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Messages - updatatr0n


As some of you are aware, Clickwheel is currently down. We're encountering a little difficulty with a server upgrade that we needed to do; hopefully this will be sorted ASAP.

Sorry for the inconvenience guys. Can appreciate it must be frustrating for those who can't access their content at the minute.
Suggestions / Re: web hits
06 March, 2012, 10:52:59 AM
Everyone misses Vincebot and those random noises and exclamations he used to come up with :(.
News / Re: Digital download progs in 2000AD shop
14 December, 2010, 12:16:27 PM
Like W3bz said in his dulcet tones, we've pretty much got Progs, Megs and GN's planned eventually. Exciting times for the digitally-inclined folks amongst you, although you can rest assured that we will always put priority on the value of the physical on-shelf products.

It'd be interesting to know which particular GN's and the like you folks would be most keen on seeing first. We're secretly spying on you, you know :o.
News / Re: 2000AD Podcast ep38
22 November, 2010, 12:47:22 PM

Nice comeback sir ;).
News / Re: 2000AD Podcast ep38
22 November, 2010, 12:37:38 PM
Newsflash: guest presenters disappointed by Karl Urban's big helmet.

Nice job, though :).
News / Re: ECBT2000AD Podcast #37
17 November, 2010, 12:01:01 PM
Ha, yeah! Office lacks a certain edge of glamour now she's moved on, that's for sure!
News / Re: ECBT2000AD Podcast #37
17 November, 2010, 11:08:51 AM
Just thought I would let you know that I've passed on the podcast best wishes to Charley - she appreciated them very much :).

General / Re: Clickwheel troubles
23 June, 2010, 09:28:33 AM
Morning everyone.

Okay, could everyone of you who are having issues downloading any content that you have paid for drop me a quick private message, as I am personally going to be chasing Clickwheel up about getting things sorted for you.

Regarding the Meg issues, I will also be talking to our guys here in-house and sorting out a way of getting the Megs back to a better quality. Seems to be a case pretty much as described above by Paul, and now it's been bought to my attention it'll be fixed quicksharp.
General / Re: Clickwheel troubles
11 June, 2010, 03:21:11 PM
Good afternoon folks,

Right, first off an apology. The issues that you have all been suffering were caused by a problem that, in the end, turned out to be a technical needle in the haystack to find. It has been found now, though, and we are pretty sure that you will now be able to log in and download all the content that you have paid for.

It goes without saying that we're all very sorry about the last few weeks, and Robo-K33F and myself both kept tabs on the situation and kept chasing the Clickwheel people and our own to get this sorted. The problems seems to have been a one-off related to the shop being migrated to a new server.

In any case, our sincerest apologies and hope you all have a good weekend.


Games / Re: Dead Space 2
13 May, 2010, 08:30:56 AM
Quote from: Devons Daddy on 08 May, 2010, 07:41:51 AM
now correct me if i am off track,

i do think i own this on the WII. if thats correct awesome game, 2 will be a must buy.
i own over a hundred WII games, but only 24, XB360 games,this was the one with the space minor stuck somewhere? i get confused at times.
he wore a cool helmet with the slats on the front?

Kiiiind of - what you own is Dead Space: Extraction, the (very good) Wii-specific Dead Space, which takes place before the first one. The good news about this is that if you have played the Wii one then you still have yet to play the 360/PS3/PC version (as in, the 'proper' Dead Space 1), and that's excellent too!

So yes, put me down for DS2. The original gave Resi 5 a good kicking in my opinion.

General / Re: Clickwheel troubles
04 May, 2010, 03:14:26 PM
Righto, thought I should reply to this.

First off, sincere apologies about the subscription issue - we are aware of it, it's a niggling problem but we will get it solved ASAP for you folks. Can't go into detail as I don't deal with the backend tech of the site, but our guy is beavering away on it as we speak. Secondly, anyone who has had issues with this will be sorted accordingly, and will be allowed to download any Progs or Megs that they are due from their subscription.

I can't do much myself other than keep track of it as I am a content monkey bot rather than a tech monkey bot as stated, but I will keep track of this and let you guys know what's happening. But yeah, sorry guys - will be sorted ASAP.

EDIT: mR:sTaG - hopefully the Prog should now be going up every Wednesday, as per usual. There was a little blip when we shifted a few things around about a month back, but it has cleared. If you are still experiencing any issues let me know, and obviously apologies about the period in March where various issues held that up.
Games / Re: PSP Comic Reader
21 April, 2010, 10:58:03 AM
2000 AD are indeed onboard - weekly Prog ticking along over there (we plan to have the Prog catching up with and running on a similar schedule to Clickwheel soon with a bit of luck). There are also a couple of GN's up there too, ranging from Durham Red to Dredd and Leviathan, which is my personal favourite as it's all a bit lovely.

If any of you do fancy trying the 2000 AD stuff out on there feel more than free to give your opinions on how you think they are on the PSP - I'm always keen for feedback, and this is quite possibly the very best place to get it!
General / Re: Clickwheel
20 April, 2010, 04:07:07 PM
Sorry about the delay - we are most definitely looking closely at the issues and attempting to solve them post-haste. Apologies for this - just as an enquiry, are you chaps finding the Progs to be okay?
General / Re: Clickwheel
26 March, 2010, 08:05:12 AM
One final glitch that has now been ironed out - apologies again, can promise that this is the final time you chaps will have your weekly e-thrills delayed :). Prog 1676 is raring to go on Clickwheel now, and 1677 is primed and ready for launch on Wednesday next week.

Hope you guys all have great weekends!
General / Re: Clickwheel
17 March, 2010, 12:32:29 PM
Hi guys,

Right, just to let you know, we have been aware of this issue as noted and have been working to sort it. 1675 went up yesterday as planned; if anyone notices any problems (have already messaged Grant) then let me know, but the files look okay this end.

I'd also like to apologise for any inconvenience this caused you folks - was a bit of a case of unforseen circumstances etc. Should all be ticking along nicely now though, and the Meg is on its way as well.