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Messages - rod2402

Books & Comics / Re: 2000AD in Australia
22 June, 2006, 10:32:06 AM
You can ask a newsagent to reserve you a copy. I moved house checked out the local newsagent they didn't get it in but were happy to order it for me ( along with the meg ) and I got a copy every week.

I eventually subscribed because it is cheaper to individually airmail me a copy every week as opposed to putting a big stack on a ship and taking 3 months to float it over here ( can someone explain that to me ). Also be it the non standard size or something, the path to the newsagents would often result in a damaged prog.

I would guess that your local comic shop should be able to order in the trades.
Help! / Re: What price a prog?
29 April, 2005, 12:40:53 PM
KRESTEL - Yes Quality Comic is the one. Your probably right about the lack of 2000ad related GN's. The hardcover Charley's war was in there.

I was getting a lot of damaged progs when I was getting them from the newsagency. Since subscribing I've not had a problem. They come in a simple paper envelope so you may want to check that they can go into your letterbox without being folded.
Help! / Re: What price a prog?
27 April, 2005, 02:17:11 PM
Prior to about year 2000 an issue of 2000ad use to be cheaper than an issue of an American comic. Around 2000 when the GST came in we had two price rises and the GST put on top. I don't know if our dollar did a nose dive at the same time, but everyone saw it as an opportunity to raise prices. Now 2000ad is much more expensive than an American comics. Of course it's better but it use to be better and cheaper.
Help! / Re: What price a prog?
26 April, 2005, 03:34:16 PM
Here in Perth it was $6.35 for a long while but I think it is $6.60 now. Extreme editions are about $13 and the Meg over $15 I think. It's worse in our one speciality comic shop as they get them in air mail and charge even more. I've stopped looking as it upsets me so much. I subscribe, when I started it was a little cheaper not sure now.
General / Re: 2000AD: Too Artsy?
16 September, 2004, 02:03:36 PM

Maybe he is saying he is looking forward the Dredd collection from DC/2000ad as opposed to an artsy collection from the DC/Humanoids collaboration.

I must say the art in the lead Dredd in the latest Megazine was fantastic, very Heavy Metal.
General / Re: Would you pay more for thrills...
01 June, 2004, 01:23:23 PM
I'm in Australia to buy 2000ad from a newsagency, at the moment, costs au $6.60 which is just over GBP 2.50 using todays exchange rate. The megazine costs au $15.20 or just over GBP 5.90. Using the Big Mac index that is 1.9 Big Macs for 2000ad and 4.4 Big Macs for the Megazine. I've spoken to a lot of people who have stopped getting 2000ad because of the price. Can anyone tell me what it costs in New Zealand? Singapore?

I saw a copy of Viz last week and it costs GBP 2.20 and has the Australian price of au $5.50 printed on the cover, which is better than the exchange rate. How does that work?

I imagine the sales to Australia are small and I can see them getting smaller as the price increases.
General / Re: Charley's War
20 February, 2006, 02:13:04 PM
To me the only way the Megazine can justify printing Charley's War is to give Mills his research budget so he can continue the story into WWII.
General / Re: Megazine Reprints - Good or no...
13 April, 2004, 05:37:36 PM
I dislike the reprints of old 2000ad material. I've got it all why, do I have to pay for it again. I also dislike reprints of stuff that I've probably read or can get easily from ebay ( eg Action, Battle, Starlord, etc ) . If there has to be reprints there must be good European stuff that probably hasn't been seen by 2000ad readers. Scarlet Traces and Hellboy were great for me. Combine the reprints with text stories and a rehash of every Dredd story ever and the Meg is the worst value for money it has ever been. I'm reconsidering my subscription.
General / Re: For anyone in, or around, OZ.....
13 February, 2004, 08:39:44 AM
There are Australian editions of Simpsons comics, Mad Comic and maybe others. Frew Publications publish The Phantom ( have done since 1948 ). Other than that there are only a few independents. Have a look at:

Hairbut the Hippo artist Jason Paulos must have submitted a Dredd proposal: then select Jason Paulos link
Books & Comics / Re: STARBLAZER
17 June, 2005, 02:44:39 PM
General / Re: Subsciptions
06 June, 2003, 10:05:00 AM
A lurker with a question:

I get mine in Australia. It comes in a thin paper envelope, not what I would call well packed but acceptable.

Is this the same packaging you get in Singapore?