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Messages - Stuzzle

Games / Re: fable 3
31 October, 2010, 06:59:55 PM
^^ Yes indeed. As per usual, look out for sales or shortages, both of which are marked for you on the map

I've been playing this addictively since Friday night. Am about half way through, am now ruler of Albion...and I wish I had stayed in the first half of the game when life was simple and I only had to worry about myself.

What did everyone choose at the start - Kill Elise or kill the protesters?? I killed the protesters and am still awaiting to see this childhood love of mine again, but I'm told you do see her again
Prog / Re: Prog 1709 - Angel of Death
31 October, 2010, 06:52:25 PM
Patrick Goddard on Dredd!!! MORE OF THIS PLEASE, THARG! Mm mmm mmmmmmm
Games / Re: molyneux is a %£$!**&^
27 October, 2010, 12:44:06 PM
You scared the hell out of me then. Thought they had pulled the release date back or something more disastrous
Games / Re: Fallout New Vegas
23 October, 2010, 10:04:09 AM
Quote from: Roger Godpleton on 21 October, 2010, 09:43:13 AM
So I'll just play Fable 3 over here by myself then?

Not at all mate, amongst my leaving presents at work yesterday are £20 of vouchers which I have reserved towards buying Fable 3 next week as this is the game I have been eagerly waiting longest for  :D. Fable 3 > Fallout 3-Rehashed any time
Film & TV / Re: Martin Freeman is Bilbo Baggins
23 October, 2010, 10:01:32 AM
Fuck me I need to start Reading things and not just reading what I think is there

I saw this on BT Yahoo news yesterday, I only skimmed over the title but decided I saw "Morgan Freeman as Bilbo Baggins", and whilst I took the time to have a brief interal "WTF?!" moment, it never occured to me to go back and check  :-[
Games / Re: Fallout New Vegas
21 October, 2010, 09:35:50 AM
Prepare to lose many hours of your life to this game Zarjazzer  :D
Wow after watching that Attack of the Show interview I ammmm EXCITED!!  :D
Prog / Re: Prog 1706 - sibling rivalry
11 October, 2010, 08:14:51 AM
For the last 3 weeks my prog has, much to my heartbreak, Not been delivered on a Saturday but I have had to wait alllll the way until Monday  :(, so I eagerly await this lunch time to that good ol' A4 envelope on my doormat
General / Re: Cellar of Dredd blog
08 October, 2010, 04:59:22 PM
Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 08 October, 2010, 04:42:14 PM
I just logged out and then came on the forum as a visitor and managed to use my siggy link to my blog, so I have no idea what's up.
Anyone else have trouble clicking on my link to the blog????

Nope works fine for me :)
General / Re: Clickwheel!
06 October, 2010, 08:19:48 AM
People STILL use this, despite the high number of "Clickwheel delay" topics on here???!!?
Film & TV / Re: REC & REC2
05 October, 2010, 02:12:41 PM
100% Agreed

Whilst I haven't seen the English remake "Quarantine", REC was pretty damn good.

I watched REC 2 wondering how they could possibly continue this story without just repeating the exact same thing (I am also open to ideas on how The Human Centipede sequel will Not be the exact same film) however they pulled it off brilliantly and then afterwards I couldn't stop thinking how well written they made it and thought the ending twist was pretty genius and is going to make for an awesome REC 3

General / Re: Judge Dredd Complete Case Files Vol. 05
05 October, 2010, 02:00:56 PM
Mine has arrived today looking all shiny and in it's full beautiful glory  :D

So was this actually a reprint or did The Books Depository just suddenly stumble upon a batch they had in stock and had forgotten about?
02 October, 2010, 09:31:00 AM
Hey once in a blue moon getting drunk by yourself doesnt hurt, it's pretty awesome, party hard by yourself and watch/listen to/read/eat what you want...Least that's what I used to tell myself when I was 18, I've struggled to have any nights alone by myself in last 2 years, and when I do I feel guilty if I'm not doing something productive

Anyway, as I type I am at work for overtime. Leaving this job on the 22nd of October to start a new job, but get paid on the 15th October for 3 weeks of work and it has to last 6 weeks until 31st November :/

Tomorrow - Being fed by various parents/girlfriends parents, and maybe I will finally get to touch my drumkit this weekend. Oh and watching Chelsea beat Arsenal :D
Books & Comics / Re: The Comics = Nerd Factor
01 October, 2010, 03:33:49 PM
To be honest, whilst I have found the downstairs staff in my local Forbidden Planet to be useful when asked questions, the actual customer service upstairs at the tills is nothing short of ridonculous. Even my colleagues at Matalan when I was 17 did a better job of being friendly and welcoming
General / Re: Judge Dredd Complete Case Files Vol. 05
01 October, 2010, 03:27:45 PM
Sweet hopefully mine should be soon

Is that Amazon telling you that, or did you order solely through BD, in which case  presume they gave you a separate tracking link??