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Messages - Spiritsword

Games / Re: 2000AD themed games
04 October, 2008, 08:26:10 PM
Got my Celts and Romans today plus a couple of Druid type figures from Derby Wargames shows today.

Very nice figures all.

While I was there, i saw a few Celtos miniatures. 'In the flesh' they are quite nice. Nothing amasing mind but nice enough.
Games / Re: 2000AD themed games
01 October, 2008, 11:14:15 PM
After having a goodish look round the site it does seem to be an almost shameless rip off of everyone's favorite Celtic Axe wielder.
Does 2000AD know about this, do they care, do we/should we care ?
Games / Re: 2000AD themed games
01 October, 2008, 11:06:06 PM
I don't know how to add pictures but this one is even called Balor of the.... Dreadful Eye (Almost but not quite) ... CLT-1.html
Games / Re: 2000AD themed games
01 October, 2008, 10:54:05 PM
Those figures do look fine. I shall have to see about creating a few forces to do battle with !

Out of random curiosity, and I know it is a long shot, but any chance anyone is in or near Sheffield?
Games / Re: 2000AD themed games
30 September, 2008, 11:22:59 PM
This is the link to the 28mm plastics

They also do Romans which are just a beautiful. My local games store has them in and every time I go in, I just can't help myself.
Got a job interview on Friday so maybe not long after that I can 'persuade' myself to 'invest' in a box or two... or three... we shall see. =P

Anyway, yes a decent 2000AD PC would good. Something that captures the goretastic violence of Slaine especially Langley's art work, oh how I love it so.
Keep us all posted if someone with more computer smarts than I creates such a thing. Tharg I'm sure would be most pleased.

I personally prefer table-top miniatures games, not I hasten to add GW's BAD Warhammer rules but each to their own.
What I would like to do if I can find a equally minded person would be to as you say recreate the battles from the most recent books. It would be easy enough to make the opposing creatures (I can't remember how to spell their name!) there are mutants a plenty in many different miniatures ranges. It would be the characters that would be hardest, maybe easier just to put them aside and make your own.
On Warlord's website have a look at the Druids and tell me there isn't potential !

It would look quite stunning to have a physical representation of what you read and fantastic to see if you could do as well as Slaine and co did.
It might in fact be better to do it all in 6mm so you can really recreate the OMG there are bloody thousands of them ! feeling that I get from the comics.

Games / 2000AD themed games
29 September, 2008, 09:17:07 PM
Hi All,

I was wondering, has anyone played or designed any 2000AD themed games?
As a miniatures and RPG gamer I feel there is A LOT of potential here for quite a few different games.
I have just seen a set of plastic Celts come out so Slainetasticness is not long off.
I was also quite taken with the old series Leviathan, have used that a few times as an RPG setting.

Has anyone else done anything similar, would be interesting to see how other people have used 2000AD as a leaping block for gaming.