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Messages - Stu

Help! / Re: BLOOD BOWL......
11 September, 2004, 12:29:54 AM
Go to and click on The Living Rulebook. You can download the latest version of the rules from there.
Help! / Re: Colour Mek-Quake in
21 July, 2004, 02:27:22 AM
So how big is the Mek-Quake miniature then? Is it as big as the first version of Hammerstein?
General / Re: The back of the miniature........
21 July, 2004, 02:25:08 AM
The rules for Dredd were for 1st edition Blood Bowl and were in White Dwarf 88 (April '87). I had to look up the number, but I do remember them from some old back issues I had once.
General / The back of the miniature
18 July, 2004, 12:17:26 AM
Here's the back.">
General / A Judge Dredd miniature I painted
18 July, 2004, 12:14:47 AM
Way back when Games Workshop had the rights to Dredd there were rules for using him in a game called Blood Bowl. Here's a Foundry Dredd miniature I converted for that purpose. I cut his weapons off, then repositioned what was left of his right arm and rebuilt all the bits I'd damaged in the process.">
Links / Re: Yet more Foundry 2000AD figs.....
04 July, 2004, 12:54:08 AM
Blimey, look at the size of that daystick, must be a metre and a half long. That can't be right.">
General / Re: Pro-Am 2000ad wrestling matche...
19 May, 2004, 12:58:51 AM
You may be pleased to know that he's changed back, pretty much.
News / Re: Foundry 28mm 2000AD figures !....
18 March, 2004, 05:23:18 AM
In Foundry's defence, 4 of the figures are ABC warriors and so will be quite large (if the previous, better version of Hammerstein is anything to go by). Games Workshop would charge about ?9 for a fig of about the same size e.g. a troll. They'd also charge you 5 or 6 quid for Giant or Alpha as they're special character. Of course GW figs tend to be better than these (IMO) and people often say they are overpriced too.

News / update
17 March, 2004, 06:27:39 AM
update from the Foundry website...

"FIRST 2000AD RELEASE. The first collection consists of six models; Judge Giant, ABC Warriors: Hammerstein, Joe Pineapples, Morrigun & Black Blood and Strontium Dog; Johnny Alpha, only ?25.00 POST FREE! Tim Prow has done us proud and so far has produced over thirty 2000AD models, and they are stunning. Send us your email address and we'll sort out some images for you, so you can see what Tim has been up to, but don't expect to be able to buy them all next week!"
News / Re: Foundry 28mm 2000AD figures !....
10 March, 2004, 12:28:42 AM
Blackblood looks all right, but doesn't he have a peg leg? The rest are poor. The original few were alright, but could have been better, instead we get new versions which are worse. I hope the figures for the new Dredd game from Mongoose are better.

Also, I agree that Foundry's postage rates are prohibitively high. Sure, if you buy 8 packs at once it's free, but what if you don't want that many figures? I has certainly put me off buying from them in the past.
General / Re: George W Bush nominated for No...
06 March, 2004, 06:36:35 AM
Have you got a source for this? I just checked the Nobel website to try and confirm it, but according to its FAQ page the nominations are meant to be kept secret for at least 50 years.

Link:" target="_blank">Nobel e-museum

News / No Title
09 February, 2004, 05:07:46 AM
Yeah, the Nemesis game was announced as a RPG.
Anyone who's interested in these should check out the Mongoose forums. There was a press release posted there with more information regarding the turf wars game.
News / Mongoose to produce Dredd miniatures game
05 January, 2004, 03:57:14 AM
Apparently, Mongoose Publishing (who do the current Dredd and Slaine RPGs) are branching out into miniatures games, one of which will be a skirmish level game using the Dredd license.

There was an official looking post on a Warhammer newsgroup asking for playtesters, so it seems genuine. Perhaps this is linked to Foundry's statement about making more 2000AD minis?
General / News about 2000AD miniatures range
23 November, 2003, 12:46:28 AM
Just saw this on the Wargames Foundry website,

"Hot News for 2000AD fans! Top sculptor Tim Prow has joined us to carry on our range of 2000AD Models. Tim has been in the States working for Whiz Kids doing their plastic 2000AD stuff, so we thought we'd harness that talent for you and us! We hope to have some pictures soon. We'll kick off the range with classic characters from the early period, and go on from there. We'd be interested in your suggestions, so drop us a line at Meanwhile Kevin has pulled together our existing 2000AD models on this page so you can see if you are missing any!"

Link:" target="_blank">Wargames Foundry

Off Topic / Re: Blood Bowl
05 September, 2003, 12:09:43 AM
There's also a play by e-mail program around that may interest some people. No doubt you can find it here.

Link:" target="_blank">