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Messages - Hawkmumbler

Yeah, it's prity much established fan opinion in the Who community that TGI is Yog-Sothoth, as seen in The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. It's also believed that the Animus from The Web Planet was one of the lesser god's, cast down and out of favour. The God's of Ragnorak and Fenric fit in there also somewhere.
I agree, a consistant male companion would be a welcome change.
Quote from: Judge Nutmeg on 28 December, 2012, 07:35:40 PM
I 'd like to city of the damned get the mini library treament
I can see that being on the cards in the next few years.
Quote from: Zanti Misfit on 27 December, 2012, 09:53:43 PM
Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 27 December, 2012, 09:27:41 PM
I've no problem with the power of love saving the day. Just not every day.

Paris, 1979;
4th Doctor: "Romana, Scaroth the last of the Jaggeroth is going to travel back to Earth's primordial past to save his awful race and undue all human history in the process.  Maybe if we all had a good cry, he'll  change his mind"
Romana; "Or we could get all the Parisians to chant your name at the same time, and then somehow, magically, we'll be empowered enough to stop him"
4th Doctor: " Oh, Romana, I'm sorry, so sorry..."
Romana: "I love you, Doctor."
4th Doctor: "Quite right, too."
Off Topic / Re: RIPs
26 December, 2012, 08:39:23 PM
Alas, many happy memorys of Cpt. Scarlet. Never to be forgoten, farewell Gerry Anderson. :'(
I presume the open ending concering the [spoiler]Great Intelligence[/spoiler] leads into [spoiler]The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear[/spoiler] instead of being an open plot thread for series 7 part 2/ series 8 next year...
Just watching it now. I have my reservations over the domestic ideals of Sontarans...but Strax is piss your pants funny at time's. "Sir! I think i've been run over by a cab!"  :lol:
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
24 December, 2012, 06:40:39 PM
Rise of the Guardians with the family today. Surprisingly, I really, really liked this. Wich is a bit of a shock because very little from Dream Works has interested or even entertained me in years, yet here is something that is really quite moody and frankly original. It was a breath of fresh air ad I found myself enjoying it more and more. One of the best movies of the year? No, but certainly one i'll be revisiting.
Citi Def tosspots! Loving this though!  :D
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
23 December, 2012, 07:33:20 PM
Quote from: Skullmo on 16 December, 2012, 01:40:29 AM
Just read the whole of Death Note. And it was one of the best comics I have read, really exciting all the way through (although it felt like it dipped a bit in the middle it was only because the first half was so good). I really recommend this series.
Indeed. Death Note is quient essential reading, comic/ manga or other wise.
[spoiler]I agree with your sentiment that the series dip's after the death of L, Near and Mello try so hard to fill in his boot's but at the end of the day it's the suporting cast (Light's Dad, Matsuda etc) that pull it all together. Oh, and the ever awsome Ryuk.[/spoiler]
I do the same, 2000AD and the Meg in paperback as well as any toothy trade's I can lay my fingers on, a few other trades (Batman-Long Halloween ad such like) but besides that all comics are digital for me now.
Quote from: vzzbux on 17 December, 2012, 06:31:38 PM
He looks kind of sad and worried.

I'd look worried if the helmet pinched my head that badly!
General / Re: The 2012 COVER OF THE YEAR Vote.
22 December, 2012, 11:28:10 PM
1. 1811- D'Israeli 'Moonshot'
2. 1767- Trevallion 'The Big Smoke'
3. 1781- Henry 'God Child' Flint 'Weee Haaave Reeturrned!'
Megazine / Re: 331
22 December, 2012, 10:41:03 PM
Quote from: Professor Bear on 22 December, 2012, 02:37:51 PM
Wasn't long before this that Dredd was fighting a car called Elvis on the moon who was going around robbing oil, so I'm not inclined to judge D90 as harshly as others.
Well put! Dissaster 1990 is better than the bulk of Case Files 01 (Robot War and Return of Rico being the only stand out exepctions to my 'be advised to skip CF01' rule for newbies).
Off Topic / Re: Threadjacking!
22 December, 2012, 10:34:36 PM
Quote from: Professor Bear on 22 December, 2012, 07:09:01 PM
On first dates, never put anything in a girl that isn't a hot dinner.
You could giver her...the sausage.