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Messages - zombemybabynow

Links / Re: Girl with tattoo face!
17 June, 2009, 09:03:25 AM
perhaps it was the tattoo artists way of expressing his love for dc comics bad continuity?
Links / Re: Girl with tattoo face!
16 June, 2009, 09:56:16 PM
gives new meaning to 'sit on my star star star star'
General / Re: MARVEL / DC; Where to start?!
15 June, 2009, 11:21:39 PM
batman streets of gotham #1 comes out this thursday - there's a preview of it on comic book resources.  in august a new ghost rider on going will start . So that's dc and marvel. Try usagi yojimbo by darkhorse and for the art, the new madman comic comes out this thursday.  BUT, maybe go to a local comic shop rather than fp.  fp seem to charge more and sometimes sell 50-50 variant covers at limited cover price. I could go on and on but not without tell you to get countless trades to catch up with the good stuff eg. The walking dead by image comics.  enjoy
Off Topic / Musical Thrills
15 June, 2009, 05:30:05 PM
I often adapt 2000ad images with photoshop to use as wallpaper on my phone and then try to choose a peice of music that suits that thrills.

At the moment a have an awesome SHAKARA!!! image with Orbital's The box remix as a ring tone.

What music do you associate with thrills, Dredd, Dante etc?
There's an amazing french restaurant, (unfortunately can't remember it's name?) the turning after orbital comics towards cambridge circus - well worth reviewing for it's authentisity, great food and superb wine
Fab music, reminded me of neo-prog mars volta kinda' stuff.
Links / Re: Ultimate link thread.
15 June, 2009, 02:37:56 PM
All Free to download music, (i've been using them for ages for my ringtones, so hope it's legall?!)

1.professor byah

2.gison quarter

excellent band. First album and single were superb
Games / Re: Anyone for Mornington Crescent?
13 June, 2009, 09:27:26 PM
go jonny go go go go
I assume these tpbs are to be found in the gay fiction section?
Film & TV / Re: Spiderman 4 villin hinted at....
11 June, 2009, 01:56:45 PM
I always associate him with [spoiler:1iz9wrk4]Daredevil[/spoiler:1iz9wrk4] more than with Spidey
Off Topic / thoughts on a 'flat' ending
11 June, 2009, 10:40:18 AM
I was thinking re. zombo:

I would have ended it with zombo merging with the shadow and the planet itself:-

mrs lawyer flys away on a ship,

looking back at the planet once in orbit and she sees the planet resembling a zombo-esque winking face?!

1. You'll probably think that's a terrible idea?

2. No disrespect is meant to either of the zombo droids

Have you thought of any alternative endings for thrills in the past?  (other than beck and kawl being killed on the second panel in?!)
Film & TV / Re: Cushion on the lap!
10 June, 2009, 10:27:36 PM
kentucky fried movie was jizztastic - especially the knockers against the shower glass scene