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Messages - nick_coyle

General / Re: The Sci-Fi & Fantasy League......
16 December, 2003, 06:50:25 PM
WOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO! Slap on the back for me for winning and an extra big slap on the back to Oddboy.  Many Thanks for the prize. I have sent to an e-mail requesting the Necronauts graphic novel. My address is in the e-mail.

General / Re: The Sci-Fi & Fantasy League......
12 December, 2003, 03:21:57 AM
Holy Cow! I cannot believe I am still near the top! Incredible! Can I pick Robbie Morrison as my Script Droid for next Year?
Prog / Re: 1362
15 October, 2003, 01:53:37 AM
"Tell me that's not next week's cover - JUST SAY NO TO PHOTOCOVERS"

I am not sure it is as there is a Clint Langley signature in the bottom corner. It confused me at first but I think it might just be an incredibly lifelike drawing: unless he got some bird to pose for him and played around with the pic a bit on his computer.
Off Topic / Re: Football and comic
08 August, 2003, 08:16:08 PM
As a Chelski fan I am looking forward to the new season. Not sure how we will do but it will be a fun journey (unless we get knocked out by Zilina in the Champions league qialifiers next week). Good Luck to whichever team you support for the new season!

Has football ever featured in 2000ad or the meg? I can remember 2 examples: Wotta Lotta balls starring Big Dave and a story from a JD yearbook from about 1994 in black and white. can anybody think of anything else?
News / Re: Dredd vs Death novel
07 August, 2003, 01:10:04 AM
No i am not a Chronos Carnival fan. Unfortunately everyone has their own least favourite story in the Galaxy's greatest, and I just thought that Chronos Carnival was utter utter shite. A chronos Carnival novel would for me be about as welcome as kick in the nads. I think Sinister Dexter might work quite well in novel form though. What would other people like to see?
News / Re: Dredd vs Death novel
06 August, 2003, 11:08:41 PM
Anyone any idea what other novels might be in the pipelne? I presume there will be a few Dreed offerings, but what about some Strontium Dog or Rogue Trooper books? Or even a Chronos Carnival trilogy?
Prog / Re: PROG 1352
06 August, 2003, 09:35:25 PM
Being a Chelsea fan I can feel only sympathy for my fellow tooth readers supporting mid-table mediocrity with nothing to look forward to more than the fourth round of the Worthless cup. Still could be worse, you could support Sunderland or West Ham.
Prog / Re: PROG 1352
06 August, 2003, 04:44:56 PM
Still top Overall!? I thought I would have slipped down the ranks a bit a la Spurs after a storming start to the year. Maybe I really am Man.Utd, or will I be an Arsenal and screw things up at the last? Is there going to be a prize for overall winner?
Prog / Re: PROG 1352
06 August, 2003, 12:44:30 AM
This week the Premiership ratings:

Judge Dredd: Man Utd  The standard against which the competition is set. Still the best despite some fierce competition

Bec and Kawl: Spurs Pretty to look at. A bit shallow. Makes you laugh sometimes

Leviathan: Birmingham  A bit of an unknown quantity. Has the potential to do very well. Making the most of it's chance in the big league

Slaine: Chelsea  Beautiful to watch though has flattered to decieve in recent times. This looks like it could be the turning point

Strontium Dog: Arsenal Pushing all the way to claim top spot.Really Really good stuff, though sometimes it lacks a bit of backbone (e.g Roadhouse).
General / Nikolai Dante news
27 July, 2003, 05:42:20 PM
After checking out the excellent Semi-Official Nikolai Dante website ( it appears the there will be a new ND story starting in prog 2004 drawn by the man himself and scripted, of course, by Robbie Morrison.  Have to say I cannot wait for this since Nikolai is probably my favourite Tooth character after dreddy boy


Link: The Semi-official Nikolai Dante Website

General / Re: 1348
07 July, 2003, 07:10:24 PM
This week: the Robert De Niro ratings

Judge Dredd: Taxi Driver
Lobster Random: Raging Bull
Rogue Trooper: Cape Fear
Past Imperfect: Meet the Parents
Sinister Dexter: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle
General / Re: The Greatest Cover Ever: The N...
15 June, 2003, 11:02:57 PM

That is all
Off Topic / Re: Ever Googled yourself?...........
06 June, 2003, 05:13:34 PM
My alter ego in the states is a lead singer with a band called 'Lifer'. One of their songs was on the soundtrack to 'The Scorpion King'. Anyone ever heard of them? Are they any good?
General / Re: The Greatest Cover Ever: Round...
22 May, 2003, 08:46:37 PM
General / Re: The Greatest Cover Ever: Round...
21 May, 2003, 01:00:15 AM
tough choice but....1277