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Messages - Pagangirl

News / Re: 2000AD Films PLC
11 October, 2002, 05:30:41 PM
****I guess tax is only a concern if the shares ever actually make a profit. ***

Is that a teeny bit of pessemism I detect?
Suggestions / Re: Odd thoughts
12 October, 2002, 09:53:47 AM

[Suggestions] Re: Odd thoughts posted by satchmo on 11 Oct 02 at 21:53
In reply to [Suggestions] Re: Odd thoughts posted by pagangirl on 11 Oct 02 at 10:29

****, like Terry Nation's Survivors into the megazine as a strip*****

Survivors?  As in the good life with middle class twits and dodgy welsh stereotypes?  You were being sarcastic, right?

Ok peeps, what other axed shows/genres would make great 2k caracters?  I'm sticking with Farscape and chucking in Hercules (the legendary journeys) any advance on that?

First person to say Dr Who gets shot repeatedly by a BBC hitman btw!
I have to stick up for Survivors pagangirl,low budget it may have been but it was superbly acted and intelligently written,it made me think long and hard about the effect we have on our planet,and how bronze age man would probably fare better than us losers if the plague ever came.Thats more thought than I ever gave an episode of Farscape.

Are we talking about the same series?  I mean I bought two videos of a series called 'survivors' from a poundstretcher remainder bin (price ?1.98 for two) a couple of years ago about this group of people who obviously auditioned for the good life and failed, they shared a hippy comune with a welsh rapist and a nutter called 'greg something and his bit called carol something'.  If it is the same series I saw nothing intelligent about it, it had scripts that were rejected by Richard Briers on the grounds it was too unbeliveable and was populated by a cast that that Gerry Anderson would have considered too wooden for thunderbirds.

It was the Archers set 10 years in the future.

BTW, to think we have an effect on the planet is highly arrogant, the planet effects us, and we are simply part of it, just another natural force, the same as a glacier or a super volcano eruption.  In purely geological terms of course, we are a function of the planet that comes into play to pare down the evoloutionary paths to the most succesful species, once we have fulfilled that role we ourselves will be discarded to history.  Party while we are here, we can't destroy the world, only ourselves at our appointed time in other words.
Suggestions / Re: Odd thoughts
12 October, 2002, 09:53:44 AM

[Suggestions] Re: Odd thoughts posted by satchmo on 11 Oct 02 at 21:53
In reply to [Suggestions] Re: Odd thoughts posted by pagangirl on 11 Oct 02 at 10:29

****, like Terry Nation's Survivors into the megazine as a strip*****

Survivors?  As in the good life with middle class twits and dodgy welsh stereotypes?  You were being sarcastic, right?

Ok peeps, what other axed shows/genres would make great 2k caracters?  I'm sticking with Farscape and chucking in Hercules (the legendary journeys) any advance on that?

First person to say Dr Who gets shot repeatedly by a BBC hitman btw!
I have to stick up for Survivors pagangirl,low budget it may have been but it was superbly acted and intelligently written,it made me think long and hard about the effect we have on our planet,and how bronze age man would probably fare better than us losers if the plague ever came.Thats more thought than I ever gave an episode of Farscape.

Are we talking about the same series?  I mean I bought two videos of a series called 'survivors' from a poundstretcher remainder bin (price ?1.98 for two) a couple of years ago about this group of people who obviously auditioned for the good life and failed, they shared a hippy comune with a welsh rapist and a nutter called 'greg something and his bit called carol something'.  If it is the same series I saw nothing intelligent about it, it had scripts that were rejected by Richard Briers on the grounds it was too unbeliveable and was populated by a cast that that Gerry Anderson would have considered too wooden for thunderbirds.

It was the Archers set 10 years in the future.

BTW, to think we have an effect on the planet is highly arrogant, the planet effects us, and we are simply part of it, just another natural force, the same as a glacier or a super volcano eruption.  In purely geological terms of course, we are a function of the planet that comes into play to pare down the evoloutionary paths to the most succesful species, once we have fulfilled that role we ourselves will be discarded to history.  Party while we are here, we can't destroy the world, only ourselves at our appointed time in other words.
Suggestions / Re: Odd thoughts
12 October, 2002, 02:13:40 AM
********Clangers has got to be a goer. can we start a petition?********

Ok, I'll sign, can we have Bagpuss and Ivor the Engine too?
Suggestions / Re: Odd thoughts
11 October, 2002, 05:29:00 PM
****, like Terry Nation's Survivors into the megazine as a strip*****

Survivors?  As in the good life with middle class twits and dodgy welsh stereotypes?  You were being sarcastic, right?

Ok peeps, what other axed shows/genres would make great 2k caracters?  I'm sticking with Farscape and chucking in Hercules (the legendary journeys) any advance on that?

First person to say Dr Who gets shot repeatedly by a BBC hitman btw!
Suggestions / Odd thoughts
10 October, 2002, 05:23:50 AM
Hmm, I have (a probably bad) suggestion.  What with the current sad news of the demise of the truly awesome Farscape on telly with it's plot unfinished and the Creators desperate to continue the story somehow (one magazine quoted them as saying "I'd even do as shadow puppets if I could find someone to put up a screen), perhaps the wonderfully wise and distinguished (not to mention studly) peeps at the megazine would like to invite them to grace the pages of it.

General / Re: The SCRAP ain't so crap..........
10 October, 2002, 05:13:01 AM
Not just a great story, but a great world setup. Could we have more of this story and perhaps some one off stories set in this world, it could be a major rival to Dredd.
General / Re: Durham Red - Better of Dead?...
10 October, 2002, 05:19:47 AM
My thoughts on the current story, the artwork kicks ass truly, but the story kinda sucks big time (then what do I know I loved the dracula one)
General / Re: NEW PROG - 1311
06 October, 2002, 05:45:20 PM
*********INPUT:...But has nobody written in about BISON? I know we are in the vocal minority on this board but surely someone else disliked it? *********

Um, I think I just got Bison.  To be honest, if the rest of the story had been like the last episode of it, I would have been happy to read it.

All the way through the story Bison kept saying 'I'm a good cop' when obviously s/he wasn't, then the last ep and push came to shove and she had to decide she was.  That was it, the journey from bad (in the sense of incompetent, rather than evil) to good and decent.

Why couldn't the rest of the strip have been like that?  Why was so many plot threads dangled and ignored or cut short, why oh why am I still talking about this strip?

Anyway, if there is a Bison 2, I'd give it a cautious welcome on grounds it was revised a bit more and didn't gloss over the plot the way Bison did.
General / Re: Gave Artist's In-Jokes.........
06 October, 2002, 03:18:04 AM
But has anyone seen Dave Gorman yet?
I'm NOT Dave Gorman, are you?
General / Schizophrenia
06 September, 2002, 02:23:23 PM
Hmm.  I have detected an under current on this board at the moment which seems to highlight the growing schizophrenic nature of 2000Ad at the moment.

The problem is that the comic is trying to do two things.  It, like all publications when they reach a certain age, have to face a conundrum.  Do they continue to go with old favourites an hope incomers are willing and able to find out mammoth backstories and history or do they cut the ties and go for new blood.  Either way it is a gamble, if they go with option one, then they lumber themselves with an ageing readership of increasingly hardcore fans and very little fresh readership.  Option two means that old fans get all huffy at the thought of new stories pushing out old faves.

We can see this quite clwearly on the board, look at the reaction for, say, Sin Dex a new(ish) strip which appeals more to the new and less to the old. The newbies love it, the oldies seem to hate it.

The added problem with old strips is the history they bring with them, almost every storyline has been done.  The storyline problem means people say, 'yeah but it's just a rip off of (insert story here)".  And the history problem means that if a newbie queries anything the immediate response is "Just go and look at the old issue Y where X does this to Z.  For newbies this is unlikly to endear them to the comic.

2000AD seems to be doing it's best to appeal to both groups with the oldie revival for summer and some newer strips in Autumn, with only 2 strips having common ground in both.  Dredd will always be a favourite, because he is less a character and more a cultural phenomen (sp?), even he has the massive backstory that needs filing in every so often via strips like Helter Skelter.  And Bison also found common ground with newbies and oldies alike, just not in the way I think the writers would like.

Trouble is the comic cannot go for much longer with that aproach or it runs the risk of alienating Newbies and oldies, sooner or later it's going to have to bite the bullet and decide which group it wants.

Anyway, that's enough thinking before college.
Bye all.
General / Re: Current issue.
06 September, 2002, 02:10:18 PM
Thank you for that well thought out and clearly reasoned response.  
General / Current issue.
06 September, 2002, 05:33:29 AM
Some points.

Dredd as usual good, but do I get the feeling that there is something being built up to here?  We have had a lot of meaty charachter stuff in JD recently.

Sin Dex, what can I say WooHo my fave duo.  MOre of the post modern ironc exploration of the sliding cultural norms of futre society, or just a pair of guys with guns.  Either way it works for me, I think they should get the honour of being Dreddified and given a permanent strip.

Rogue, um nice, ok I suppose.  Not my cup of (strawberry) tea.  Good storyline, nice art.  One for the old timers I suppose.

Strontium Dog, see Rogue Trooper.  Plus I hated the faux norwegian accent.  Almost racist, wold we have an Indian character speaking in such an atrocious style of written accent.

Bison.  It continues.  Actualy I thought it began to perk a little in the last two frames.  But since it's shown promise like that before and then promptly nose dived I wont hold my breath.

Look at that an entire post without claiming any character is gay, I must be slipping...
General / Current issue.
06 September, 2002, 05:33:29 AM
Some points.

Dredd as usual good, but do I get the feeling that there is something being built up to here?  We have had a lot of meaty charachter stuff in JD recently.

Sin Dex, what can I say WooHo my fave duo.  MOre of the post modern ironc exploration of the sliding cultural norms of futre society, or just a pair of guys with guns.  Either way it works for me, I think they should get the honour of being Dreddified and given a permanent strip.

Rogue, um nice, ok I suppose.  Not my cup of (strawberry) tea.  Good storyline, nice art.  One for the old timers I suppose.

Strontium Dog, see Rogue Trooper.  Plus I hated the faux norwegian accent.  Almost racist, wold we have an Indian character speaking in such an atrocious style of written accent.

Bison.  It continues.  Actualy I thought it began to perk a little in the last two frames.  But since it's shown promise like that before and then promptly nose dived I wont hold my breath.

Look at that an entire post without claiming any character is gay, I must be slipping...
General / Re: Questions for John Wagner, Ala...
06 September, 2002, 05:39:07 AM
Q:  Do you like/dislike/don't give a fig about Garth Ennis' strips?