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Messages - House of Usher

General / Re: I'm a Barbie Girl / In A Barbi...
28 May, 2004, 09:48:18 PM
Wow! Sooo true - it's what I put on after I got my bombed-out A-level results.

I put this one on before I even opened the envelope for my A-level results, and waited a good two minutes before looking at them. They weren't good!

It doesn't matter if we all die
Ambition in the back of a black car
In a high building there is so much to do
Going home time
A story on the radio

Something small falls out of your mouth
And we laugh
A prayer for something better
A prayer
For something better

Please love me
Meet my mother
But the fear takes hold
Creeping up the stairs in the dark
Waiting for the death blow

Stroking your hair as the patriots are shot
Fighting for freedom on the television
Sharing the world with slaughtered pigs
Have we got everything?
She struggles to get away?

The pain
And the creeping feeling
A little black haired girl
Waiting for saturday
The death of her father pushing her
Pushing her white face into the mirror
Aching inside me
And turn me around
Just like the old days
Just like the old days

Caressing an old man
And painting a lifeless face
Just a piece of new meat in a clean room
The soldiers close in under a yellow moon
All shadows and deliverance
Under a black flag
A hundred years of blood
The ribbon tightens around my throat
I open my mouth
And my head bursts open
A sound like a tiger thrashing in the water
Thrashing in the water
Over and over
We die one after the other
Over and over
We die one after the other after the other

It feels like a hundred years
One hundred years
Off Topic / Re: Garth Marenghi Watch
19 February, 2004, 10:23:09 PM
The best bit from Skipper the Eye Child, though, has to be at the beginning when that male patient was being buggered by a Fomorian sea-demon...

No, wait - it was a giant eye-ball, wasn't it? That was bloody hilarious!

Especially funny was the way they pixilated out the puppet's schlong, and Dean complaining that the censorship had compromised the episode's artist integrity. Genius!
Off Topic / Re: Garth Marenghi Watch
19 February, 2004, 10:17:52 PM
From Garth Marenghi's 'Netherhead':

"That night they did all the positions.

Woman on top.

Doggy style.

...And normal".
Off Topic / Re: It's my Birthday...
09 November, 2004, 06:24:01 PM
A single, baleful eye that sees everything?

- It's Sauron, isn't it? Shit! Hide the ring. We're all in trouble.
Off Topic / Re: It's my Birthday...
05 November, 2004, 07:57:19 PM
Okay, that momentarily freakish phenomenon of the duplicated thread has gone again.

(I must have had get out of jail 'Free' on my mind as I was typing).
Off Topic / Re: It's my Birthday...
05 November, 2004, 07:54:34 PM
imaginary free gift

I mean imaginary birthday gift, natch! I wouldn't dream of charging you for you own imaginary birthday present! I mean, sheesh - I may have a reputation for being 'careful', but I'm not as tight as that!

Wow. How about that. Simultaneous posts split the timestream. Sliding doors! Oh well. Twice the birthday, twice the fun.
Off Topic / Re: It's my Birthday...
05 November, 2004, 07:49:27 PM
Hmm... imaginary free gift...

Alright: (imaginary) Get Out of Jail Free Card. Entitles the bearer to exemption from imprisonment for any offences carrying a carceral penalty. Sentence may be commuted to a lesser punishment. Other benefits include one year's full immunity from all infections and symptoms resembling the Common Cold; and one year's total immunity from waistband expansion resulting from overindulgence in birthday cake and whatever else takes your fancy.

Happy birthday, Matt!
General / Re: Diggle = Blair = Stalin..........
06 October, 2004, 10:01:17 PM
Lawks !!!  I've never seen this thread before.  Blimey !!!
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
07 July, 2007, 12:08:57 PM
Off Topic / Re: ... und es kommt doch auf die...
29 September, 2005, 07:20:20 PM
How many bicycles are there in Beijing?
Off Topic / Re: Celebrate your evil tendencies...
04 February, 2005, 08:47:28 PM
Blimey. That's some message thread right there.
General / Re: Bishop`s other job
07 July, 2007, 12:08:11 PM
General / Re: The greatest comic (never) wri...
17 August, 2006, 05:48:47 PM
Christ! No wonder I don't read many DC comics these days. One might do better just to remain ignorant.
General / Re: The greatest comic (never) wri...
17 August, 2006, 05:07:49 PM
I can't believe you know that about the bats in the batcave either. Fake stalactites and tame bats? That's an affectation too far! But they should really be feeding them on mealworms.

A story arc that doesn't replay the endless round of villains escape Arkham, cause trouble, Batman puts them behind bars is good for a change, but the line about Two-Face being locked up didn't make sense to me. I thought he got made sane and pretty again, and was on his best behaviour. Have they undone that again really quickly and without making a major plot development out of it?
General / Re: The greatest comic (never) wri...
17 August, 2006, 04:37:18 PM
I hated Grant Morrison's new Batman. I didn't see it as wit; I saw it as campery and affected mannerisms. Wild bats do not need feeding, especially not cooked chicken, with chives or without. That's just crazy talk on the part of Alfred there. Unless Robin was joking about feeding the bats, and Alfred was just being flirtatious. The plot's a bunch of arse too. Man-bat serum? They can fuck right off! One Man-bat's enough for any comic. And son of Man-bat is more than enough.

The most witty thing in it was

+++SPOILERS+++ (yawn)

...The Joker getting shot in the face (hooray!), and then the (real) Batman throwing him in a dumpster rather than getting him prompt medical attention. Now that's wit. The Joker should get shot in the face a lot more often, in my opinion.