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Messages - ozebane

News / Re: San Diego Comic Con 2009
05 June, 2009, 05:16:10 PM
Love the Judge Death tee.
Good to see 2000AD try and crack into the expansive american market. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the usual fare from Marvel and DC.
Mechanismo is totally awesome, radiator.
Great detailing, great style, and coloured perfectly!
Prog / Re: Prog 1638 The Gong Beater
05 June, 2009, 12:14:19 AM
I must say, Cradlegrave has kinda lost me.
It's moving a bit too slow for my liking, even though it's pretty and is written quite well.

Dredd's an awesome bit of fluff.
I'm glad Slaine's over.
I'm warming to Savage, and I quite enjoy it now.
Zombo is awesome, can't wait for next prog.
Prog / Re: Prog 1635 - The Axeman Returns
14 May, 2009, 09:12:38 PM
Quote from: "dandontdare"
Quote from: "ozebane"Takin' ecstacy with zero effects!
What an odd comment. How can you tell? I've had another look at the story and it mentions nothing to suggest this. I can quite easily believe he's off his nut for the second half of that story. Maybe you mean he didn't stand on the roof thinking he could fly or stare at his hand saying "Wow man!", or anything else from the Big Book of Cliché?

He was sullen and moody, and exercised common sense and rationality.
He told his friend to slow down, as opposed to just rolling with 'the fun of it all', noticed the girl before his friend did, and on top of that was sober enough to tell him to stop before they hit her, and then check if the girl was okay once they had.
On E, I doubt it would have even clicked in his mind that something bad had happened.
He also lamented his friend not coming to visit him in prison, which again is a uncharacteristic topic for someone as high as a kite. Think more 'I missed you in prison! You're the beeeeeeeest!', as he stupidly tries to hug his friend.
Replace 'Ecstasy' with 'weak joint' and it would have been perfect.

Ho hum, 'twas a compelling strip regardless.
General / Re: Al Ewing interview on FP
14 May, 2009, 03:23:54 PM
Awesome interview. Al really is an absolute gem in the UK comics scene.
It's a pity he won't be doing any more for UK Marvel, but I'm glad to hear of more novels and Tempest.
Prog / Re: Prog 1635 - The Axeman Returns
14 May, 2009, 03:13:56 PM
Dredd was awesome, loved the call-back to that Meg story a while back. I was chuckling pretty much start to finish.

I'm already sad that Zombo's only got 2 more progs left, it's been far and away my favourite thing.

Slaine was pretty, but not much else. Same for Savage.

Cradlegrave's a weird one. Three progs and we're not really sure what's going on yet. I get the feeling this is going to be a loooooong story. It's a bit groan-inducing in places (Yeah, blud! Takin' ecstacy with zero effects!), but is fairly well written. Luckily, it looks like it's about to properly get going. I'm not really expecting super-natural craziness, but probably some pretty screwed up stuff.
Quote from: "Kerrin"Bloody hell Ozebane, your first post's a Dirty Frank story? Go on man! Welcome to the board. It's an excellent story.

and bum.. as soon as I clicked 'submit', I noticed that Frank refers to himself in first person once. Psh!

I loved 'doors', Strontium_dog_90. Awesome twistiness!
499 words.

Do not recommend anyone of importance investigate.


Dirty Frank's hungry.
Always get hungry before the bleedin'. It's stupid really. Never any damn food.
How does he know? Dirty Frank doesn't know how Dirty Frank knows. He just does.
 "Quit staring at the floor, Frank!"
Cameron's edgy, and for a good reason. He's on dangerous soil.
"mmm,  gritty."
"Yes, naturally, being the floor and all."
"But more than that. Gritty, and gooey."
Cameron motions upwards, obviously irritated. He's so spooked he actually believes the files.
Dirty Frank knows better. He's seen the truth.
Well, he saw it.
"Keep looking upwards Frank. Always upwards. This thing strikes from above."
He's so engrossed in playing action hero that he's not even listening.
"Frank! Get off the floor! C'mon!"

He won't realise the goo's significance, so Dirty Frank don't tell him. Dirty Frank simply dribbles a bit into his pocket, letting the greeny goop slowly slip from Dirty Frank's fingers. It's warm as hell, almost volcanic to touch. Kinda nice, to tell the truth. Definitely inhuman.  

We slowly pad along the crusty underside of Mega City One, peeking our way into each tiny little hovel, each decrepit crack in the near-ancient pavement, desperately searching for a morsel.
Whatever this creature is, it's been stalking the Big Meg for a while. Picking off hobos mostly, so it's pretty personal. Survivors talk grand and exciting tales of glowing eyes and a sentient cape, of gleaming chains thrashing about by themselves and a face, burnt beyond recognition, sat inside the shattered remains of a Judge's helmet. It's vivid, crazy stuff, so I believe every word. No one makes up that kind of crud on a whim.

It takes a couple hours, but a whole lotta sewage later, we find him.

It's a good job I was trailing behind Cameron. Someone's gotta stop him when he runs to the hills.
"Run away! DARK JUDGE!"

Dirty Frank's pulse quickens as presses on forward, swatting flies away with one hand and keeping balance with the other.
Grud, this thing smells. Now that first hand's to keep the outside stench out. Can't mix it with the inside stench. Dirty Frank's spent years maturing that.

Behind a trash can, the shredded remains of a red cape flail angrily, protectively.
Dirty Frank knew it. The crazy never lie!
"Howdy." says Dirty Frank. In the background, Cameron whimpers pitifully.
 "Keep away." hisses the monster through broken teeth.
"I don't mean harm to you, but this thing..."
The monster looks up at me, through the cracks in the dead Judge's helmet.
"It's insane!"
Dirty Frank nods, knowingly. But he doesn't. Not really. It's tortured, not a torturer.
Dirty Frank backs away.
"C'mon Cameron, let's go."
Dirty Frank turns to stare into Cameron's timid little girl eyes.
"We didn't see nuthin'."
As they back away from the monster, Dirty Frank remembers its stench.

From afar, Dirty Frank hears a guttural roar.
Scratch that, he's just really hungry now.