007, 05:58:56 PM
The cover looked great. Didn't really have anything to do with the story though did it? Appart from a perp taking a woman prisoner, but that scene didn't happen. Neither did any of the baddies have a tatoo on their head.

The Dredd story... not bad. So so. I'm very new to the comic so my exposure to Dredd has mainly been the case files 1 (which I found very cheesy... but entertaining), Judgement (which I liked) and a few other bits and pieces (mostly the most recent single comic stories). In short I'm looking forward to the next modern Dredd epic story as I haven't read one yet from beginning to end.

Dante- I've missed a lot, but I'm rather liking what I've read so far. I'm not really a fan of the romantic slushy stuff, but the whole futuristic Russia meets period drama setting is interesting. And the main character being some kind of Errol Flyn mixed with Han Solo with a touch of Wolverine... very interesting... (I didn't know he could do that shield thing either.)

Sinister Dexter- Great stuff. Again I feel like I've come into a story part-way in, but what I've read I've mostly liked.

Twisted tales... I liked the first. The rest, meh. I didn't really get the last when I read it. (I do now after reading these posts... but the having shrunk the poor bit at the end passed me by. I just thought there were tiny people in the courtyard. What a duncebreed I am.)

Detonator X. Meh. I think that says it all. ;)

Overall as a newbie I'm enjoying this comic so far though.
(ducks the anti-newbie rounds Pttchinnng!!!)
Film & TV / Re: the trailer at end of Doctor W...
16 May, 2007, 07:29:02 PM
Torchwood spoiler:

If the problem is 'not as simple as another Time Lord', maybe, as other's have said, it's another version of the Doctor. However, what if he isn't from another dimension? What about that hand in Torchwood? If the doctor could regenerate a hand when going through his generation cycle, could the hand somehow generate a new body... He looks different, but then the doctor does change form when he regenerates. The regeneration cycle has passed, but maybe the hand could be 'sparked' somehow, or maybe Torchwood have access to cloning technology amongst their alien goodies.

For that theory to work the doctor clone would need to time travel though, as at the end of Torchwood when Captain Jack is picked up (events that are in the future from the Doctor's point of view), the hand still exists. That's if the other enemy time-lord  is Saxon of course.

Dr. Who McGann Movie spoilers:

One thing I've wondered about, should the McGann film be considered part of the canon? Considering the liquid creature Master and the Doctor being half human etc etc.
Film & TV / Re: Sunshine
02 June, 2008, 05:55:59 PM
I've yet to see Sunshine. I didn't feel that inclined, but as it's a British film I might give it a go at some point.

As for 28 Days later, I liked that film. The only problem I really had with it was SPOILERS-

that part at the end where the army boys take the main pratagonist into the woods to shoot him. The way he escaped seemed a bit of a cop out, i.e. one guy gets nervous and accidentally shoots the other one.

I'd also like to know how he got past the mines and into the camp.

I quite liked the sequel too.