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Messages - Rob Robotic

Hey, thanks you guys.

I must admit - that first post was a mix of nostalgia and a cold brew. Why is it that comics and beer work oh-so-well?

I'm looking forward to 1650. That's the real great thing about 2000AD - you can just jump on at any point. I've always been a bit behind on fandoms - take Harry Potter, Death Note, Twilight (I'm sorry!) and Classic Doctor Who (talk about catchin' up with that series!). I seem to arrive at the end of each new series/geeky love-in, and don't really have all the excitement of new books, episodes etc etc.

2000AD is so different in that respect. I know I may be a bit confused at first, but I do know the basis of a fair few characters, and I can just settle down and enjoy without worrying that I've hit the end of the series (if that makes any sense!). I'll always have the interweb, and forums, and Wiki (if the need becomes incredible!).

Reading The Best of 2000AD really made me love comics/graphic novels again. I adored the Harlem Heroes strip, and the Call Me Kenneth saga (could be good for the new movie, maybe?) and, I dunno - it's funny how things can just click like that. I guess with the release of more and more collected graphic novels, more and more people will go to the original source of said strips - that, in a roundabout way, is what I have gone through (I make it sound like an illness!).

Once again peeps, thanks for the welcome back.
Umm, yeah - ignore the title, it's been a long day!

Anyway, hello!

God, I really have been taken back! There I was, reading Death Ray, and I was hit by an article regarding 2000AD. It pointed out that there was to be a "jumping-on" issue soon and, much to my surprise, I got all excited - and vowed to rediscover a world I thought I had left behind a few years ago.

I hadn't totally left, I still bought the odd special looking issue, and I own The Best of 2000AD but really, I figured myself a grown-up, and comics shouldn't really be my thing - how wrong can one person be?

I was 11 or so when I picked up my first issue of 2000AD, and I had a lovely 5 year relationship with it. I remember getting told off in class for not standing when a teacher entered the room, all because I was engrossed in future thrills and spills. I made my own little binders, each issue placed lovingly within a plastic A4 wallet. I watched the Judge Dredd movie quite happily, not giving a damn back then how bad/wrong/mistaken it was. I loved it...

Alas, I grew up a little, got a job, found the pub, and forgot all about it. I bought the first issue in the year 2000, and have the 30th Birthday edition, and a couple of Megazines - but that's it... I know if I look in the loft then there will be hundreds of issues, but the loft has spiders!

So, why the sudden change? I miss it, I miss my weekly kick of action, my thrill at great art and epic stories, my grins at Tharg... all of it. I have, in the last two days, ordered Origins ('cause it looks and sounds great), The Hunting Party ('cause I think I remember it from the Progs) and Aliens ('cause it looks fun) and I intend to jump on again with issue 1650 - and y'know what? I can't wait.

Forgive me fans, for I have sinned - may I rejoin your planet?

Wow, that was a ramble - but never in my time of online fandom has one post felt so right. 2000AD - I salute (and have missed) you.
