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Messages - leebrown1990

General / Re: 'Get well soon' messages to Peter Doherty
06 December, 2016, 09:37:51 AM
Swift recovery. Always enjoyed your art. Great bloke, always made for really fun and informative panels at Thought Bubble Leeds.   

Quote from: NapalmKev on 05 September, 2015, 10:12:58 AM


Yeah I'm aware of this. On previous occasions I renewed my subscription and just got the issues I need backdated.

But I'd rather not pay full price for 2 year old comics now if possible... Especially as in the past members of the forum have just said they binned a lot of their old issues.
Classifieds / Need to catch up. Wanted: Prog 1889 onwards
05 September, 2015, 10:09:54 AM
So its that time again when I return to the forums trying to break back into the Prog. After moving around a lot for study work and travel my collection is somewhat fractured but the latest Prog I could find was 1888.

I know a lot of you dispose of your comcis after having read them or clear out/ sell them on a regular basis, so can anyone help me out?

Prog / Re: Prog 1882 - Chop Chop!
21 May, 2014, 12:52:30 AM
Cover: Awesome, Davis is really rokcing this strip. Two beautiful double page spreads last week and a great one this week too.

Dredd: Decent story, something I'd expect from a "fill-in" writer as opposed to Wagner.

Indigo Prime: Amazing, art and dialogue. Lee Carter is really underrated, his figures can be a little stiff but the colors are just beautiful. Loads of gags in there and those monsters screwing are ace too.

Slaine: Davis' art is starting to make me enjoy the story too.

Colony: Decent. Rounds the prog out nicely, I like the 3rillers format a little more breathing room for the story than a future shock.

Outler: Enjoying this more and more each week as there's a little more to the story now. Cliched as hell and the guy who initially was meant to be the protagonist is a waste of space but still like it.

Overall: Progs looking solid right now. Indigo Prime has enough originality and imagination to make up for some of the other safer stories but there all enjoyable.
Prog / Re: Prog 1878 - Strained Relations
19 April, 2014, 06:39:48 PM
Dredd: Quick wrap up, hope the repercussions of this are lasting but this was another great installment,  especially liked the last page.

Outlier: More of the same, that chick getting peeled alive was pretty messed up... It takes it self a little too seriously and the last page was pretty lame.

Slaine: To put it bluntly I think ABC Warriors and Slaine have had there glory days, I think they need to be retired. It's not Mills' writing across the board because Savage and Defoe are still exceptional, just those two strips seem phoned in. Bordering on pandering to nostalgia.

Sinister Dexter: Just dragged out a little too long. Shorter sweeter installments would be better as I do like the characters.

Jaegir Strigoi: Awesome again. The flashbacks worked so well. Really shaping up to be a modern classic I feel. Would love to see this in rotation with Stickleback and the like.

Top Thrill: Strigoi again.
Prog / Re: Prog 1877 - Someone Call a Cop?
18 April, 2014, 10:09:45 PM
Dredd: Great. Can't wait for next prog.

Outlier: Not bad, more of the same but a cool double page spread.

Slaine: Pointless dialogue as usual. Storytelling in the art wasn't as good  this time around though. I was a little confused as to what was going on in the last page and a half, but still great to look at.

Sinister Dex: This has been plodding along a bit till now so I can forgive the rather expository catalyst to get things going again.

Jaegir Strigoi: Now this is awesome. One of the best things in the prog for a long time. Dark as hell, dense but well paced, great moody art. Loving it.
Prog / Re: Prog 1876 - Armageddon to Order
06 April, 2014, 11:59:50 AM
Cover: Cool enough, well done. Just not my style.

Dredd: Great. Ripe with tension and paranoia. Testament to the writing I was thinking "How can this be wrapping up already?" While the twists are fairly obvious and well set up I still didn't see them coming.

Outlier: Again, nothing new but its enjoyable. I think Richardson's art is a little stilted, someone like Harrison would probably lift the story up I feel.

Slaine: Not much too it this week, but great art again.

Sinister Dexter: Decent, pretty much the same as last week but enjoyable all the same.

Jaegir: Cool but looks like it will be getting to the meat of the story next week.

Overall: 4/5 and the top thrill is Dredd.
Prog / Re: 1875 Blood Work
05 April, 2014, 02:19:28 PM
Finally got round to reading this. Totally re-enthused since the new line up last prog.

Dredd: Wagner really is a master of pacing, two issues yet it reads like a slow burner. Loads of tension already, hope he's building up to something big.

Outlier: Pretty cool, nothing particularly new or innovative in the concept but interest definitely peaked.

Slaine: This is probably some of Davis' best work, gorgeous.

SD: Story feels like a Fallout mission, nice easy read, enjoying it.

Jaegir Strogoi: This is dark as hell. Loving it.

5/5 prog for me, Jaegir Strogoi being the best of the bunch.
Prog / Re: Prog 1872 - Worm Food
08 March, 2014, 09:23:05 PM
Quote from: leebrown1990 on 08 March, 2014, 09:10:05 PM
Finally got my subscription sorted and caught back up!

Cover: Big Dylan Teague fan pretty average by his standard but still a nice piece.

Dredd: Didn't expect this to go quite so long, liked the idea of it being hooked on the steroids and the image of Dredd having it eat it's own tail is pretty cool, even if it did seem to go down a little easy. Probably the best part of an average throwaway story.

ABC Warriors: I may give it a read since a few people on the boards seem to be enjoying this arc. But I've been done with ABC warriors for a while. Sick of bland art and sick of a story that constantly seems to drag its feet and yet constantly having a revolving status quo never seems to make any sense to me!

3riller: Can't see the appeal in this.

Ooops accidentally hit post! Yeah can't see the appeal in this, 3 part story you better work fast to make the audience care about characters or invest in the story before a final panel like that. The whole concept is pretty hackneyed to me and I'm not a fan of JD-H's art.

Future Shock: I thought this was a fun little story, and I really dig Robin Smith's art. A good match to the story too.

Grey Area: Holding down the fort for me as the only consistently good thing for the last few weeks. Like to see Mark Harrison stay on art duties too.

Overall: Sorry for all the negatives but I couldn't agree less with the previous posts. Except for the fact that Grey Area is the best thing in the issue (by a mile!)
Prog / Re: Prog 1872 - Worm Food
08 March, 2014, 09:10:05 PM
Finally got my subscription sorted and caught back up!

Cover: Big Dylan Teague fan pretty average by his standard but still a nice piece.

Dredd: Didn't expect this to go quite so long, liked the idea of it being hooked on the steroids and the image of Dredd having it eat it's own tail is pretty cool, even if it did seem to go down a little easy. Probably the best part of an average throwaway story.

ABC Warriors: I may give it a read since a few people on the boards seem to be enjoying this arc. But I've been done with ABC warriors for a while. Sick of bland art and sick of a story that constantly seems to drag its feet and yet constantly having a revolving status quo never seems to make any sense to me!

3riller: Can't see the appeal in this.
General / Re: Subscription: Prog and/or Meg?
09 December, 2013, 03:56:10 PM
Well I ended up getting all of last years back dated and a new sub put through as one transaction. I didn't have the stomach to pay for the Meg too! Cheers anyway folks.
Classifieds / Wanted: Progs 1813- present
02 December, 2013, 11:56:11 AM
As per the title. Stopped reading for a year while I was abroad and now I want back in!

General / Subscription: Prog and/or Meg?
02 December, 2013, 11:53:11 AM
Been working abroad for a year so haven't been reading any 2000AD. The Trifecta finale in 1812 was the last issue from my previous subscription and now I'm looking to renew it.

From what I can see there have been quite a few good series in the Meg this past year, particularly Insurrection. I just wanted you all to chime in; if I was to get a new subscription should I get just the Prog or both? What I read in the past was decent, the odd good series but mostly chaff articles etc.

Plus, if anyone is looking to get rid of issue 1813 to present, let me know! Save me getting them deducted from my sub.

Prog / Re: Prog 1800 - Law Zone!
10 September, 2012, 12:47:53 PM
Cover: Heard some people think the back cover should have been on the front, I don't agree. I think Bisley is a better choice for pulling in the america punters, also shows off some of the old shchool metal charm of the 80's 90's. We had Weston on the cover with something similar not so long ago anyway. Plus more variety this way, rather than front cover & first page Weston.

Dredd: Loved it, mainly for the art, every panel was stunning. Probbaly one of the best looking Dredd stories I can remember. Nice enough ending too, dunno how new readers would take to it. With the movie out a more serious story may have been a better fit, but sooner they understand the range Dredd; how it walks the line of being daft while simultaeously being bad ass the better.

Brass Sun: Again, the art here is fantastic. People would be gushing over this if they saw it at Marvel & DC, one a month. The prog delivers every week side-by-side with other fantastic art. Very intruiging story too, can't wait to see how this ties in with Stickleback and Red Seas.

ABC Warriors: I've never read the Volgan Wars so for the last couple of years or whatever it's been really hit-or-miss for me depending on its accesability. I found this pretty impenetrable, largely down to the dalogue and that fact nothing actually happens or is alluded too. Not big on the art either.

Grey Area: Can't wait to see a story that actually utilises Carter's coloring ability, his arts good, but his colouring is like almost Weston good for me. Liked the story too, simple and believable, the way the Sat Nav works, could really see that, even in like the next 10 -20 years.

Overall: 75% essential 2000AD reading, really good showcase! Still appreciate ABC as another art style in there too.

Top Thrill: Brass Sun.

Prog / Re: Prog 1792 - Cashback!
18 July, 2012, 10:57:26 PM
Cover:Pretty nice, a lot going on with all the taglines, line from Empire and what not. Looks very magazinish, not a word but hopefully you see my point.

Dredd: PJ Holden has been gone aaaages, nice to see him back. Like his stuff although I think this was a little hard to follow in places. Liking Mr Carroll's stuff as always, and again he has a nice back and forth between Dredd and control like in that brilliant done in one with Simon Fraser.

Red Seas: Bit jarring jumping 230 odd years in the future and with Yeowell's art I couldn't tell if I was meant to reconginse any of these characters or not... Solid enough though.

Aquila: Great art, great action. Reckon this creative partnership is a match made in heaven.

Icahbod: Loved the first book, haven't been as enthralled up to this point but that last page packed a punch. Crazy stuff in a good way.

Lenny Zero: This was an absoluet blast, loved all the characters, the art, all the nods to Dreddverse past continuity. Proper treat, had me thinking this is one of the best Progs in while, and that is saying something.

Top Thrill: Lenny Zero.