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Messages - CapKlep

Film & TV / Re: Coraline
20 May, 2009, 07:22:12 AM
I went to see this about a month ago, really enjoyable.
I had already read the graphic novel so knew what to expect....very creepy tale.

I'm not convinced by 3d either, it's interesting for a while but i'm looking forward to getting the Blu Ray so i can enjoy it again in 'normal' viewing mode.
(Like radiator, i also got a little headachy at times, i just pushed the glasses up from my eyes for a few seconds and then resumed and it was fine ... but yeah, it can make you feel i little icky)
Dollhouse season one has just finished here in Canada.
I thought it was pretty 'bleh' until after episode 5... then it really got going and by the end i didn't want the season to finish.

I'm glad i gave it a chance.
Film & TV / Re: Jericho and the Unit
01 October, 2007, 01:10:43 AM
I have watched a fair bit of Jericho.
Unfortunately i think it didn't get great ratings so the higher ups in tv land scrapped it.
Cue many fan complaints with the end result that they are going to finish the story but not over a full season.
I think it will just be a few eps to end it and that will be that.
In answer to your question though, i thought it was pretty good.
It gave you just enough every week to want to com e back to.
Help! / Re: Bit Torrent File Help............
30 September, 2007, 01:35:41 AM
Yeah, i'm downloading the first ep of the new season of the office as i type.
They have done a pretty good job with that show now they have found their feet and made it their own.
Just finished watching the last episode of season 3.
Good stuff :)
Help! / Re: Bit Torrent File Help...
29 September, 2007, 11:12:39 PM
I think you made need 'Winrar'.
It works like winzip, you need to download it and then then when it's installed click on  one of the files and tell it to unrar.
After that you should have a new folder with the video file in it that you can watch.
I think you can download an evaluation copy of winrar for free.
Film & TV / Re: Uwe Boll to directed new Judge...
27 September, 2007, 06:19:32 PM
He may make awful films but my opinion of him went up when he managed to get 4 of his film critics into a boxing ring over here in Vancouver for an 'exhibition' fight.
He knocked the shit out of those guys.
4 internet critics who are stupid enough to not research that Boll had been an amateur boxer for about 12 years.
House of the Dead was an amazingly bad film, even the main chick with the great rack couldn't hold my interest
Film & TV / Re: The most camp kids TV show in ...
20 September, 2007, 10:49:30 PM
I sold Grotbags a doughnut once.
She was in full costume at some event i was working at during my school holidays.
She seemed very nice.
I seem to remember selling some to Bob Holness on the same day
General / Re: What started you reading 2000a...
20 September, 2007, 10:47:16 PM
I saw prog 151 on my uncles floor as a 7 year old kid, picked it up and read it over and over.
The last episode of Judge Death was in that prog, i remember not being able to tear myself away from that strip.
My mum made a reservation with the newsagents the next week.
I'm 35 now and still get it delivered weekly even though i now live in Vancouver, Canada
Off Topic / Re: One more RIP ...
07 August, 2007, 07:27:32 PM
Sorry for your loss Jim.

We have two cats at home and i know i'm gonna be gutted when the sad day comes around.
I'm just dreading how my wife will be when it finally happens.
We got them while she was recovering from a spinal fusion. Lots of time in bed so two little furry creatures that would cuddle up to her while i was at work did wonders for her spirits.
Books & Comics / Re: Comic ebook readers
06 August, 2007, 10:04:26 AM
The comic reader i use is CDisplay.
It's great, you can choose to make the pages full screen and use mouse clicks to go back and forth between pages.
If your monitor is tiny then you can have the images display large and then use your mouse to scroll around the page.
Books & Comics / Re: Comic ebook readers
06 August, 2007, 01:24:30 AM
Hey Chris,

I'm not sure a digital photo frame would be good for viewing comics.
In my opinion to make a pleasant reading experience you need the resolution of the screen to be 1024x768 or more.
I had an older Fujitsu tablet (st3400) that had a resolution of 800x600 and that was good enough although you had to strain to read text sometimes and that was on a 10 inch screen.
I have two Tablet pc's now. One is the older Fujitsu st4110 which has a 10 inch screen with 1024x768 res. This is the pure slate model(no keyboard) and is less than an inch thick. very comfortable to hold in portrait mode and read for ages.
I also have an HP tc4200 which is a hybrid (looks like a normal laptop but the screen can swivel and fold over the keyboard). This has a 12 inch screen and is bloody lovely but being a hybrid it means it is much thicker and not as much fun to hold in portrait mode for a great length of time.
From my point of view, the slate tablets make great ebook and comic readers, they are very light and the older ones you can pick up on Ebay for a pretty reasonable price.
My Fujitsu slate cost me 450 Canadian dollars, about 220 quid at a rough guess and that was about a year ago.
Books & Comics / Re: Comic ebook readers
05 August, 2007, 02:14:11 AM
I download them using bittorrent.
Any torrent site that has the DCP comic packs should do.
These come out at a rate of a couple every week (usually) and are full of the latest comic releases.
I just don't download what i'm not going to buy.
Books & Comics / Re: Comic ebook readers
04 August, 2007, 11:07:33 PM
I have an old Fujitsu Tablet PC that i use for ebooks, Comics and sketching.
I download 2kad to read on it so after reading my subs copy i can store them away.
General / Re: 2000 AD at SDCC
31 July, 2007, 08:23:33 AM
Amstor: Thanks for the praise..we were pretty happy with it, it's got a bit more depth than the first one..i'm rubbish at it though :)
Since finishing that i have been helping out on the Spidey title and that has been a blast.

ThryllSeeker: I do environment modelling and texturing. On strikers i was responsible for half of the stadiums.
On Spidey, i'd probably best not say.
Not sure how much people are supposed to know about it yet and i can't remember which bits we put into the demo to show the public :)
General / Re: 2000 AD at SDCC
30 July, 2007, 11:37:11 PM
Hey, Spiderman: Friend or Foe is on one of those photo's.
Thats what i've been working on for the last few's so nice to be able to say that.
Video Game secrecy is so annoying :)