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Detective Dredd! in "The Crime with a tiwst he never saw coming, that somehow related to something he had done in the past and long forgotten!"(A murder Mystery

(Author's note: I know near to nothing about Judge Dredd, so if I am I make the mistake of changing cannon, sorry in advance.)

As the rain beat beat down on the not so fair city that is Mega City One, our Hero mused the scene. A body lay on the floor, it's head had been turned into pulp. It resembled a water-melon that had been put into meat grinder, more then it did a human face. His fellow law-enforcers stood around; waiting for his judgment. They looked up to him. Everybody did. He smiled to himself at this thought, reminded of how awesome he was.

"Detective Dredd? What do you think happened here?"

"Isn't it obvious my dear boy? Murder! And there is only one possible suspect!"

"There is?" One questioned.

"Yes. Those Darn Blasted Mutants!"

"Ah yes! Of course!"

Dredd had a thing for Mutants. he didn't like them, though few did. Even they hated themselves, so naturally, they take out their anger on the innocent humans of this city. But one thing they seem to forget, is that nothing makes old Dredd madder then when a mutant kills an innocent. And when something angers Dredd. Mutants get dead!

But first, he must search for clues! Straight away, he saw a candle stick.

"That was the murder weapon! Obviously something a mutant would use! Quickly, to the sewers where they lurk, we have some law to distribute!"

All the officers followed him out of the room. Cheering in anticipation for the mutant bashing.

As they approached a known mutant hide out, Dredd un-holstered his lawgiver.

"You boys stay here! I'll handle this!"

"Yes sir!"

He burst in, guns-blazing. The mutants screamed in terror as they were met with a hail of bullets. They tried to run, but no body escapes the law! Their limbs were ripped from the bodies from the impact of the firearm. In a matter of seconds, all but one were dead. Our Hero approached him.

"You mutant creeps! You were responsible for the murder down town, weren't you!"

"I ain't talking to you copper!" squealed the mutant.

"I was hoping you would say that!" Dredd then blasted off one of his legs. "Talk you bastard! I know you did it!"

"Ok, Ok" whimpered the crippled mutant. "We used that murder to distract you."

"From what?"

"We... were planing to kill the chief Judge. But now you killed all of us, spoiling our plan. Curse you Dredd! Curse you to hell!"

"Ha! When will you muties learn? You can't beat the law!"

Just as he said this, his fellow detectives burst into the room just in time."

"Take him away, joe!"

The mutant screamed revenge as he was dragged away, most likely because we all know what happens in prison.

A few hours later, back at the station, the officers congratulated Dredd, and the relaxed and discussed the crime.

"How did you know it was them Dredd?" questioned one.

"Just a gut feeling I guess!"

The end!

(sorry, didn't do a word count, or re-read it, I was writing this at 4am, so will go over it some other time. I wonder if it even makes sense...)
Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 10 January, 2011, 02:50:16 AM
Quote from: MR. ELIMINATOR on 10 January, 2011, 02:35:54 AM
Ummm, I was under the impression, though I know little about Dredd, that his chin was supposed to be something that Zues himself would envy. Karl Urban doesn't seem to have that feature going for him.

Is that okay for you MR. ELIMINATOR, as I think you will find that that chin is spot on.

Hahaha, nice!  Well, as long as he can pull that face for the whole movie, then I don't think I'll have a problem with it.
Games / Neverdead
10 January, 2011, 03:05:32 AM
This is Rebellions latest game, after deserting the fans of AvP. Though it looks like an interesting concept, after the bugs and lack of support of their last title, I doubt it will sell strongly.
Games / Re: DREDD movie tie in video game!!!!
10 January, 2011, 02:57:33 AM
I would love to see a Dredd game, thought not a movie tie-in. They really do always suck.

If they were just to use the same engine and mechanics they did for AvP, that would still be a good game. As long as you were a first-person Judge Dredd, how could it fail?
Links / Re: Ultimate link thread.
10 January, 2011, 02:42:38 AM
This is a site where I am an Admin. For any AvP fans.

We will be updating the forums soon, so be sure to check it out.
Ummm, I was under the impression, though I know little about Dredd, that his chin was supposed to be something that Zues himself would envy. Karl Urban doesn't seem to have that feature going for him.

I hope this movie is good.
Welcome to the board / Greetings
10 January, 2011, 02:19:25 AM

Honestly, I am completely new not only to the 2000 AD forums, but also to the comics.(With the exception of "The Stainless Steel Rat" which my girlfreind got me for christmas a few hours before breaking up with me. So weathe she intended to get me something I like or not I am unsure.)I am very much into collecting graphic novels, and I like the darker grittier ones, like Watchmen, Batman, Predator and stuff like that.

It has only recently occurred to me start collecting Judge Dredd, which has surprised even me. Why I have not sooner, I have no idea, as he is cool as they come and my father is very much into 2000AD. (I think he has been collecting them since they started in the 70s)
So, it's not like I have never heard of him.

So basically, I am looking for the best Graphic Novels starring Dredd. I have seen that there are the complete case files, but honestly I think it would be best if I didn't start at the start, rather at the best.

Can anyone help me out by suggesting his best stories?

Also, I am massively addicted to the Alien and Predator franchises, mainly because of Rebellions latest game? If anyone else is into it, I am admin on a aliens vs predator fansite/forum