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Messages - beta

General / Re: Johnny Alpha actor
11 November, 2010, 06:48:49 PM
Animated series in the style of Afro-Samuri. 

And shown on BBC 2 at one in the morning, which should avoid any McDonalds tie-ins.
Games / Re: fable 3
31 October, 2010, 04:08:17 PM
You can't sell stuff to traders (for some reason), but you can sell it at the pawnbrokers.
General / Re: Hivemind - the pants of dredd
12 October, 2010, 08:16:24 PM
How could I forget the unfortunate Judge Quincy?!  The moral of his tale.. Never question the lunatic in charge.

General / Hivemind - the pants of dredd
12 October, 2010, 06:14:30 PM
Assistance of the mighty hivemind is duly requested for an unusual request...

Do we have any images (canon) of old stone face, or any other uniformed judge, in his regulation pants?

In my defence, this is requested not because of a strange and unhealthy justice dept fetish, but to settle a workplace argument; namely, does Dredd wear a cup?  A colleague, who shall remain nameless, argues that to venture cupless onto the streets of the big meg would be foolhardy. I, on the otherhand, believe that she may be basing this assertion entirely on viewing the glorious golden codpiece of Mr Stallone.

As always, your assistance is much appreciated.  My apologies to those who I've offended, or made feel a little ill.
Books & Comics / Re: Mark Millar's CLINT
11 September, 2010, 08:50:23 PM
If you make purchases based on pennies per square inch, you'd be better of with Bella or Take a Break.  They're at least as long as Ross's story, and you can get five for a pound.

As I often say to Mrs Beta, "forget the size if it...feel the quality".
Books & Comics / Re: Mark Millar's CLINT
11 September, 2010, 05:58:35 PM
It made me want to hurt myself.

CLiNT has stolen £3.99 from me and I will not rest until I get it back.
Books & Comics / Re: Mark Millar's CLINT
11 September, 2010, 03:18:31 PM
Just bought this and I'm thinking of taking it back to the shop to ask for my money back.

Kickass2:  a few pages of swearing
Turf: ridiculously verbose to the extent that some of the panels are almost entirely covered in word balloons.  Far too long and dull - it appears to be about vampires fighting gangsters fighting aliens. On the first page it takes about fifty words for someone to decide to open a door.
Rex:  Ive read this twice now and ihonest to god have no idea what to make of it.  In the immortal words of Ron Burgandy, it literally makes no sense.
Nemesis: That well know Millar trope of an unstoppable, immoral supervillan who kills people for fun.  Explosions and swearing.  Wanted in a cape. Childish.

There are also several features which look like they've been knocked of in about ten minutes and are utterly vapid, if not a little insulting.  The highlight of the magazine are the nine separate adverts for Kickass and Kickass mechandise.
"I knew you would say that"
Off Topic / Re: Manbag essentials
07 September, 2010, 08:00:45 PM
A towel.

Or a series of other bags, gradually decreasing in size.
General / Re: 2000AD isn't funny
03 September, 2010, 11:08:28 PM
""bam bam ya bam", a says... Or words tae that affect.".   Proof, if ever it was needed, that comedy accents are the way to go.   
General / Re: Slaughterbowl spoiler
29 August, 2010, 01:18:19 PM
Cheers for the reply. I do enjoy a bit of john smith, but I enjoyed slaughterbowl simply because it's completely unlike his other stuff (if that makes sense).
General / Slaughterbowl spoiler
29 August, 2010, 10:09:14 AM
Reading some old progs recently, I realised that I missed the final episode of john smiths Slaughterbowl from the summer offensive.  I've heard that the final episode was particularly special - can anyone provide an outdated spoiler  and tell me what happened?
General / Re: Savage
22 August, 2010, 10:54:36 AM
Pat Mills is slowly shaping the world in his own image.  Its a nice guy really, but god it hates local government.
General / Re: Judge Dredd: The hero or villain issue
22 August, 2010, 10:51:27 AM
He's just some guy, yknow.

Dredd acts (when well written), in a strictly utilitarian way. It simply his job to stop the world from falling to pieces, and the politicians and beaucrats can sort out the mess.  He is the "Napolean" figure, immune from being judged by usual moral standard as long as he, in return, drags the world forward.

That said, dredd's late developing humanity and his willingness to judge his own actions has become an interesting aspect of the character.  

Good guy trying hard in a bad system.

Books & Comics / Re: Star Lord, Toxic! and Crisis...
08 August, 2010, 08:23:01 PM
I picked up a set of Toxics a few months ago in a secondhand shop. Really, there's very little in them that you would re-read, or that's much more than curiosity value.  Quite a few stories were pulled or delayed half way through their run.  Stuff like theTrucker (?) is sort of Viz-like, "look at us being controversial", level.  If a new writer were to approach tharg with the scripts for SexWar or Mutomaniac, they would never get published.