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Messages - norton canes

Prog / Re: Prog 2384 - Urban Legend
29 May, 2024, 03:39:40 PM
Yeah, The IT Crowd gets a bit self-indulgent this week, at the expense of the plot. I still need to go through the Choose Your Own Adventure pages of Intestinauts, so haven't read the main bit of this instalment yet but loved the little retro one-pager at the end. Lovely twist - well not just twist, a complete volte-face - in Blue Skies Over Deadwick. And with no offence intended to those three stories, the battle of the heavyweights this week saw Proteus Vex come out narrowly on a points decision over Brink. I know the Abnett droid's hab saga is supposed to be a slow burn, but I'm just thinking that seven episode in now, we should be seeing a little more of the freaky stuff; whereas PV, even in an exposition-heavy week, is building up wonderfully to a climactic head of steam.
I don't buy the Meg, for budgetary reasons, so this doesn't really affect me, but it's a shame Pandora Perfect will no longer be around in the regular prog.

(Didn't the Meg used to come with a free extra comic? Couldn't they reinstate that and put all the Regened content into it?)
Prog / Re: Prog 2383: Blood Work
22 May, 2024, 01:07:20 PM
A promising new fifth strip to complement the existing line-up ensures another imperious prog.

Is Dredd really acting much more of a dick than usual? Doesn't seem much different to his usual sullen self. Have to admit I'm not a great lover of the style of the Percival droid's art (though of course objectively, the standard is phenomenal), that sort of soft, air-brushy finish, but that fifth page totally won me over. Will Dredd somehow get Marsha Hobbes killed and claim a hat-trick of female characters' deaths?

I haven't tackled the Choose Your Own Adventure aspect of Intestinauts yet - it was too early in the morning to get my head around that kind of stuff - but it's always great when a script droid pushes the boundaries. The only slight peeve I have with the strip is that it's now so good, it deserves more than to be wedded to the jokey, one-dimensional concept of bowel disorders. Time for the diminutive droids to break out of their gut-based genre? Blue Skies Over Deadwick was beautifully imaginative stuff - perhaps a little bit blunt with the exposition, but I guess that's understandable when you've only got three instalments. Actually this first episode did seem like a complete one-shot Future Shock in itself, with the final page reveal.

And how, just how do you decide whether Brink or Proteus Vex comes out on top? They're both operating miles into all-time classic territory right now, but they couldn't be more different. For me, the Carroll droid's script has slightly shaded it over the past few weeks but Dan Abnett's magnum opus roars up fast this prog, and that spectacular cover might just be the tie-break. Although four-axe Citheronian might say different. 
Prog / Re: Prog 2382: Beware Iron Teeth
16 May, 2024, 11:20:57 AM
Quote from: Funt Solo on 16 May, 2024, 12:01:08 AMI like the idea of ending on a deliberate high note

Absolutely, and also that we didn't have lengthy waits between chapters. The light which burns twice as bright...
Prog / Re: Prog 2382: Beware Iron Teeth
15 May, 2024, 10:21:11 PM
Prog / Re: Prog 2382: Beware Iron Teeth
15 May, 2024, 11:41:23 AM
Yeah it's a thrill-powered five out of five this week, made even more impressive by each strip being so spectacularly different. Interesting quote from Dredd in the aftermath of 'A Better World':

"Forget personal independence. Compliant and obedient - that's what makes good cits."

It's almost like the Dredd scripting hydra's heads are really talking to each other.
Prog / Re: Prog 2381: A grizzly fate
09 May, 2024, 07:05:01 PM
Didn't he get a full body replenishment type thing in the Meg a few years ago?
Prog / Re: Prog 2381: A grizzly fate
09 May, 2024, 11:07:55 AM
I can see them maybe killing Dredd off for the 50th (it would certainly be a suitable epic selling point) and replacing him with a(nother) clone, who to all intents and purposes would continue to be Dredd (but would have to learn the ropes all over again).

Quote from: nxylas on 08 May, 2024, 05:17:48 PMThe Dredd story reminded me a little of the Steven Spielberg movie Duel - a thrilling chase with, as I recall (it's a long time since I've seen it), a somewhat anticlimactic ending

Very much so, great spot. And do we actually know where the protagonist in Duel is going? It's enough for the movie that he's just 'on a journey' but I think 'R&TWT&C' needed a little more context, especially given the prologue. Did it benefit from not having a simple panel at the start saying something like 'En route to a routine check on MC1's northern border facilities, Dredd's flight hits trouble..'? I love a dislocated narrative as much as the next cit but if that's what Rend and Tear... (sorry, I'm done with the acronym) was aiming for then the prologue at the Academy was a bit incongruous. Perhaps the Williams droid was asked to add that because starting the story proper in a 'jumping on' prog would have presented new readers with a leap to far? It also struck me that perhaps Tharg managed to secure the services of R. M. Guéra at short notice, and Rob Williams had to cook up a story post-haste?

And how does Dredd now get back home? All will become clear, I'm sure.

Oh and everything else this week was brilliant.
Prog / Re: Prog 2380 - By Steed and Steel!
06 May, 2024, 10:40:13 PM
^ Re. Proteus Vex, of course 
Prog / Re: Prog 2380 - By Steed and Steel!
04 May, 2024, 02:35:36 PM
Oops, bit late on this. Though we're at one of those stages where the strips are comfortably into their runs, so it's pretty much 'as you were' - P. Vex and Brink narrowly ahead of 'R&TWT&C' and Aquila, with Indigo Prime continuing to confound. The McCrea droid smashes another cover.

Obviously it's not a bad thing to have Henry Flint on the first chapter of your new strip - quite the opposite, in fact - but now it's become indelibly associated with Jake Lynch, I wonder how the protagonists might have looked if he'd been on it from the start? 
Prog / Re: Prog 2379 - Humanity on the Brink...
25 April, 2024, 10:38:30 AM
Quote from: norton canes on 25 April, 2024, 10:29:03 AMAquila is thrillingly epic - that nude scene's certainly an eye-opener! It's a shame my CBR reader displays the double spread as separate pages

Sorry, should just clarify that by 'double spread' I mean the face-off before the battle, not the nudity : )
Prog / Re: Prog 2379 - Humanity on the Brink...
25 April, 2024, 10:29:03 AM
Yeah once again the prog is firing on all cylinders. Okay, most cylinders (sorry, Indigo Prime). R&TWT&T takes a breather but I'm sure the action will be back soon, so I'll bear with it. I get Dredd's motivation for attacking their guide but I'm not convinced he'd eliminate them while they were all still trapped in the wilderness. While Moon is obviosly being shown as a resourceful cadet, it's important that isn't demonstrated by Dredd becoming stupid.

Aquila is thrillingly epic - that nude scene's certainly an eye-opener! It's a shame my CBR reader displays the double spread as separate pages. I'm sure that if I adjust the settings when I'll be able to put them together. Brink is for now just building the layers of intrigue, of course. It's certainly the only strip which could possibly finish on the cliff-hanger "You know we got golf here, right?".

Running out of superlatives for Proteus Vex.
Prog / Re: Prog 2378: Underworld Uprising!
17 April, 2024, 11:39:54 AM
Across. Race Across the World.
Prog / Prog 2378: Underworld Uprising!
17 April, 2024, 11:36:35 AM
Ooh! I get to start a prog thread.

So is 'R&TWT&C' just gonna be ten weeks of Dredd vs. bear - sorry, Dredd vs. giant mutant bear? Fantastic, I'm all for that. I mean, it would perhaps be slightly better if it wasn't just giant mutant bear but giant mutant misshapen rad-beast (a bit more scope for Guera to go to town) but I'll take this.

Shut down those end-of-year polls - Brink is back, again treading the tenuous tightrope between action and inertia. Does the first page, situated in what presumably passes for a meat-packing warehouse in this hab-verse, mean that the unions are again going to figure? I can see Lind would be a great asset in Race Around the World (BBC1 9pm tonight!). Events progress apace in Aquila, which this week features possibly the briefest 'foment slave rebellion to form army' scene ever. Love the cover too, by the way - the two visible eyes of the four-eyed horse beast make it look like something from Picasso's Guernica. And wait! Re-open those end-of-year polls! Despite the additional competition, Proteus Vex is once again the best thing in the prog! Great Skizz vibes from Illlla (that looks all wrong in lower case) Evuron.
Prog / Re: prog 2377: Come fry with me!
11 April, 2024, 11:52:55 AM
Great that in the rare absence of nothing specific to plug, there's an old-school Nerve Centre message from Tharg rambling about bizarre human behaviour. More of this sort of thing!

Nice to see that Moon's instinct to cut and run is already bearing fruit. Nice choice, Dredd. Hale would probably have tried to fly the HW302 into it. Agreed that much of Full Tilt Boogie hasn't had the same manic energy as the early chapters. Would be a shame if it regains its mojo only to conclude. Aquila was great, as ever - is it also surging towards its climax? If so, roll on The Alienist book three!

Proteus Vex is fast becoming an all-time classic thrill. You know something's really good when a fantastic episode like this doesn't even feature any of the protagonists. The spaceship is a barrel. Love it.