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Messages - Al_Ewing

Off Topic / Re: End of the world?
23 February, 2003, 05:53:04 AM
Bizarrely, there's always something comforting about this kind of story... "Huge Rock To Destroy All Life In Mere Decades!!" or whatever Newton thought would do it. It takes our minds off the fact that everything we know could be wiped out at any moment by one of a slew of hideous things too numerous to count. If we're lucky it'll be a human hand that triggers it and not a passing black hole. You might not even finish reading this sentence. Hmm, I see you survived - but how about this one? Lucky again.

It didn't say what Newton thought would do the deed... I vote for YE WHORE OF BABY-LON.
Help! / Re: Dreddcon Sketches
22 February, 2003, 02:07:53 AM
No. I'm left cowering the the rain, at the mercy of strangers with unnatural lusts.
General / Re: Ant Wars - What's not to like?...
19 January, 2003, 11:21:42 PM
That'd be a problem with it... that said, giant ants have a lot of iconic weight - that insane b-movie apocalypse feeling might make for some massive thrills. And the 'ironic sneer' angle would just look kind of pathetic and sad.
General / Re: Ant Wars - What's not to like?...
19 January, 2003, 11:05:46 PM
This is what I've been screaming drunkenly at people for years, but nobody hears me. Ant Wars was some incredibly dodgy Giant Ants versus Humans stuff, with an army colonel or something teaming up with a young 'native boy'. "Ugh! The filthy little creature!" etc etc... plenty of "Giant Ants? Pshaw!"-type action as men scoffed only to be eaten by the huge ants. The Super Ants murdered the heroes in fine style but were themselves done in by ordinary ants. That will teach them to go against nature! There was room for a sequel, and since none of the original crap cast were left alive it might be ACE!

There's no subsitute for original thrills, but if you've got to bring something back from the past it ought to be something hated by all so you can prove how amazing New 2000AD is compared with the old. How about Angel? He's a military superhuman with a computerised 'enhancement' in his body - isn't that what everyone raves about these days?
General / Re: Can I Kick It?
13 January, 2003, 03:35:43 AM
Good on you Paul for teasing us further rather than blowing the surprise. I'm actually 100 times more curious now than when I started this thanks to that...

Is Jupe main enough?
General / Can I Kick It?
13 January, 2003, 01:50:36 AM
It was revealed in an editorial a while back that a main character was going to kick the bucket sometime this year... early rather than late, I think. This one's almost certainly been dealt with, but I wasn't around, so:

Further thoughts?

(I reckon Rogue Trooper, as it'd be the most unexpected death of all and you could continue the strip without him in a 'Taggart' stylee. But I'm definitely wrong.)
General / Re: I Was a 2000AD Apostate.........
10 January, 2003, 04:35:02 AM
Try like a fiend for those back issues. Canon Fodder was ace. I don't know how the first one ended either and it drives me insane.
General / Re: The Change in Dredd
08 January, 2003, 01:57:54 AM
I'd say around the run of amazing Wagner-McMahon stories - forget when, but early - Uncle Ump, the Aggro Dome, Barney the city hall computer. That shift towards Megacity as a character in its own right, not just a source of wierd crime for Dredd to face off against... plus the start of things like Dredd taking off a man's entire skin on suspicion, sending a guy into space forever because he invented a sweet, etc...
General / Re: Returning to Armageddon?...
08 January, 2003, 02:12:54 AM
Return To Return To Armageddon.
General / Re: best line of dailogue in 2000a...
08 January, 2003, 02:08:26 AM
"Please - let me DROWN before the GIANT SCORPIONS get meeeee!"

"Yes, scream, robot, scream! Your life will be ONE LONG SCREAM now you have become - THE MESS!"
Off Topic / Re: Murder & violence rampage at T...
07 January, 2003, 05:24:29 AM
How detailed is it? I want to rampage around my old workplace maiming all the bastard customers with an axe.
General / Re: prog 46
07 January, 2003, 05:17:02 AM
Mach One got the tar knocked out of him until Sharpe's forces stormed the place, when the two Mach folk joined forces to punch in the common enemy - but only after Zero has a conversation with a T-shirt. Then they stick Zero in an ambulance. "He'll get the help he needs!" smirks Mach One, a good panel before the ambulance is sent off a huge cliff. Mach One realises that The Establishment Sucks in a moving conclusion similar to most of the other Mach One stories.

What 2000AD really needs is a witless dupe to be shot full of needles until he forgets his own name and then to spend all his time snapping the necks of terrorists as though they were twigs and arguing with the voice in his head. And wearing flares. Bring back Mach One!
General / Re: Channel 4
07 January, 2003, 04:06:15 AM
Why does the mind of Wolfie Smith suck so badly? He learned how to do something new with his MIND POWER in every episode. It seemed like every time he was in a tight corner - or even just wandering around like an urchin - he'd suddenly learn how to teleport or attract rats. That was ace. I had visions of him ending up like Luther Arkwright, naked with no pubes and glowing eyes... "Blimey! I'm floating in a sea of cosmic enlightenment, chum - and no mistake!"

Unfortunately despite his ability to do literally anything he ended up getting bossed about by an ugly man in a hat.
General / Channel 4 "100 Best 2000AD strips"
31 December, 2002, 06:08:35 AM
We all know Judge Dredd would be No.1. But what would come in at No. 100?

I say Angel.
General / Re: Let's Have Flesh as a BBC prod...
31 December, 2002, 06:03:25 AM
So long as somebody screams "Noooo! PLEASE let me DROWN - before the GIANT SCORPIONS get meeee!!" then it will be the greatest piece of television in history.