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Farenheit 911

Started by Bico, 05 July, 2004, 04:13:18 AM

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House of Usher

WoD - every cinema in Cardiff at the moment.

Link:" target="_blank">Here, here, and here:



House of Usher

Good old BBC online! It's funny how useless the websites of the cinemas themselves are.


And....I think I'd go and see SpiderMan 2 first.  Now all I have to do is get Mrs WoD to look after the kid and away I go...It is her Birthday tomorrow so maybe, just maybe, she'd fancy a quiet night in on her own and I'll be able to go out and see the film...

Or then again..maybe not.


Is it the sequel to that book burning, sci-fi film?

Sorry, politics bore me silly.
Did you know Christ was a werewolf?


Apparantly, Ray Bradbury isn't best pleased with Michael Moore for using 'his' title for the movie.  I would've thought he'd be flattered by the place Farenheit 451 has in the popular vocabulary that Moore COULD call his movie that, especially since it covers the same grounds as Bradbury's work (restrictions of freedom and the enforced ignorence of a population by a right-wing government).

Mind you, if you've ever read any interviews with Ray Bradbury, it doesn't seem THAT surprising.
BITTER much, Mr Bradbury?


I like Michael Moore "MOVIES", so I'll probably like this one. Notice I called it a movie not a Documentary as I dont believe Moore's films are pure Doco's they're a bit too forced opinion to fit that catagory. still be interesting though

CU Krestel